Mage Veja

Chapter 224 Audit Team Meeting

Chapter 224 Audit Team Meeting

Teaching building, office.

Veigar was invited by Tiers after the game and came to his office.

"Major, well done, so beautiful!"

When Tiers saw Vega walk into the office, he stood up excitedly, and even poured a cup of coffee for Vega himself: "In the beginning, my biggest expectation for you is to advance to the third stage, give me a long face, after all You are the only Grade 1 student who advanced. But I never thought that you could do this, the expressions of those generals at that time, hahaha."

Tiers sat across from Vega carelessly.

He didn't show the airs of a general at all, with an informal look: "You can still do this when the parameters are wrong. There is no doubt about your commanding ability, but don't be complacent. The third stage In siege warfare your opponent will no longer be commanding stiff machines, but other good commanders."

"Remember the instruction of the commander."

Veigar quickly thanked him, which was tantamount to indirect disclosure of part of the third-stage information, but a sentence in it also attracted Veigar's attention: "Excuse me, sir, what is wrong with the parameters you mentioned?"

"Huh? It's my fault that I forgot to tell you."

Tiers slapped his head and said: "According to the original plan, the virtual troops in the second stage are only 20 soldiers, but the field of war where you are located has increased to 30 soldiers due to parameter errors."


It was only then that Vega realized that it wasn't Tiers' intention to trick him. It turned out that an accident had caused the attack force to increase to 30. The opponent this time was a virtual force with a stiff command ability, otherwise...

"The review team will give you an answer to this matter."

Tiers sighed and said, "But I want to remind you that you should never raise any objections to the answers given by the review team. As for the reasons, you can go back and savor it carefully."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, you go back and prepare for the third stage."

Tiers issued a deportation order: "The third stage will start in about half a month. It is already very good for you to be able to get here. Your foundation is not solid, and it may be difficult to go up. The third stage will be considered a failure. , You are honored even though you are defeated."

After saluting, Veigar left the office.

Even if Tiers didn't remind him, Veigar would not question the answer given to him by the review team.

Because he is a soldier, what the empire needs are officers who obey orders, not politicians who question or even refute the decisions of their superiors.If he doesn't accept the answer given by the audit team, the evaluation he has accumulated with great difficulty will not only be wasted, but even have a negative impact, so he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Misfortune and fortune depend on.

And strictly speaking, this matter is not a bad thing. The extra 10 troops not only did not make him eliminated, but indirectly helped him raise his evaluation to an unprecedented level. Now the senior management of the entire academy is estimated to be only a few. The Star Admiral doesn't know his name yet.

So two days later, he received a reply from the review team.

This report is [-] words long, not to mention compiled word by word, even if you read it carefully, it will take a few minutes. At the end of the reading, Vega found that the writer of the report was Kafyn Dalber who was in charge of parameter adjustment Major General Ge.

"Kaffine Dahlberg?"

Veigar read a sentence silently, but in the end he still didn't remember who this person was, but he didn't forget about it either.

This time the parameter error seemed accidental, but Veigar still kept an eye out, because there may be many coincidences in this world, but even if it is a coincidence, it must not be ignored.

With the end of the second phase of the general plan, Veigar also ushered in an exclusive rest day.

There are 3 full days for this rest day, but he is not going to go to the land of war to continue training. The first is of course because he does not know the specific content of the third stage, and the second is that he has another more important thing. Something to do - find the Awakening Potion.

Vega, who has already ranked the sequence of improving his strength ahead of his status, of course doesn't want to wait any longer. Regardless of whether there is anything he wants in the Free Trade Zone of the Professional Union, he is ready to find out.

After completing the formalities, walk out of the school gate.

Veigar didn't go to the trade union immediately, because he also remembered that Tiers reminded that there were too many fakes in the free trade zone, and it was best to find a knowledgeable person as a staff.

As for who knows the market better?
Vega immediately thought of his cheap fiancée, Cherise Rodney. Anyway, she is also from a merchant family, so she is very handy in identifying fakes, so he first went to the Rodney family.


Review team meeting room.

This is the first meeting two days after the end of the second phase of the general plan. The main content of the meeting room is to discuss the siege warfare of the third phase. As for the specific implementation method of the siege warfare, it is also very simple and clear.

This time the strength of each commander was increased to an army of 10 men.

As for the mission goal of the siege battle - 404 medium-sized cities in the empire's territory!
The land of war will restore the empire's tens of millions of square kilometers of land. Each city will be garrisoned by a division of virtual soldiers. 50 contestants will be randomly sent to various locations in the empire. They need to defeat the virtual troops. In the half-year battle The top 5 who occupy the most cities will be eligible for promotion.

10:1 is the promotion ratio of the third stage of the general plan.

This was also the real reason why Tiers had no hope of Veigar's promotion. Besides, the real enemies in this battle for the city were not the virtual soldiers defending the city, but the contestants who needed to be wary the most.

"These are the arrangements for the third stage."

The leader of the review team glanced at the crowd, then looked at Kafuin and said, "Major General Kafuin, I don't want the wrong parameters to appear again in the third stage, otherwise you can explain it to the principal yourself."

"Hmph, of course I know that." Cave nodded with a gloomy face.

He squinted his eyes and looked around, and found that everyone was watching his jokes. This time he was humiliated, but he didn't think about blaming his son in the past, but instead held Vega in a grudge.

"Let's end the meeting then."

The team leader left the meeting room after speaking, followed by the humiliated Kafyn.

When the two left, the generals in the conference room surrounded Tiers: "Tiers, you old bastard, have you conveyed my invitation to Major Vega? Our 17th Army is willing to pay a regular brigade level position."

"Our 27th Army is willing to pay a 5-year guarantee for the position of colonel and deputy division."

"And me, and me..."

The generals aggressively questioned why Tiers had not received a reply to the invitation a few days ago, but Tiers put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water: "Vega is my student, and of course he will be a student after graduation. Staying in the Central Army, how could I help you competitors to convey my wishes, thanks to the fact that you still believed my words, hahaha."

"Tiers, you bastard!"

"Labor and capital can't spare you bastard."

"Don't even think about going out of this door today."


When everyone was attacking Tiers, Lieutenant General Escal of the Seventh Army glanced at Tiers gloatingly, and then said slowly: "Everyone, as well as Lieutenant General Tiers, where do I advise you to come back?" Where to go, I am not afraid to tell you that the conditions that our Seventh Army is willing to give are 8 years to guarantee the rank of brigadier general and the position of commander of the independent brigade at the division level."


The whole meeting room suddenly fell silent, and then they all looked at Escal.

Including Tiers, Escal almost laughed out loud with the look of seeing a ghost on their faces, but he still waved his sleeves smartly, and left the conference room directly, leaving only the room full despair.

"A group of ground turtles, hahaha."

Escal laughed loudly after he came out. Although Veigar also rejected his terms, of course he would not say it outright. Using this lie to kill his competitors would be the best strategy.

At that time, after Veigar was defeated in the third stage.

The other generals who couldn't come up with an equivalent bargaining chip naturally didn't have the courage to talk to Vega in detail, and Vega, who had no choice, could only choose him, and he didn't even have to pay for the position of general.

In terms of playing tricks, he is a general who was born as a staff officer!
It's ridiculous that a group of local turtles still want to compete with him for talent?

(End of this chapter)

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