Mage Veja

Chapter 269 frame the blame

Chapter 269 frame the blame
The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

Judging from this sentence alone, Veigar can only wait passively and cannot take the initiative to attack.

Just as you can't find moons in water, you can't attack an enemy whose name you don't even know.

But Vega thought of a way.

Although this method is suspected of repaying kindness and revenge, how can those who want to achieve great things be benevolent?

That's right, he wants to kill the law enforcement officers here!

Planting the blame, this is the way Vega came up with.

As long as some of the law enforcement team members here are killed without leaving any evidence, the blame will naturally fall on the unknown enemy who has assassinated him. At that time, the government system will definitely organize personnel to start a vigorous investigation.

Aren't you afraid of getting burned?

Veigar thinks that his acting skills are not bad, and his status as a general and victim will help him clear the suspicion. Unless everyone in the law enforcement team is a pupil of death, no one would think that he is yelling for a thief.

When the time comes, dirty water will splash on the man behind the scenes, even if he jumps into the sea, he won't be able to wash it off.

"This move is checkmate."

The corner of Veigar's mouth pulled into a bright smile.

This smile made Yi Luo beside him feel cold for no reason, but the law enforcement captain Dahl in the distance didn't notice the meaning of Veigar's smile, he saw the smile and waved to Veigar.

Raising his right hand, Veigar also waved friendly, and the atmosphere was quite "harmonious".

Darkness is coming soon.

At two o'clock in the morning, Veigar cast tricks and disappeared into the tent.

Since he was a general, he had a tent all to himself, and he didn't have to worry about being discovered that he had disappeared in the tent for no reason, which made his actions even more convenient.

Trick formula gets a huge bonus in the dark.

When Veigar stepped out of the camp, he found that the two law enforcement officers in charge of the night watch had begun to doze off, so he came behind them without anyone noticing, and gently picked up the crossed long sword placed by the law enforcement team. .


The sword enters the flesh, and one sword kills.

The sword cut the law enforcement officer's throat, and he swallowed his last breath without even making a sound.

Veigar moved very quickly. Although a law enforcement officer next to him woke up immediately, he died under Vega's long sword before he had time to raise the alarm. The two law enforcement officers who were on guard had been killed.

What's next...

Veigar began to incarnate as the Grim Reaper, massacring law enforcement officers.

Of course, the law enforcement team was not completely alert. When Veigar broke into the tent and killed one of the law enforcement team members, the other team members woke up immediately and issued a warning signal.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The torches were lit, and the whole camp boiled.

The law enforcement captain Dahl rushed outside with a long sword before he even had time to put on his coat. The first thing he saw was a mess of corpses, the number of which had exceeded 15.

"Where's the enemy?"

Dahl asked, grabbing one of the team members by the collar.

"Shadow Mage, is a Shadow Mage."

The law enforcement team member looked around in fear, and Dou Da's cold sweat rolled down his forehead, obviously frightened out of his wits.

"Useless trash."

Dahl was furious. He pointed to a few calm law enforcement officers beside him and said, "You guys come with me. First, ensure the safety of Brigadier General Vega."

A group of people walked quickly towards Veigar's tent.

But just halfway there, a loud noise came, and Veigar's tent collapsed instantly, and a black shadow rushed into the woods in front of Dahl and the others.

"Catch him for me."

Dahl immediately rushed towards the direction of the shadow, but just halfway, Veigar's voice came.

"Captain Dahl, cough cough—"

Hearing Veigar's weak voice, Dahl paused. He quickly looked towards the source of the sound, and saw that Veigar was under the tent, with a broken sword stuck on his right shoulder, and the bright red blood kept flowing. ooze.

I groaned in my heart.

Dahl realized that the problem was serious, and this letter of thanks might turn into a letter of accountability.

"Doctor, doctor, get the hell out of here."

Dahl was frightened with cold sweat on his forehead. He rushed to Vega immediately and said, "General, General, are you, you, you, are you alright?"

With his stuttering voice and extreme panic expression, Dahl almost cried.

"Ahem, ahem, it doesn't matter to me here."

Veiga's face was pale, and he said in an extremely weak voice: "I have already wounded that shadow mage, take your brothers to catch up quickly, don't let him escape, I will not let this matter go away. "

Eyelids twitched, Dahl wiped his cold sweat with a trembling right hand.

When he heard the words 'will not let it go', he was already terrified in his heart. If the murderer was not caught, all the blame for this crime would probably fall on him, even if he was dismissed. of.

Therefore, Veigar's order was right in his arms, and he waved his hand.

Pointing to the military doctor who rushed over, he glanced at the gathered law enforcement team and said, "You take care of the general, and the rest follow me. Don't let that damned assassin go."


A group of people rushed into the forest following his footsteps.

Seeing this, Veigar showed a faint smile in his eyes.

Because there is no murderer here at all, and the one who just fled into the forest was the mirror image that Vega used to create an alibi and remove his suspicion. It is impossible for a group of law enforcement members to find any clues.

In Veigar's understanding, magic is not just for battle.

Therefore, after half an hour, Dahl returned without success: "Sorry, General. We failed to catch the murderer. May I ask your injury..."

Dahl looked at Veigar's right shoulder with trepidation, for fear that Veigar would lose his temper.

However, Vega smiled kindly and said, "Captain Dahl, don't worry, it's just a minor injury, and he will probably recover after a month or two of recuperation, but it's because my incident has affected so many brothers from the law enforcement team."

Speaking of this, Veigar squeezed out a tear symbolically.

"My lord general, I deserve death for being an official."

This time Dahl knelt directly in front of Vega on one knee. This kind of gift represented absolute convincing.

Needing a month or two of recuperation can be called a minor injury, this is the real general.

Not only did he not blame him for his dereliction of duty, he even blamed himself for accidentally implicating the law enforcement team.

Dahl was so moved by Vega's words that he almost shed tears. He had sworn in his heart that even if Vega didn't pursue this matter, he would report this matter to his superiors and crush those who wanted to assassinate Vega. .

At this point, Veigar knew that the scene could end.

Through this act of framing, Liang Zi, the government system and the behind-the-scenes mastermind, have been settled.

Next, for the sake of face and to give Vega an account, the government system will definitely make great efforts to find out the whole matter, and he only needs to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

The only people who have to feel sorry are those law enforcement officers who died innocently.

But in order to arouse the wrath of the government system, the deaths of these people are necessary.

Therefore, no matter whether he has a distorted personality or a dark and humble nature, it is a pity that he is such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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