Mage Veja

Chapter 281 Frontline Battle Situation

Chapter 281 Frontline Battle Situation
Holy Dynasty, Saint Laurent City.

Heavy snow fell one after another, and the cold and dry air made it difficult for the soldiers to even hold the standard long guns in their hands.

This is the last line of defense 50 kilometers east of Saint Laurent. It is jointly garrisoned by the most elite 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Divisions of the Seventh Army of the Empire and the Royal Legion of the Dynasty Army.

"How could this be, how could this be, I don't believe it's true."

"Tell me quickly that you are lying to me, how could such a thing happen."

"Although I don't believe it either, this matter has been confirmed by the general."


On the last line of defense, the imperial soldiers showed panic. It was hard to imagine that their faces were full of confidence and pride three months ago, as if the upcoming war was not a war, but an outing.

What exactly happened?
Although it is hard to believe, the Royal Army has indeed broken through the first and second lines of defense, and finally reached the last third line of defense. If this line of defense is lost again, the Royal Army will come to Saint Laurent.

If it's just that, it won't make the honey-confident imperial army look uneasy.


In other words.

The Central Army and the 15th and 6th Divisions of the 7th Army have been completely annihilated. Even the 17nd Airborne Division of the 2th Army, which was going to counterattack the Kingdom's invading army, was basically disabled by the Kingdom Army. Now the Empire is reinforcing the troops of the Holy Dynasty. Take down their three divisions, and the flames of war have reached the third line of defense.

I still remember that 3 months ago, they were still complaining about not being able to get credit for the third line of defense.

But now the cold reality gave them a slap in the face, making them realize that the kingdom is no longer the kingdom in front of them. The Kingdom Army, which is desperate, desperate and taking into account new tactics, is more terrifying than any army in the Jialan Continent.

Less wins more?

The weak beat the strong?

The Royal Army's textbook-like battles taught the Dynasty Army and the Imperial Army a good lesson.

Although the remaining three divisions of the Seventh Army were intact, they did not have the slightest confidence in victory, because even the Central Army had failed, so what would they use to fight, and where would they find a chance of victory.

In the temporary headquarters.

The commander of the 1st Division, Mari Lai Harut, who was in charge of the task of commanding the war, patted the table and asked: "Everyone, now is not the time to hesitate, we are soldiers of the empire, and I will never allow such things as retreating before a battle occur."

"Mali, even the Central Army has been defeated!" The eyes of the commander of the 2nd Division were bloodshot.

The commander of the 3rd Division laughed mockingly: "Bonn, even if we have to retreat, please tell me where we are going to retreat? Don't forget that the airborne division of the Royal Army has already breached the cities behind, and now Saint Laurent is an isolated city. Accept the reality for me Well, we are surrounded, if we cannot defeat their frontal forces, we will be buried with the city of Saint Laurent."

"Everyone, don't be so pessimistic."

Ma Li, the commander of the 1st Division, said: "The request for help has been sent. We only need to stick to the third line of defense. I believe that the reinforcements of the Commander-in-Chief will soon open a hole and welcome us back to the empire."

"That's right, the only plan for now is to stick to it."

The commander of the 3rd Division agreed: "Moreover, the frontal troops of the Royal Army broke through the two lines of defense must have been hurt. If we can win the frontal battle, the reinforcements will tear the hole from the rear and severely damage the flanking troops of the Royal Army. We may We can turn defeat into victory, take advantage of the situation to drive away the Royal Army, and restore our army's great reputation."

"Ha ha."

Bonn, the commander of the 2nd Division, snorted coldly with disdain: "With all due respect, you are probably dreaming."

"Are you trying to fight?!"

"Give me peace!"

The commander of the 1st Division patted the table heavily: "Please go back and make preparations before the battle. What we have to do now is to hold our ground. As long as the reinforcements from the commander-in-chief tear the hole from the rear, can we counterattack the enemy for the time being?" Don’t mention it, no matter how bad it is, we can withdraw the empire.”

"Yes, everything is for the empire."

Since the commander of the 1st Division is the temporary commander here, the meeting was finally decided by him, and he decided to continue to stick to the position and wait for the reinforcements of the commander-in-chief Housman to tear open from the rear to cover their retreat.

Without reinforcements, they would not even be able to retreat home.


Elchea City, the meeting room of the Seventh Army Headquarters.

After Housman announced the request for help and the situation on the front line, the entire conference room fell into dead silence.
One of the division commanders said in an uncertain tone: "Master Commander, what is said in this letter is true? The 11th Elite Aviation Brigade of the Central Army was also defeated? How could such a thing happen?"

"That bastard Marley must be joking."

"How could the Central Army lose to the mere Royal Army?"


If only the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions were defeated.

Then all the division commanders here may still mock the three division commanders who fought on the front line for being inferior to pigs, and they would be defeated by the mere Kingdom Army, but it was the Central Army that wiped out the entire army.

Although it was only a brigade of the Central Army.

But the Central Army is a belief.

Now that even their faith has collapsed under the attack of the Royal Army, they have no time to laugh at the three division commanders on the front line who actually sent them a letter of help and an application for retreat. They really realized the horror of the Royal Army.

"Ahem, ahem... Everyone, please accept the reality."

Housman's tone was a little low: "We are no longer the opponents of the Kingdom Army. Even if we form an alliance with the Holy Dynasty, we still cannot repel the Kingdom Army's 3rd and 4th armies that invaded the territory of the Holy Dynasty, and even fell into a siege."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After coughing violently, Housman patted his chest and roared in a roaring voice: "We! We have already lost the battle!"


This roar awakened the generals.

The army is the strongest, and Jialan's dream of being invincible is completely shattered at this moment. The shadow brought by the Kingdom Army floods in like a tide, covering the entire conference room with a haze.


Housman, who woke up everyone, slowly sat back on the chair: "Please lift your heads up. Failure is not terrible. It is terrible to be intoxicated by the glory of the past in a self-deceiving way. Now is not the time for fear and anxiety. The most urgent thing is to How to get our soldiers back to the Empire from the land of the Holy Dynasty."

"Commander, do you mean..."

Chief of Staff Escal was the first to react, and he said in disbelief: "Are you going to give up on helping the Holy Dynasty? You need to know that if the Holy Dynasty is destroyed, it will be our east that will face the Kingdom Army next."

"This matter will be discussed at a later date."

Housman didn't explain too much, he glanced at the crowd: "What we have to do now is to break the encirclement of the Royal Army on Saint Laurent and open up a retreat channel. May I ask which general is willing to volunteer to fight?"

Veigar, who was seated fourth on the right, lowered his head calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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