Mage Veja

Chapter 209

Chapter 209
Based on combat experience.

When human beings are closest to success, it is precisely when they relax their vigilance the most.

As long as you stand at the place with the best view, the commander of the other party will definitely relax his vigilance and give orders directly when he sees the miserable state of the bait. At this moment, Veigar can take advantage of the situation to see who is the commander of this unit official.

The facts are just as imagined.

After confirming that there was no danger for this force, the commander arranged the formation and gave the order to attack.

At this time, Veigar still didn't make a move.

Veigar was waiting for him to send the two mages to the front line because there were two mages protecting the commander.

Where there is war there is sacrifice.

If you don't want to give anything, you will definitely get nothing.

So when the enemy's army began to massacre 700 remnants and defeated soldiers, Veigar still didn't do anything, even the main force didn't help, because the two magicians of the opponent hadn't left the commander's side.

A loud bang.

The magicians arranged among the 700 soldiers began to work hard, the battle situation was no longer one-sided, and the enemy began to suffer casualties.

at this time.

The enemy commander hesitated for a while, and finally sent two magicians beside him to the front line, preparing to end the battle in a short time, because the longer the time dragged on, the more likely it would be for the latecomers to take advantage of it.

But at the moment the magician left the commander, Vega moved.

This time there is no need to personally assassinate, he manipulated the shadow, and came behind this "lamb" without anyone noticing, but this "lamb" didn't realize it, jungle warfare was too helpful for the shadow mage big.

As long as there is no Word Spirit Mage.

Whether it is his body or his shadow, it is impossible to be noticed.

So the final result was obvious, the "lamb" didn't even have time to utter a moan before dying, and fell straight to the ground, and all the soldiers stopped attacking accordingly.

The battle took less than 20 minutes in total.

Veigar lost about 300 soldiers, but he managed to recruit nearly 2000 soldiers and two magicians from the opponent without even using the main force.

The first is to increase the points to 4.

Secondly, the troops expanded again by 2000 troops, reaching an astonishing 7000, including a professional brigade and a mage squad. The overall combat effectiveness is slightly more than a standard brigade.

This force is more than twice as strong as the largest force in the forest.

And Veigar wasn't about to stop there.

In the next few days, Vega repeated his old tricks, repeating the work of luring the enemy, beheading, and recruiting. In less than 10 days, the total strength of the army exceeded 1.3.

Of course, not every beheading is successful.

Veigar also met a commander who was a Word Spirit Mage. At that time, he almost confessed to the opponent, but later he could only rely on the large army to directly crush the opponent into ashes.

in short.

Those who can be beheaded will be beheaded and incorporated directly, and those who cannot be beheaded will be directly crushed by large forces.

Therefore, including the number of people annihilated, he has 11 points.

But today, he also encountered a bottleneck period.

Because after half a month of rough seas and sandstorms, some officers who did not understand jungle warfare or lacked command ability have been eliminated, and the rest are all troops who are familiar with jungle warfare and have certain strength.

These forces are more focused on intelligence gathering.

The remnants of the defeated soldiers that Vega used as bait stood still for ten days. Anyone who is a person would feel that there is a ghost, so even if there is a troop passing by by chance, they will just take a detour and have no interest in eating this delicious delicacy. .

Veigar wasn't discouraged if he couldn't catch any fish.

He took advantage of this time to build the headquarters to be watertight, which looks like a small forest kingdom. Fortunately, the food supply will be automatically refreshed according to the number of people, which saves some trouble.

until now.

According to Vega's statistics, there are less than 60 troops in the entire forest. These troops have survived the initial melee, and are now in the truce stage. No one wants to launch an attack rashly at this time to benefit others.

But to Veigar, it's just the calm before the storm.

This forest is one of the main battlefields. Anyone with a little intelligence knows that if you want to get the top [-] promotion places, you must become the king of this forest. Otherwise, wait until the troops on other battlefields expand to a division, or even Legion, they probably don't even have room to resist.

Whoever can control this forest will have a chance to advance.

Based on this premise, Veigar didn't want the calm situation to last too long, because the longer it dragged on, the greater the variables. He wanted to get more points and control this forest as his base.

So this time Veigar took the initiative.

At this most peaceful moment, as long as a war breaks out in one place, the stalemate will be broken. This is like throwing a small stone into a lake, and eventually ripples will ripple around.

However, Veigar did not dispatch with a large force.

Once it is revealed that he already has the strength of a division, then not only will the troops in the entire forest not enter the melee again, but they will unite as one and annihilate his troops first.

Because Veigar is too strong.

For them with only 2000 troops per capita, Veigar is simply a cheater.

If we don't unite first to eradicate Veigar, the boss, then the final result is self-evident.

So, with nearly 1000 troops paid, Veigar was like a crap stick, turning the originally clear situation in the entire forest into a mess, and the second big melee started again.

Successfully retired.

Seeing the melee unfold again, Veigar returned to headquarters with his troops.

Now he only needs to wait for the number of troops in the forest to drop by half again, then he can release the main force and become the real king of the forest with the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

The second melee ended 10 days later.

Although the number of troops in the entire forest dropped by about half as Vega expected, and the most powerful army was directly attacked by a group and wiped out on the spot, but one thing disrupted Vega's overall plan.

His headquarters were discovered.

If it was only discovered, Veigar would not be frowning.

Because people are animals that are suspicious of each other, it is impossible to unite to attack him. As long as there are no more than 10 allied troops, he is not afraid of anyone's attack at all.


Something completely unreasonable happened. I don't know which bastard managed to get the remaining 40 troops to give up their hatred and form an alliance, and they all rushed towards him, obviously wanting to get him out first.

How many people are there in 40 troops?
A total of 64000 people are more than five times his total strength.

Veigar now really wants to know who has such a great prestige that he can make the commanders of 40 troops voluntarily trust him. Even he himself cannot do this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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