Mage Veja

Chapter 21 Mission must reach

Chapter 21 Mission must reach
Kareni North District, East Street.

The two first-class soldiers walked towards the barracks at an unhurried pace.

It is only 10 minutes away from the military camp. They are very familiar with this road, because they will buy delicious bread for the captain at this time every day and return to the military camp.

In normal times, a 10-minute journey is fleeting.

But today is extraordinarily long. The Iron Cross and secret letter in their hands told them that even at the cost of their lives, these two things must be handed over to the 7th Division, 2nd Brigade and 3rd Regiment. They shouldered a huge mission.

The bigger the mission, the bigger the risk.

The two from the boot camp were acutely aware that there were several stalkers around, and this time they hurried out without any weapons. If they fought recklessly, they might suffer a big loss.

In order to avoid being attacked, they deliberately chose the main road.

Although it is only 5 minutes away from the military camp, the problem still arises. There is an empty alley in front of them. If they want to go back to the military camp, they must pass through this alley, and the other party will naturally choose this alley if they want to launch an attack. Hands in the alley.

To enter or not to enter?
Military orders are like mountains, and missions must be fulfilled.

The two looked at each other, picked up two sticks from the side of the road, took a deep breath and stepped into the alley.

Da da da--

When the two walked halfway, they were already surrounded by groups.

"1, 2, 3...12."

The tall corporal Colin grinned loudly and said: "Finnick, it seems that the mission on us is more important than we imagined, you have to fix things, I will open the way for you later, may the glory of the empire be with you."

The burly Finnick patted the place on his heart and assured him: "The secret letter has been hidden here. The letter is with the people, and the letter is dead. Everything is for the glory of the empire."

The battle begins.

Colin took the lead in the charge, and rushed towards the people holding weapons in front of them with a brave face.

Although everyone in the United Kingdom was holding weapons, they only chose to stop Colin as if they were desperately trying to protect their companions from coming out of here, and their focus fell entirely on Finnick who was carrying a secret letter behind him.

Their task is only to get the secret letter suspected of the map. Instead of spending a lot of effort to deal with Colin who has no secret letter, it is better to spend a lot of effort to stop Finnick who hides the secret letter behind.

Finnick is in a doomsday situation, but he doesn't panic.

"Scrap, remember for me, Laozi is the Imperial Army from the Imperial Boot Camp!"

Finnick leaned forward and back with a smile, because he saw that his comrade-in-arms Colin had completely rushed out of the encirclement.

At the same time, this smile is also the last smile of Finnick's life. Under the siege of the crowd, after all, two fists are no match for four hands, and a spear is easily sent into his abdomen.

"All for the glory of the empire!"

Finnick's final roar resounded all around. Colin, who had already rushed out of the alley, paused, and then rushed towards the barracks at a faster speed without looking back. Tears were dripping from his red eyes.

"May the glory of the Empire be with you."

This is the task of facing 100% death, and Colin wishes his comrades can return safely.

"All for the glory of the empire."

This is a signal to take the lead in the charge knowing that there is always night ahead.

The real secret letter is naturally hidden in the escaped Colin, and Finnick is only acting as a bait and cover.

And the previous few words were purely to confuse the enemy. The enemy was obviously fooled and didn't make any effort to deal with Colin, allowing Colin with the secret letter to easily break through the encirclement.


Bakery backyard.

Veigar sentenced the three to death.

Although Carlo has saved his life, Vega has already stopped the loss for the opponent within his own ability, and Carlo and Cabin want to be greedy and ungrateful, so it's no wonder he is ungrateful.

He is not the Buddha who saves the suffering.

He is just a traveler who wants to live in a smooth sailing life. As long as his interests are not violated, he doesn't mind being friendly with everyone. Even if the other party is a commoner, a spy... or even a beggar, he will give them a friendly smile. .

But to infringe upon his interests is another matter.

The magic surged.

Vega jumped up, and landed beside Kadi behind them like a light bird. The dagger in his hand was not messy at all. Kadi couldn't even utter an exclamation, his heart had already stopped beating, and he was the only one who couldn't close it. There was still a look of fear in his eyes.

"Principal Kadi has been confirmed serving time."

Veija said to the video crystal: "Corporal Vega, corporal of the 7th Division, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Regiment of the Executor Third Army, the backup is complete."

"Cardy, Cardy?"

Carlo and Carbin panicked and ran to Kadi, who was dying of breath, and stretched out their trembling hands to feel the breath gently. When they couldn't feel any breath, Carbin nearly passed out.

"Kill you, I will kill you!!"

Carlo seemed to be madly attacking Vega not far away.


Carlo was knocked to the ground with an easy punch, and his feet were on his chest, making him unable to move.

Veigar slowly raised the dagger in his hand.


Vega looked at the eyes filled with anger at his feet and said: "A sage I admire once said, I would rather teach me to betray the world than to teach the world to defeat me. I still can't reach his level, and even Holding the risk of being retaliated by you, I prepared to let you die, but if you choose this dead end, you can’t blame me.”

Knife up and down.

Carlo's breath of life has also disappeared.

After confirming that Carlo was dead, Vega recorded: "The chief criminal's brother, Carlo, has been confirmed to serve his sentence. The executor is Vega, a corporal of the 7th Division, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Regiment of the Third Army, and the backup is complete."

Hearing the voice that seemed to be the god of death, Carbin had already collapsed.

The death of his two sons almost destroyed his consciousness, leaving only endless hatred in his eyes.

This kind of madness is the last sliver of sanity burned out, even if the opponent is an unrivaled demon, he dares to attack.

Carbine attacked with his bare hands.

A mayfly shakes a tree, and a mantis turns into a cart?
Veigar will not pity the other party because the other party is weak, because no matter in which world, all powerlessness is due to the lack of ability of the person involved, and weakness itself is a kind of mistake.


Veigar raised the cold dagger in his hand.

He has gradually fallen in love with the feeling of harvesting life, because every time he harvests a life, he can feel the power in his body become stronger, this feeling of fulfillment is unstoppable.

Knife up and down.

If there is no accident, it can be sent to Carbeen's heart in less than a second.

That is at this time.

Attracted by the sound, Liya, who happened to see this scene, hastily stopped her and said, "Xiao Wei, stop!"

The dagger stopped 1 centimeter from the chest.

 Thank you for the 500 rewards from 'Saint Ernst' and the 0 rewards from 'Undead Conjurer', '[-] Wind o' and 'Eternal Supreme Xiaobai'.

(End of this chapter)

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