Mage Veja

Chapter 239

Chapter 239
The civil war begins.

This time there are 4 officers participating, and the remaining 3 are all third-level students who are about to graduate. As long as they can pass the national war, it means that the position of general has been locked in advance.

Because the promotion ratio is 4:1.

Only one of the 4 people can advance to the final battle of the generals.

The most important thing is that there is no time limit for this war. When the total occupancy of medium-sized and above cities in any country drops to 1%, it means that the country has been defeated and will be eliminated automatically.

One enters the land of war.

The war between the four countries did not start immediately, but they each learned about the situation in their own country.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

Veigar learned that the country's area is only about half the size of the empire. There are about 315 medium-sized cities, 10 of which are super heavy cities with crystal hubs, but there are no war colossi like the imperial capital.

Because the general plan only assesses war.

Therefore, the military resources of each country will be automatically refreshed in each major city. The country has a total of about 400 million main troops, including local troops stationed in cities and group army troops participating in the war as the main force.

Each group army has about 16 people, with 7-10 standard divisions and an aviation brigade under its jurisdiction. Of course, there are also large-scale group armies with a total strength of more than 24 and small and medium-sized group armies with a total strength of about 6 and no aviation troops.

From oneself to others, the other three countries are also similar.

After learning about the distribution of troops, Vega looked at the participating map. He found that this map was simply a condensed version of the Jialan Continent. The country he was in was densely covered with mountains and forests, and relatively few plains. It was an inland country .

Seeing this, Veigar frowned.

Being a landlocked country means that he will be surrounded by enemies in all directions. If the other three countries attack together, he will suffer negatively. At that time, he will inevitably lose sight of the other. It is not impossible to be the first officer to be eliminated.

How to be good?
Veigar stared at the map and fell into deep thought. He had no good solution for a while.

It is extremely difficult to fight against three countries with the power of one country, especially when all countries have the same strength and resources. National-scale wars are no longer as easy to reverse as regiment-level and division-level wars.

But thanks to the fact that the others are virtual officers without thinking.

In this war, Veigar can do orders and prohibitions, that is, as long as an order is issued in the capital, the troops in various places will act according to his order immediately, and he can also stay in the imperial capital to win thousands of miles.

After several days of thinking.

Veigar regarded all the three surrounding countries as imaginary enemies who would form an alliance to attack him, and finally formulated a series of battle plans, which he named the Sea Turtle Project.

On the one hand, the various domestic group armies launched delaying operations on all sides in the interior line, delaying the pace of the countries' offensive, and on the other hand, concentrated the elite troops with the strongest domestic combat effectiveness to defeat the remaining three countries.

It's like turning the country into a turtle.

Usually wrap the surrounding area with a thick turtle shell to delay the enemy's troops outside the inner line, and at the same time use the head to attack one of the enemies. After the first country is wiped out, turn around to deal with other countries.

This was the only battle plan Veigar could think of.

Of course, this plan is only based on the alliance of the other three countries. Maybe things are not so bad. There may be conflicts among the three people, so it may be that they will turn against each other immediately when they arrive here.

But luck is obviously unreliable.

On the 10th day of the opening of the national war, the three countries met in a small town on the border.

Mandel, Thales, and Tavik are the other three participating officers in the national war. If Vega hadn't appeared unexpectedly, they might never have been able to sit together and have a happy conversation like they do now.

All this is because——

Veigar put too much pressure on them.

From the insignificant fame in the first stage to the flourishing in the second stage, the three of them witnessed the rise of a super command genius, especially in the third stage, they once lived under the shadow of Veigar.

In private, the third-grade students gave Veigar an apt nickname - Devil.

Not only do they want to win the war, but they also torture you mentally to the point of being a devil. The three of Mandel still have the psychological shadow of being chased by Vega for more than 3 months in their hearts.


Before the start of the national war, the three had secretly contacted in reality, and the purpose of the contact was self-evident.

Now that they entered the land of war to understand the specific situation of the national war, the three of them met again.

Captain Mandel first said: "I think everyone has already understood the situation, but this time the goddess of luck seems to be on our side. Vega's territory is completely bordered by our three countries. I will send 150 million troops to attack from the east and northeast. Veigar strikes."

"Then I will also send 150 million troops to attack from the northwest."

"I'm attacking from the south, the southwest."

The three of them all disclosed their battle plans, so the three of them named this plan—the Demon Hunting Plan.

Devil, deserve to be buried in the grave!

Therefore, after 7 days, a total of 3 million troops from the three countries began to invade Vega's territory in turn. This number has exceeded the entire force of Vega including the local garrison.

The flames of war raged.

Veigar has been staring at the sand table all night without closing his eyes. The frontline real-time battle reports from the intelligence department have not stopped sending to Veigar, and Veigar is testing the internal stability of the Sea Turtle Project.

Veigar has invested 150 million troops in the delay operation.

In other words, an average of 50 people in the three areas has to hold back the attack of 150 million people, and then the main force composed of 4 air forces and two large armies will select one of the countries to focus on attacking.

First of all, the hysteresis operation was very successful.

As the defender, it already has a certain advantage, and with a force of 50, it can delay for at most two months.

At the same time, the main attack target chosen by Veigar is the country where Mandel is located.

Because according to the information collected before the match, Mandel was the one with the worst command level among the three. At this time, the easier ones should be followed by the more difficult ones. Veigar wanted to eliminate Mandel first.

The main force of about 50 marched in the direction of Mandel.

On the fourth day, the 4 main force and the other 50 troops that were stagnant in battle would join forces and then attack Mandel. When Vega used the theory of blitzkrieg against the enemy, he repelled 50 million troops in just 15 days. Attack troops, and attack the country where Mandel is located in one go.

But at this moment.

Mandel's actions were beyond Vegar's expectations.

With all the advantages, Mandel actually gave up, and played the same delay combat as him. He no longer fought any frontal battle with Veigar, but mainly used to delay time.

Veigar overestimated his own offensive ability too much, and underestimated Mandel's defensive and hysteresis ability too much. It was not until now that Vegar really knew that choosing Mandel as the first attack target was really the worst move.

Because every officer has strengths or weaknesses.

Although Mandel's level in conventional combat is very poor, he is second to none in defensive warfare and stagnant warfare. Sinking into the muddy pond of the eastern battlefield.

The turning point of the war was around the 45th day of the National War.

Veiga's group army in charge of internal delay operations began to lose its hold, and cracks in the tortoise's shell had already appeared.

A war of one against three is too reluctant after all, and the odds of winning now are not even one level.

Veigar sat blankly in front of the sand table of the headquarters, the real-time battle report and other documents were scattered all over the ground in a disorderly manner, and he couldn't even find a small foothold.His eyes were bloodshot from days without rest.

(End of this chapter)

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