Mage Veja

Chapter 213 Solicitation

Chapter 213 Solicitation
Imperial Seventh Army.

This is one of the armies stationed in the eastern region of the empire, bordering the Holy Dynasty.

The Seventh Army has 15 standard divisions under its jurisdiction, with a total of 24 troops. It is also the largest army in the eastern region. Due to its large number of troops, this army is also extremely short of officers.

Of course, the lack here refers to middle and high-level officers.

Probably due to the good relationship between the Holy Dynasty and the Empire, the border is very peaceful, so many officers who want to gain military merits, get promoted and make a fortune don't like to go to the eastern region, and it was even called an officer's nursing home for a while.

In the Central Military Academy.

For the third-level students who are about to graduate, only the students with the worst grades will apply to go to the Seventh Army.

Therefore, this general plan was largely facilitated by the Seventh Army. Whether it was the funding for the entire plan, the rank of general, or the position of commander of the independent brigade, they all came from the generous Seventh Army.

It is necessary to discuss how much the Seventh Army attaches importance to the general's plan.

Then just from the fact that the Seventh Army sent Lieutenant General Escal, the chief of staff of the General Staff, to the imperial capital to supervise the entire planning process, it can be seen that the Seventh Army is already eager for talents.

This time plan.

In addition to the position of general, the Seventh Army has also provided many important positions. This is to change the blood of the middle ranks of the army. They are not short of military expenses or positions, but they are extremely short of talents from the Central Military Academy.

As for the Southeast Military Academy in their hometown?
Of course, Escal looked down on those officers who only talk about war on paper. In addition, the entire east is too peaceful, and there is no opportunity for military training. When a war really starts, do you expect those officers who graduated from the Southeast Military Academy to win the victory? ?

Therefore, the officers of the Central Military Academy are the first choice.

The officers here have been trained in the land of war for three full years, and they are also officers who have really experienced actual combat. Only such officers can provoke the leader when the war comes.

And with the end of the general's first phase of the Hundred Regiment Battle, when Escal repeatedly checked the winning process of the top [-] in the review room, he already had the first unavoidable goal——

a child!
Although he still doesn't know the officer's name, and he doesn't know how a 12-year-old kid got into the Central Military Academy, but this doesn't affect his extreme appreciation for the kid.

When I saw the child's winning video for the first time, I was amazed.

With a force of 1 versus 6, the opponent was still an officer who cheated with his own background. This 12-year-old boy actually used absolutely incredible means to win this victory abruptly and without a single soldier.

How would you describe this war?
In Escal's opinion, this war is enough to deserve the "War of Miracles".

Although he didn't want to admit that his skills were inferior to others, if he was in command of this war, then what he was thinking of was definitely not how to win the war, but to immediately lead the troops out of the forest.

First of all, there is no comparison between a force of 1 and a force of 6, and the opponent has 40 experienced commanders. In a large-scale war, the importance of commanders is self-evident.

But it is such a desperate situation.

But he still won, and it wasn't a tragic victory, but a crushing game.

What else can he say, this kind of commanding ability is not to mention the middle-level officers who have exhausted the group army and waited to die, even compared to those generals.

"I want to get him!"

Escal no longer had the heart to accompany these old antiques of the Military Research Institute to continue watching the video for the second time. As soon as he patted the table, he stood up and walked towards the door. .

Escal's big commotion didn't alarm anyone else at all.

At this time, all the officers of the Imperial Military Research Institute were still immersed in Vega's command and operations, especially when the war broke out, Neville's stupid sentence of "today's wind is very noisy" almost made them laugh speak out.

Is this really after the general?

Contrary to Neville who was in charge of making jokes, Vega's fire attack strategy has already amazed all the generals here. Turning defeat into victory in this way is completely an art.

This kind of artistic war is enough to be included in textbooks.

Some of the major generals even proposed to give Vejaan the title of Father of Fire Attack, but considering that this tactic had not yet been considered in actual warfare, it was directly rejected by several other generals.

But this does not prevent them from wanting to get to know Vega better.

So the generals who watched the video turned their gazes to Lieutenant General Tiers who was huddled in the back and was about to flee——


Coffee shop in the military academy.

Lieutenant General Eskar and Vega sat opposite each other, with a cup of coffee in front of them.

The black coffee without sugar was placed in front of Escal, but he didn't take a sip because he was busy looking at Vega's personal information. Vega's was a cappuccino with sugar and milk, which had obviously bottomed out.

Just when Vega was fidgeting.

Eskar finally put down the information in his hand, and then looked at Veigar with fiery eyes.

How to describe that look...

Veigar thought about it carefully, probably like a "hungry wolf" who hasn't seen a woman in more than ten years.

Escal said excitedly according to the script: "The Wings of the Empire, the father of guerrilla warfare, the command experience of a million-level army, the surname Kareni, the first airborne division of the first army that destroyed the kingdom... plus the previous plan of fire attack, Are you really a 12-year-old kid, a captain with less than two years of military experience?"

"If there are no mistakes in the information, I think it probably is." Veigar replied very "obediently".

Escal was taken aback, then laughed heartily and said, "Captain, are you interested in graduating early and working in our Seventh Army? I can assure you that you will be promoted to Brigadier General before you are 20 years old."

He didn't immediately agree, nor did he immediately deny it.

Veigar hesitated.

It is definitely a very tempting condition to be guaranteed the position of general within 8 years, because the risk is too great to get the No.1 of the general plan, and both Vega and Escal know this very well.

To ask why?
Because of Vega's outstanding performance this time, he only ranked 19th.

Those third-level students in elite subjects with extremely solid foundations can almost cover everything in conventional combat. The elite subjects of the Central Military Academy are not a joke, and the combination of theoretical precipitation and actual combat for three years must not be underestimated.

If there is no random map that you are good at next.

Once a regular battle starts with those third-level elite subjects, Veigar thinks that the chance of victory is no more than 3%.

in short.

Although the general's plan has quick results and high gold content, it is extremely risky, and Escal's promise is much safer. As long as he waits patiently for eight years, he can directly become a high-level military officer of the empire.

So, accept or reject?
(End of this chapter)

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