Mage Veja

Chapter 25

Chapter 25
Vega exhausted?

This is of course impossible.

Extraordinary evil power endowed Vega with the super power to obtain magic power as long as he killed the unit. The death of every life would be transformed into magic power and flowed into his body, so that his magic power would not be weakened by the group attack, but would be absorbed by it. Greatly enhanced.

This enhanced arc shows an increasing trend.

In the constant killing, Veigar soon felt that his magic power was at the peak of a level 2 trainee professional.

So why do enemies think Veigar is exhausted?

This has to mention Vega's acting skills.

Since he had already guessed that the opponent's professional wanted to use cannon fodder to test his strength and consume his magic power, then he would naturally follow his plan and perform well in front of the opponent, making the opponent's professional think that he was exhausted and unable to continue .

The enemy was clearly fooled.

The remaining about forty people and the Aiwen Group believe that Vega's magic power is about to be exhausted, and he can win if he works harder.

"Brothers, he can't take it anymore."

The team leader saw that Veigar could no longer hold on, so he took the dagger and slashed at the head.

"How stupid."

Ai Wen squinted his eyes to observe the situation: "A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if a professional's magic power is about to be exhausted, how can it be matched by an ordinary person? I'm afraid there are still a few counterattacks before death."


Vega injected magic power into the magic weapon, and killed the team leader with a sword. Although he used the short knife to defend in time, the magic weapon injected with magic power was the existence of cracking mountains and rocks. The short knife broke in two, and the team leader was also separated.

Blood spurted out, staining Vega's childish face red.

In the eyes of everyone, Vega is like a butcher in a slaughterhouse, with a knife that sees blood and a sword that is deadly.

And when they saw the team leader cut into two with a knife, they suddenly stopped attacking and didn't dare to step forward for a while.

"Is this the power of the magic weapon?"

It was the first time to wield a magic weapon with magic power, and the power was beyond Vega's expectation.

The short knife is made of fine steel, but it was cut into two pieces by the magic weapon. This is the real gap between ordinary people and professionals, not only in defense, but also in attack power and battery life.

The only pity is that after using the magic weapon once, a crack appeared on the long cross sword. As expected, you get what you pay for, and a failed product is a failed product.

"Why are you still standing there, keep attacking!"

Ai Wen gave the order coldly, and the corner of his mouth pulled up a predictable sneer again: "Even using magic weapons to deal with ordinary people, it seems that it is really at the end of the rope, good, good."

Generally speaking.

Professionals do not need to inject magic power into magic weapons to increase their attack power against ordinary people, because their own magic defense is enough to resist all attacks of ordinary people.

There is only one possibility to fight an ordinary person with a magic weapon.

That is, the magic power of this professional is no longer enough to support the magic power defense. As a last resort, he can only use magic weapons with relatively low magic power requirements to increase the attack power, and strive to end the battle as soon as possible.

Aiwen obviously noticed this, so he showed the expected expression.

After half an hour.

Veigar already needed to avoid the opponent's attack while sending the long sword into the enemy's body. The cracks of the cross long sword were already visible to the naked eye, and he no longer used magic power. He was completely fighting like an ordinary soldier.

And the last 12.

Veigar stepped forward step by step, his body shaking slightly.

Everyone has a fear of death. When all their companions died in front of them, the remaining ten or so people had already been frightened by Vega. Even if Vega seemed exhausted, he did not dare to attack again.

"Let, let us go, please let us go."

One of the spies threw the short knife in his hand on the ground: "I surrender, I surrender, please don't kill me, I still have unfulfilled dreams, I don't want to die yet."


Without any extra words, Veigar chopped off his head with a sword: "Even your master doesn't care about your life and death, and now you want to get sympathy from my enemy. Are you bullying me when I am young and naive, or your San value has already returned to zero? .”

There is a strong enemy ahead, and there is no retreat behind.

Seeing that it was useless to surrender, the remaining people rushed towards Vega in a swarm, trying to make the last struggle.

All in vain.

The military training in the United Kingdom is simply not comparable to the military training in the imperial boot camp, not to mention that Vega graduated as an excellent soldier.

Only relying on his nimble skills to shuttle among the crowd, Veigar ended the lives of the last ten people without spending any magic power, and when the lives of the last ten people were terminated, he also ushered in his promotion.

A third-level trainee professional.

The abundant magic power made Veigar feel a strong sense of security, and the level promotion also gave Veigar a feeling that he seemed to be able to blow up the level 2 trainee professional wearing black tights at the door with one punch.

But it's just a feeling.

Veigar didn't push it too hard, he still held his magical aura deeply in his heart, without showing any breath, and on the outside, he showed an appearance that his magic power was exhausted, his physical strength disappeared, and even standing was a problem.

Is Evan being fooled?

Humans only want to believe what they want to believe.

It was precisely because he was a second-level trainee professional that Ai Wen didn't think much about it.

Even he, a level 2 trainee with combat skills and magic weapons, would run out of mana after being besieged by more than 2 people for a long time, let alone a novice level [-] with only inferior magic weapons and no combat skills trainee professional.

clap clap.

Ai Wen stepped forward while clapping and said: "It's wonderful, it's wonderful. Mr. Veigar, oh no, Chief Veigar, I didn't expect you to be able to kill more than ten people in a row when your magic power is exhausted. It's really wonderful, I have to admit You are indeed an excellent Imperial soldier."

"Each each other."

Veigar grinned: "I'm indifferent to watching my subordinates die. As the spy commander of the United Kingdom, you don't look bad at all."

"Aren't the subordinates for sale?"

Aiwen chuckled: "I won't talk nonsense, I want to ask Chief Vega to hand over the things that don't belong to you. As long as you hand over the things, I might consider to spare your life."

Vega laughed too.


He put the long sword on the ground like a scepter: "Mr. Spy, don't you really think of me as a child like Kadi? There are only two kinds of people in this world. It is hard to believe that one is a spy and the other is a woman. The latter is worse than the former in terms of lies, but you are not much better."

Ivan pulled out a dagger.

He squinted his eyes and said, "You are really not cute at all. If you can, I still hope you can learn more from Kadi. Children should hold innocent eyes and believe adults' words."

Turns out that's why Cardi died.

Wei Jia suddenly realized: "So people, it's better not to be too naive and simple."

Alvin stopped talking nonsense.

His magic power exploded, and he rushed towards Vega with a short knife in his hand: "I like children, especially innocent and cute children, but I hate people who are little devils. Since you don't hand over the map, then I will try my best to obey your plan." Find it on the corpse."

Veigar lowered his head pretending to be tired, but there was a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Everything was as expected, he was even thinking, killing ordinary people can gain magic power, so what can be gained by killing a profession, is it an increased amount of magic power?
(End of this chapter)

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