Mage Veja

Chapter 249 Taking Medicine

Chapter 249 Taking Medicine
"Good morning."

A lazy voice interrupted Veigar's thoughts.

Qi Lisi had woken up from her sleep, and she noticed the crystal bottle in Vega's hand: "Eh? Could it be the real awakening potion in your hand, but how could there be such a precious thing in the imperial capital?"

She took the potion from Vega in two steps in three steps.

"It's so beautiful."

Qi Lisi lifted the crystal bottle slightly, and at this time, the light from the morning sun shone on the awakening potion through the window: "It is dark like fireflies flickering, and bright as the sands of the Ganges River. There is no mistake. According to ancient records, this It is a genuine awakening potion."

Gently stroked the crystal bottle.

Women have almost no resistance to beautiful things. The crystal bottle and blue liquid are so beautiful in the sun. If the awakening potion is like countless fireflies flying under the magic lamp, it is now thousands of nebulae circulating.

What Qi Lisi said made Vega feel a little relieved.

Since a businessman said it was true, it can be confirmed that it is correct, but Vega did not expect that Layton secretly purchased this bottle of awakening potion without even his children knowing.

"Qilis, how to use the awakening potion?"

"Just drink it."

Qi Lisi returned the awakening potion to Vega: "However, I heard that there will be slight pain during taking it. I don't know the details. I can only confirm the authenticity of the potion based on ancient books."

"I see. If possible, please prepare breakfast for me." Vega laughed as he took the awakening potion.

Qi Lisi smiled slightly, rubbed her sore eyes and said, "Please wait a moment."

Watching Qi Lisi enter the bathroom, Vega tightened the awakening potion in his hand. Although Qi Lisi had no reason to lie to him, and the bottle of potion seemed to be genuine, he didn't take it immediately.

The awakening potion is a product of ancient magic civilization.

And how long is the ancient magic civilization from now? There is no 10 years or 2 or [-] years, and medicines have a shelf life. Toxic side effects.

Sure enough, life matters.

After thinking for a while, Wei Jia finally poured a glass of water, then took out a drop of awakening potion and poured it into the glass.

"Qi Lisi, you've worked hard, drink a glass of water."

Vega handed Qilis the boiled water mixed with a drop of awakening potion, and only Vega was left as a "relative". Naturally, Qilis, who absolutely trusted Vega, would not doubt it, she took the water glass and drank it without hesitation. down.

"Thank you, Veigar."

Qi Lisi showed a happy smile, it is not common for Vega to care about her.

Vega nodded embarrassingly. In order to confirm that the awakening potion is non-toxic and has no side effects, and in order not to reveal that he possesses the awakening potion, he can only let Qi Lisi be the guinea pig, because if other people take it, there will be risk of exposure.

In addition, Qi Lisi has confirmed that this is a real product, so there is no big problem in thinking about it. If it is beneficial and harmless, it is better to make it cheaper for outsiders than for your own people. This is a priceless awakening potion, and even a drop is extremely precious.


But 10 minutes later, the spatula in the hands of Qi Lisi, who was cooking, fell to the ground, and she curled up with a pale complexion, so painful that she couldn't even make a sound, and she looked particularly pervasive.

"Damn it, fake medicines are harmful to people, and I knew Sanwu's products were unreliable."

Vega took three steps at a time and was about to carry Qi Lisi to the infirmary, but Qi Lisi, who was in extreme pain, did not forget the fear of being touched by someone's skin, and subconsciously raised her hand to stop her.


The magic power erupted, and a tiny magic power attached to Qi Lisi's skin, and it bounced off Vega's hand.

Is this a professional's magic defense?

However, Vega stopped moving, and the whole person was stunned in place, because he knew that Qi Lisi was neither a professional nor a magician, but what was going on with the magic defense.

That is to say...

Veiga showed an overjoyed expression. This bottle of awakening potion is absolutely genuine, and he also discovered that the real effect of the awakening potion may not only help professionals break through bottlenecks, but also awaken ordinary people's magic power.

Thinking of this, Veigar shuddered.

Just a drop of awakening potion can awaken an ordinary person's magic power. If this potion is bad, how powerful is the ancient civilization? Mage walks everywhere, and the profession is not as good as a dog?
In Vega's thoughts, Qi Lisi also returned to normal.

She showed an extremely moved expression, so moved that she even shed tears: "Thank you, thank you..."

Not exaggerating.

It was clearly confirmed that this was a priceless awakening potion, but such a precious thing was divided up for her to take. Qi Lisi had never experienced this feeling of being valued by anyone since she was a child.

It was this feeling of being valued that even gave her the urge to die for Vega.

As for the fact that Vijay took her as a guinea pig, of course she would not have guessed it. In everyone's common sense, ancient medicines do not have the concept of expiration, as long as they are confirmed to be authentic, they can be taken. This encyclopedia will do.

In Qi Lisi's view, giving her the awakening potion was a gesture.

The deep meaning is to tell her that even if you have no relatives in this world, I still value you.Until this time, Qi Lisi believed Vega's previous promise that she would never abandon her, and she became more determined.

Vega didn't know that he was self-defeating, and his unintentional actions actually made Qi Lisi get rid of the last estrangement, and became determined. After confirming that the medicine was harmless, he hurriedly told Qi Lisi, and then he couldn't wait to take it. took the potion.

When the light blue potion entered the throat, there was a cooling sensation first.

But after cooling off, the pain surged like a thousand cuts. Vega wanted to make a sound, but it was like being choked by the god of death, and he couldn't make a sound. The only thing he could do was to curl up on the ground shivering.

10 minutes or a century?
The pain faded away like a tide, and then a warm magic power circulated throughout his body. The warm feeling made him forget the previous pain instantly, and he found that his upper limit of magic power had been increased by more than three times.

In other words, he successfully advanced?
Excitedly, Veigar closed his eyes to feel the magic power in his body, but he found something was wrong.

Level 5 trainee professional!
Why are you still level 5 trainees?
If the low-level professional is compared to a 99.99-meter race, then Vega's current situation is that he fell at the [-]th meter, and he is only half a step away from stepping into the field of the low-level professional.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be suspicious."

Vega stared blankly at the ceiling. It is indeed a good thing to be cautious, but too cautious will become suspicious. However, Vega found sadly that since time travel, he has been unable to trust anyone because he is afraid of death, and he can no longer trust anyone. Change the suspicious character.

And sometimes, paranoia is precisely the most fatal weakness.

"Time is also fate."

Veigar is very aware of his shortcomings. Even if he does it all over again, he will still make this choice. This is probably called the change of nature, so Veigar can only forcibly suppress his regrets and pin his hope of promotion on the next time. Get the Awakening Potion.


But as soon as he stood up, Veigar was attracted by the middle-level combat skill rune page that had been placed on the table before.

Because above it, a "+" sign is emitting dazzling light, and the meaning of this "+" is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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