Mage Veja

Chapter 271 Military meeting

Chapter 271 Military meeting
seven days later.

It has been seven days since Veigar officially took over as Victory.

In Vega's impression, as a senior officer, he enjoys a high degree of freedom. First, he does not need to be responsible for the daily training of soldiers. Second, he does not need to "check in at work" on time every day. If there is no meeting in the military department, he can even sleep until the next day. Dry three poles.

As number one in the army.

Has supremacy during the truce.

War can also break out far from the most dangerous front lines.

This is simply the perfect life that Vega has always dreamed of.

But who can tell him what is going on now.

What about the promise that you can paddle freely to catch fish, or the promise that you sleep until you wake up naturally?

He mechanically signed a document, and then took out one from the mountain of documents on the right, and repeated the previous action. This assembly line operation, Vega has been going on for a whole night.

Check out this document.

From rewards and punishments for meritorious deeds to asking for leave on duty, he needs to sign one by one. This is the document after being filtered by Adjutant Yi Luo. Sure enough, it is not an easy task to manage a brigade of [-] people.

Veigar sighed sincerely, but in the past seven days, he has basically adapted to the life of a senior officer.

Busy Although busy, this is only the reason for the new official to take office.

Vega stopped writing, and asked casually during the break: "Yiluo, what's today's schedule?"

"Report to the general."

Yiluo quickly stopped writing, stood up from the adjutant's seat and said: "Today is Friday, according to the schedule, you must first hold the weekly meeting of the headquarters at 9:30; Go to the military headquarters; at 14:00 in the evening, you need to participate in a commendation meeting of the 18rd regiment, personally award a soldier the Silver Cross, and 00:3..."

"Stop, stop."

Vega rubbed his sore eyes, took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, and said, "It's almost 8:30, please inform the regimental leaders and staff members in advance, don't be late, if anyone is late, stay alone after the meeting Report to me."

"Yes, my lord general."

Yiluo arranged the meeting in an orderly manner according to Vega's request. The work of the adjutant did not seem to cause him much trouble. This also made Vega, the new official, especially fortunate that he had chosen an adjutant with outstanding work ability.

The regular meeting of the headquarters is held at 9:30 am.

On the oval conference table, Vega sat at the main seat, and on the left and right were the positions of the deputy brigade commander, chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, and head of the regiment.At this time, except for one seat, the conference room was full.

Tap, tap--

Wei Jia took a pen and tapped on the table intermittently. When it was about 9:35 minutes, he glanced at the place next to him and said, "Who can tell me where the deputy brigade commander is? I don't seem to have accepted Go to his leave application."


Adjutant Ilo stood up from the last adjutant's seat and said: "Colonel Dandry Grimm, the former brigade commander and current deputy brigade commander, applied to the military department for the suppression of the Erqia-Xielantu National Highway half a month ago. The bandit mission has not yet returned."

"The task of suppressing bandits?"

Veija's heart was moved for no reason, and he asked casually: "How many people did Deputy Brigadier Dandeli bring to suppress the bandits?"

"A squadron of professionals and a squadron of shadow mages." Yiluo took the memo and read it from the script.


The signature pen Veigar held in his hand snapped.

However, he immediately reacted and said: "Ahem, the quality of this signature pen is a bit poor. Next time, I will buy it from a chamber of commerce. Since Colonel Dandry has the formalities of the military department, I will not ask for specific details. Let's start the regular meeting."

The regular meeting ends after 2 hours.

Through the first regular meeting, Vega probably understood.

The entire independent heavy equipment brigade is roughly equivalent to two mage elite brigades, consisting of 4 professional brigades, 3 mage squads, 1 direct shadow mage squad, an aviation unit, and 8 standard regiment-level troops.

The army has a total of 1.4 ordinary soldiers, about 800 professionals, and about 90 magicians.

As the sword of the Seventh Army.

The aviation unit is composed of 2 combat airships and 8 carrier airships. Under the escort of the 2 combat airships, the 8 carrier airships are enough to accommodate the entire army for highly mobile reinforcements, raids, raids... cover and other important tasks.

The regular meeting of the headquarters is over, and Vega will attend the meeting of the military headquarters in the afternoon.

As an elite unit of the Seventh Army, Vega is the fourth on the right hand side of the commander-in-chief Houssmann on the conference table. Deputy commander and officer of the staff.

"Ahem... just sitting."

Housman coughed twice and gave the first order.

All the generals stopped talking immediately, put out their cigars, and sat upright. This kind of serious situation is generally rare in regular meetings, and the order to sit upright is only issued when important things are announced.

"Ahem... this week's meeting is more important, please cheer up everyone"

Hausmann took the documents brought by the adjutant trembling with his right hand, then put on his reading glasses and said: "Accept the order of the Imperial Army, ahem... The royal family of the Holy Dynasty submitted a request for help to our country a week ago, and our country passed the Three Powers Summit After discussion, it was decided to reinforce the Holy Dynasty with a group of troops to help repel the invasion of the United Kingdom in accordance with the Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance."

"Cough cough cough..."



The commanders of the three divisions stood up: "The next officer takes orders."

"Cough cough cough...very good."

Housman took off his reading glasses and looked at the three division commanders: "Although the opponent in this battle is the weak Kingdom Army, you must remember not to be careless. If I lose too many troops, I will not look good."

"Your Excellency, please rest assured."

The commander of the 1st Division said: "We are not those wastes of the Dynasty Army. We will be beaten 100 kilometers away from the capital by the Kingdom Army. I promise not to lose the name of our Seventh Army in this battle."

The commander nodded in satisfaction, but the eyes of the other division commanders were full of jealousy.

"Why is it not our turn to wait for such a good thing?"

"The same goes for the Imperial Army. Do we need to dispatch elite troops to fight against the United Kingdom?"

"That's great, I want to fight the Kingdom Army too."


The other teachers talked a lot, but Vega sat on his seat and frowned.

He was thinking whether to speak out to remind these people not to underestimate the current Kingdom Army, but in the end he chose to remain silent.

Veigar knows all too well that humans are stubborn creatures.

Even if what you said is correct and you list hundreds of evidences, they will deny all your correct viewpoints with an 'unreasonable' statement, so Veigar chose to remain silent.Just like you can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, can you stop a person who is determined to die?
Those who seek death, let him die.

(End of this chapter)

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