Mage Veja

Chapter 265 Rampage

Chapter 265 Rampage
Calderon was the captain of the squadron.

He received an order more than 10 days ago to assassinate Brigadier General Vega, who was about to serve as the Seventh Army of the Empire. What tempted him to accept this order was that the reward was a regimental position that he would never achieve in his entire life.

Opportunities and risks coexist.

He had thought that this task would be quite difficult.

But what he didn't expect was that the target person seemed to be just a child. Although the data showed that it was a child who asked for a shadow mage, they were a well-trained and well-coordinated team of professionals, and it was easy to take down a shadow mage.

As for the guards around the target?
Calderon didn't think that an ordinary person could cause any disturbances. An ordinary person like this could fight a hundred with the strength of his next-level professional.

The mission went very well.

He found out through special channels that the target person would board flight No. 9 from the imperial capital to Xie Lantu City on September 11, so he led the troops to board the airship with ease, and the airship law enforcement team didn't even dare to check his ticket .

After boarding the airship, it only took him a day to figure out how to hunt a prey that would be invisible.

That is to force the prey to a dead corner with inconvenient movement, so that the opponent has nowhere to escape. They even prepared white and lime powder, and then sprinkled it in the corner. Unless the opponent is a ghost in myths and legends, the prototype will appear on the spot .

This is not the first time they have hunted down the Shadow Mage.

In Calderon's view, killing a shadow mage is far easier than killing an elemental mage, because a shadow mage without group attack magic is just a stronger professional, but has a mage's shield And all kinds of weird buffs.

As long as such a magician is not given room to develop, how can he be against a squadron of professionals?
The single room on the airship is a natural trap, and they don't even need to let a few professionals act as bait to lure the prey into the trap they set up like before.

But the operation was not entirely without difficulties.

Anyway, the other party was also an imperial brigadier general, and a general died on the territory of the empire, which was enough for the imperial army to order a thorough investigation.So after killing Veigar, how to escape safely and how to ensure that he will not be caught by the investigation team of the imperial military after fleeing the scene have become problems that need to be overcome.

Therefore, Calderon did not choose to optimize the offensive plan, but worked hard enough on the retreat plan.

The first time to launch the attack is 12 hours before the airship lands, and those who use drugs to stun the flight law enforcement team before the attack, directly kill the law enforcement team professionals who have magical powers and are immune to drugs, and guarantee that no one will be killed during the implementation of the plan. Someone interfered, and the flight almost landed after the plan was completed, so they had enough time to leave the scene.

So they went out of their way to wear military uniforms.

The purpose is to refuse to accept the interrogation and detention of ground law enforcement forces after landing, and to leave the scene as soon as possible.

As long as you leave the scene, the sea is as wide as the fish, and the sky is as high as the birds.

For this series of plans, Calderon even took into account the time limit of the drug until one hour after the airship landed. It can be said that it is foolproof. As for the exposed face, there is no need to worry. The current appearance is just a disguise of a magic item. .

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Now he only needs to wait for the prey's magic power or mental power to be exhausted, and then he can directly kill the opponent, and then easily execute the next retreat plan. He has even begun to fantasize about the day when he will become a regimental officer.

But at this moment, a loud noise came.


A terrifying air wave swept through the corridor, which made Calderon, who happened to be standing in the corridor, ate a stomach full of ashes.

"Damn, what happened?"

Calderon angrily pushed aside the crowd, and vaguely saw a few figures through the chaotic scene.

Who are these figures?
Calderon took a quick look and found that those figures were all his subordinates, but he didn't see the mission target this time. What's going on? Could it be that the prey has broken through the blockade?

Calderon has experienced many battles, especially against shadow mages and combat experience can be said to be extremely rich, so when he found something wrong, he subconsciously threw a handful of white lime powder forward.

"Cough cough cough-"

With a series of coughing sounds, Veigar, whose face was sprayed with lime powder, retreated violently.

He didn't expect that this professional squadron still had so many brushes, and he could react immediately to break through the blockade. He had already activated the trick style, and the stealth effect of the trick style really couldn't ignore the volume collision. Once the powder comes into contact, it is inevitable to expose the body.

But being exposed is also being exposed, Veigar doesn't care.

To be honest, Wei was just taken aback by the super buff of the power of the giant beast. He hit the enemy's abdomen with a fist. Although it was not as exaggerated as Steward Fokker's body piercing, it did shatter the enemy's internal organs. , and due to the huge inertia, directly let the opponent fly upside down, smashing the blockade defense line.

This terrible power...

That's right, Veigar now has the urge to tear down the city gate with his bare hands.

However, there is no city gate to tear here, so Veigar decided to perform a hand tearing professional.

The most important thing is that Veigar found that the power of the giant beast saves mana very much. With the current mana, it can last for about 20 minutes, and there are less than 20 enemies left, so one per minute is enough.

The killing is on.

With the mage's shield on his body, Veigar didn't care about any moves, like a humanoid self-propelled armored vehicle, rampaging all the way, one to kill one, two to kill one pair.

As for the enemy's joint attack defense?

Veigar gave up using his fists, picked up a short knife, and cut the opponent in half with a sword. This made any combined defense technique a joke.

This is a long time.

The morale of the enemy naturally dropped to freezing point. At this moment, no one came forward to continue to challenge Veigar, and the messy corridor fell into silence.

"Don't panic, everyone, his magic power is probably running out."

Calderon saw that the situation was not good, he roared to increase morale, and then the professionals broke out with courage again, and rushed towards Vega, but Calderon retreated quietly when everyone was not paying attention, and started selling his teammates deeds.

Originally, Veigar was only testing the power and consumption of the power of the giant beast, but seeing that Calderon was about to escape, he didn't procrastinate immediately, so he used the second intermediate combat skill - the speed of the hurricane.


Veigar only felt his body lighten, and he actually moved tens of meters with one step. This speed is completely different from the direct increase of magic power used in the past. It is about 10 times faster, and this is the incomplete version of the speed of the hurricane.

The strength of a monster plus the speed of a hurricane.

Vega was completely transformed into a humanoid Tyrannosaurus. Although the consumption of magic power was doubled, the speed of killing was more than three times faster. Therefore, in just a few minutes, Vega cleared all the enemies except Calderon, and moved towards Followed by Calderon.

Chase to the deck.

Veigar noticed that Calderon had already put on a parachute bag and seemed to be about to jump directly from the airship.

Since the airship was about to arrive at Xie Lantu City, it began to descend early, so using an umbrella bag at this altitude could indeed land safely, but Vega would not give him this chance.

One step out, the soles of the feet are blown by the wind.

Calderon's eyes blurred, and he saw Veigar drifting past like a phantom, and instantly came to him from tens of meters away.

"Don't underestimate me, brat!"

Calderon drew out a cold cross sword, his eyes did not look desperate, and his tone was full of confidence: "I can't even count the number of shadow mages killed by labor and capital. A level 3 shadow, hum!"


Veigar's sword, which had been blessed with the power of a giant beast, hit Calderon's sword. The piercing sound of iron clashing seemed to tear apart the air, and the huge air wave turned into a gale and swept across the four directions.

3 seconds later.

Vega retreated 5 steps in a row, and Calderon retreated 1 step.


At the same time, Veigar's short knife cracked, and then it was broken from the middle, and the tiger's mouth on his right hand was already oozing blood.

"Intermediate magic weapon."

The sound of Veigar gnashing his teeth echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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