Mage Veja

Chapter 207 Destined

Chapter 207 Destined
Kane is a Level 2 cadet at the Central Military Academy.

Although the talent is not outstanding, the grades can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches, and even the determination to work hard is not as good as others, but Kane always believes that he is the son of destiny in the legend.

Why so sure?

It's not that he boasted that he would pick up gold coins when he was poor, that he was the only one who came back alive from a mission to death, that he could kill a general when he went on a normal patrol mission...the list goes on and on.

In short, he is a man who lives by luck.

Originally, he was going to be dispatched to the Southeast Military Academy, but the day before departure, the guy who got the quota for the Central Military Academy died of an inexplicable illness, so the quota fell to him.When he arrived at the Central Military Academy, it stands to reason that with his theoretical level, he would be expelled after the first academic year assessment, but there was a friendly academic bully sitting in front of him...

Kane believed in his luck.

So he signed up for the general plan, and he even prepared to get No.1 in this game by luck.

It may seem unbelievable to others, or even the Arabian Nights.

But if someone checks the usual Land of War standings, he will find that although his ranking is outside the top 100, his winning rate is [-]%. If he didn't hate staying in Land of War, he would even think he could rank First.

That's right.

In battles with others, he can always win with his mysterious luck.

Just send an airship over there to bomb, the first burst of flames will blow up other people's headquarters, the enemy is about to attack, and suddenly there is lightning and thunder in the sky, and he doesn't even need to do it himself to play a naval battle...

That's right, people favored by fate can really do whatever they want.

And the facts once again proved that he is definitely the son of destiny favored by God. The Hundred Regiments Battle came near the two fighting troops at the beginning, allowing him to reap the benefits of the fisherman and expand the troops to 2600.

And then it's out of control.

By the evening, he had expanded his army to 5000 people, destroyed and incorporated 5 troops in total, and gained 5 points. This kind of achievement is difficult even for those students with amazing talents.

So what if you don't have enough talent?
He is lucky.

So what if you don't know jungle warfare?
It was destined.

If this is a biographical myth, he feels that he is probably the protagonist in it. Sometimes he even thinks that he should go to Tiao Tiao Ya, maybe he can pick up some ancient war weapons.

After that.

Just a few hours ago, he was lying in the newly built wooden house and was about to take a good night's sleep, and he did fall asleep.

But after falling asleep, he had a dream. He dreamed that his troops were attacked, and a flame burst hit his house. Then, in the flames, he felt a pain in his chest, and then woke up. .

Kane was sweating profusely when he woke up.

He... dreamed of his own death, but didn't seem to know how he died.

If it was an ordinary person, they would probably only think that they were too nervous to have this dream, but Kane is different. Every dream since childhood has come true, and this time must be the same.

But he didn't take the matter of death to heart.

Because he felt that God just asked him to be more vigilant, as long as he was prepared, he could avoid death.

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows?"

Kane smiled coldly: "I guess you didn't think of it, the whole world is helping me!"

With confidence in the dream, Kane left the wooden house and endured the freezing weather until 2.30 in the morning. He didn't set up any traps. On the basis of 5000 troops, he could simply rely on the number of people to crush him. It is unbelievable that in just one day, no one can be as lucky as him.

Everything is as in a dream.

A flame burst hit the wooden house accurately, and the wooden house was burned into a raging fire. If he hadn't believed in the dream, there might be nothing left of the burned slag.

Boom boom boom!
While the hut was burning, he saw the enemy attack.

"Hahaha, destiny is mine."

With a wave of Kane's hand, he ordered the magician to launch a magic attack, and the large army immediately counterattacked.

But at this moment, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and then he saw a short knife coming out of his body. At this moment, he finally knew what the pain in his dream was, and then he would die next. ?

This is absolutely impossible!

"Kill him for me!"

With a roar, the earth mage beside him launched a sand waterfall. Of course, the shadow mage couldn't fight the elemental mage head-on, so the soil wrapped Vega's body and smashed his body instantly.


A burst of wild laughter came from Kane's mouth: "Even if you are a shadow mage, you would never have thought that my heart is not on the left chest at all, but on the right chest. Fortunately, luck has favored me again. This is destiny."

The voice just fell.

Kane couldn't laugh anymore, because he found the familiar dagger protruding from his right chest.

"Deceitful technique · shadow transformation."

Veigar's leisurely chant was still echoing, but Kane was no longer breathing.

At the last moment, Kane finally realized a truth.

Never try to rely on luck, let alone believe in fate, because when you believe in fate, fate is also controlling you. Doomed to die, any struggle will become futile.

"It's just destiny."

Kane walked out of the training room with a pale face, and he finally realized that he had made a huge mistake.

The consequence of relying too much on fate is that when fate wants you to die, you don't even have the ability to resist, but he can't turn back...

at the same time.

Veigar, who had recruited 5000 soldiers, let out a sigh of relief.

At that time, it was really a close call. If he hadn't learned the magic shadow transformation recently, he might be the one who was eliminated today.

Even though he guessed that the wooden house might be a trap, he stood on the tree and waited quietly for the commander of the opponent to appear, and then used tricks to hide and kill the opponent without anyone noticing.But he didn't expect that his luck would be so bad that he would meet someone with a wrong heart.

What is the probability that the heart grows on the right chest?

According to calculations, it is about one in a million. What can I do in such a situation other than admit that I am unlucky.

Fortunately, everything is resolved.

Anyway, he never thought of relying on luck to solve things.

However, Veigar still sincerely admired the other party's prudence. He was able to set up a wooden house as a bait while gaining an advantage, and let the recruited magicians protect him personally. This directly made him dare not even perform shadow techniques Exercising it, he was forced to personally use tricks to assassinate at close quarters.

After praising his opponent, Veigar looked around contentedly.

First his points increased to 3.

Secondly, with the addition of 5000 soldiers recruited, his strength has now reached a standard brigade, and after a few days of rest, he can immediately form combat effectiveness.

With this standard brigade, is there any enemy in the forest?
(End of this chapter)

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