Mage Veja

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

When it comes to jungle warfare, Dandry is particularly confident.

Because 10 years ago, in order to control the big and small gangster nests on the entire national highway and create a professional gangster circle for him, he fought no less than a hundred jungle wars.

Whether it's a frontal encounter, a decapitation battle that avoids reality, or a sneak attack, sabotage, or ambush in the jungle... conventional warfare, he can perfectly control it.

While the enemies are just amateur soldiers made up of Holy Dynasty commoners.

But being able to win more with less proves his command ability, so why should a genius commander like him give way to Vega, a fledgling military cadet, this time he wants to teach Vega how to be a man.

"Send the order down."

Dandri waved his hand: "According to the defensive tactics I have formulated for you, go from the first column to the first line of defense, and flexibly use methods such as trapping, arrows, and sneak attacks to harass the enemy. fight head-on.”

"Second column."

Dandri looked at the deputy commander: "You are in charge of the coordination of the frontal forces. After the harassment operation lasts for 12 hours, I need you to launch a frontal attack at around 3 am tonight to wipe out the enemy troops."

"Squad of magicians."

Dandry looked at several magicians: "I need you to drive a commercial airship to sink the enemy's war airship. The specific operation method refers to my air combat thinking, and adopts a 2, 1 air combat formation."

21 air combat formations.

It refers to the fact that two cannon fodder ships are responsible for attracting the firepower of the enemy's war airship, and covering the third airship to sink the enemy's war airship.This formation allows commercial and civilian magic airships without any attack capabilities to have the capital to die with military war airships, but this tactic is ineffective against combat war airships that are too fast.

21 Air Combat Formation This is Dandri's proud work.

Because across the country, I am afraid that no general will use a commercial airship to hit a carrier-type war airship on a whim to win an air battle.To be precise, it should be that there is no such way of fighting in the air combat courses of the empire.

"Shadow Mage Squad."

Dandri issued the last order: "I need you to take the opportunity to remove the enemy's elemental mage squad, at the same time!"

The voice of gnashing teeth echoed over the entire bandit's lair: "At the same time, find a chance to kill that brat for me, no matter the cost, even if it costs your life, kill him for me."

"Willing to die for the great commander." No. 1 resounded loudly.


The periphery of the Luopu Forest.

Veigar raised his head and looked at the continuous forest and the towering mountains. He did not blindly order the whole army to attack.

According to the report of the law enforcement captain Dahl, these gangsters are very professional in marching and fighting, and they are very handy in the use of conventional cover, sneak attack, barrier... harassment and other means.

However, the law enforcement team was defeated and forced to attack without controlling the location, and then fell into the mud of jungle warfare. In that case, it was extremely difficult to advance 300 meters.


The entire law enforcement team was constantly harassed by the bandits, and they were exhausted long ago. At this time, the bandits organized troops to launch a sneak attack in the middle of the night, so there was no reason for the law enforcement team to be invincible.

"My lord, do you have any plan for the next battle?"

Law enforcement captain Dahl stepped forward and said, "I have a suggestion, I don't know if it should be said or not."

"Captain Dar, but it's okay to say." Vega smiled friendly.

Seeing that Vega agreed, Dar said, "Although there are suspicions of overreaching, I advise the general not to attack the forest blindly. Anyway, we have a large number of people, so it is better to block the main and auxiliary roads, and wait for the other side to run out of food. They will take the initiative to attack us, and we can just wait for work."

"High regards, Captain Dahl."

Vega nodded approvingly and said, "But from the captain's point of view, how long do you think it will take for the gangsters to run out of food? Does Captain Dar have any information?"


Dahl opened his mouth, but couldn't answer Veigar's question.

Veigar didn't care, he continued on his own: "Winter is coming soon, just like mice will hoard food for the winter, these bandits are probably already prepared. If we want to adopt the tactic of besieging and not attacking , according to my guess, it will take at least half a year for them to come out."

"Sorry, it's true that the officer didn't think carefully." Dahl smiled mischievously.

Neither he nor Vega can afford to wait half a year. Firstly, the commander-in-chief wants him to find out whether Dandeli is dead or alive as soon as possible. Secondly, the Seventh Army cannot grant him half a year of field work, and he must Supplies are sent to him on a regular basis, so this "good strategy" of waiting for rabbits will not work at all.

"How should this be?"

Captain Dar frowned: "Even if you have three regiments, General, I'm afraid you won't be able to win this war if you don't have a good location. After all, there are quite a lot of high-level military forces in this bandit nest."

Holy Dynasty pays attention to lineage.

Some professionals and magicians of slave blood are sometimes excluded by their superiors and companions in the army because of their blood, so these excluded professionals and magicians sometimes sneak into the empire to join the bandits.

Based on the relationship of the alliance, the empire generally turns a blind eye.

This is why Vega thinks it is impossible to storm the bandit's lair. The enemy is not an ordinary person who is completely powerless to fight back, but a considerable part of high-level force. If the commander is a professional officer like Dandri, then he has to be cautious.

Timing, location, and harmony are the three elements of victory.

Although it is said that the weather is not as good as the location, and the location is not as good as the harmony of people, but in the case that both the enemy and the enemy are not mentally handicapped, wanting to win a war does not mean that mastering one of the victory factors is enough.

Vega's understanding of this sentence is.

To win a war, these three factors must be mastered. Now he does not control the factor of geographical advantage, so he does not think he has the conditions for a complete victory.

"Then what should we do?"

Veigar smiled at the law enforcement captain Dahl, and then replied: "Captain Dahl, don't worry, we are indeed inferior to these gangsters in terms of geographical advantages, but it is not completely hopeless of victory."

Law enforcement captain Dar's eyes lit up.

He said excitedly: "My lord general, do you have any clever schemes to destroy this bandit's lair?"

"Hehe, there's no such thing as a clever plan."

Veigar smiled slightly and said, "It's just that this situation reminds me of a virtual war in the Battle of Generals. I still remember that time was also a jungle battle, and the conditions were even worse than this time."

"The final result is..." Dahl asked curiously.

Vega did not answer Dahl's question, but said from the side: "Captain Dahl, you must know that the situation of the battle is ever-changing, but the factors for victory are nothing more than timing, location, and harmony of people. It is autumn, the grass is withered, and the timing is on me; Civilians, the elite divisions of our army, people and peace are also with me, what we really lack is only a good location."

"Then it's easy."

Wei Jia pointed to the green and yellow forest in front of him and said: "There is no favorable location, we create a favorable location."

The law enforcement captain Dahl asked in confusion: "Dare to ask the general, how to create a favorable location?"

"Captain Dahl still can't understand?"

Vega said to Dahl: "In my hometown, there is a saying that the five elements produce and restrain each other. Earth restrains water, water restrains fire, and fire..."

"Kemu?" Dahl answered subconsciously, his tone quite excited.


Veigar showed a bright smile: "Since their land is the forest, why not burn it?"

Build a defense line?There was a fire.

Harassment and sneak attack?There was a fire.

Too many people?There was a fire.

Beheading tactics?It's still a fire, and there is nothing that a fire can't solve.

It's just that you beat the old master to death with random punches, and you can do all kinds of schemes and schemes, and you can rob him with one move.Veigar didn't bother to think about which countermeasure Dandry was going to take, his brain circuit was so simple and rude.

(End of this chapter)

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