Mage Veja

Chapter 29 The Western Suburbs

Chapter 29 The Western Suburbs
The fire was raging.

Veigar placed Leah's ashes in an exquisite urn.

Holding the urn in his hand, he stood quietly in the backyard, with no sadness or joy on his face, and his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water without any waves.Veigar let the cold wind of the winter solstice beat his thin body, looking extraordinarily bleak.

"Company commander, it's windy, please take care of yourself."

The adjutant Charle stepped forward to greet him cautiously, with a trace of unbearable flashing in his eyes.

Veigar didn't look back: "Adjutant, where is the best cemetery in the North District?"

Adjutant Charles said: "The best one in the North District is the Western Suburb Cemetery, where only noble titles can be buried there. It might be a bit difficult to bury them, and although the rest of the cemetery is not as good as the Xijiao Cemetery, there are not many restrictions."

"Let's go, Xijiao Cemetery."

Veigar gave the order, turned around and walked towards the door, the bakery was also on fire at the same time.

This fire is particularly eye-catching in this cold wind. It seems that it wants to melt the whole winter by itself, but the sudden heavy snow will drown the only light and warmth of this winter.

The first snow this year is still here.

Da da da.

Crossing the East Street and crossing the Ten Mile Lane, Weijia headed towards the Western Suburb Cemetery.

Behind him was Adjutant Charles and a 10-member guard squad. As for the remaining 150 members of the company, the deputy company commander led the team to carry out simple cleaning and coordinated support tasks in accordance with the requirements of the regiment headquarters. Jia doesn't need to ask more questions, just sit back and enjoy his achievements.

Walked for about half an hour.

Vega saw a majestic cemetery. In this cemetery, tombstones stood tall and the surroundings were clean and tidy. Only the old bluestone slabs on the ground told that this place had been passed down for hundreds of years.

"Adjutant, is this the place?"

"Yes, company commander."

The adjutant Charle said with some embarrassment: "If we go further, the family of the tombkeepers will probably block it. This cemetery even prohibits people from non-noble families from entering it."

"Prohibit the entry and exit of non-noble personnel?"

Veigar snorted and looked coldly: "Nobles are not easy to mess with, so are people in our army easy to mess with? I'm going to bury Liya in it today, and I want to see who dares to stop me."

Lieutenant Char stepped back.

Once the will of the superior is issued, the subordinates must implement it even if they are dissatisfied. They are the army of the empire, and it is the bounden duty of soldiers to absolutely obey the orders of the superior.

Veigar strode forward in his military greatcoat.

When he reached the gate of the cemetery, he was stopped by six people.

"This is the Western Suburb Cemetery, please stop here."

The person who spoke was an old man over half a century old. He held a crossed long sword in his hand. He was still wearing thin clothes even in the winter. He was obviously a professional, but he couldn't tell his level.

"I know this is the Western Suburb Cemetery."

Vega held the urn and said: "I heard that this is the place where Kareni welcomes spring first. When the early spring arrives, flowers will bloom, and swallows return from north to south. My sister likes spring. She is buried here."

"Spring is coming."

The girl who keeps saying these words on her lips should live here.

"I am so sorry."

The old man shook his head slightly and said, "Only aristocratic families are eligible to be buried here. Even if you are in the army, you cannot step into the Western Suburb Cemetery."

"What if I have to go in?" Veigar gave a dangerous look.

The old man looked at Vega's military rank, then drew out his long crossed sword and said, "I follow the instructions of my ancestors to guard the tomb for generations, if non-noble people want to trespass, even if I pay the price of my life, I will definitely defend the dignity of the nobility. "

As the old man drew out his long sword, the five people behind him also raised their long spears to face Vega.


There was a spark of anger in the eyes of the adjutant Charles: "Who gave you the right to point your weapons at the officers who defend the glory of the empire? If there is no army to protect the country, how can you be superior to the nobles."

Everyone in the guard immediately raised their spears and faced the six people from a distance.

They are Veigar's guards, and it is their duty to protect the company commander's safety. Anyone who dares to point their weapons at their commander will let the other party know that the dignity of the imperial army cannot be desecrated.

Veigar ignored the other's spear and strode forward surrounded by guards.

Vega took a step forward, and the other six took a step back.

Although the old man dared to draw his sword against Vega, he didn't have the courage to kill Vega, because Vega was an officer of the imperial army, and if he killed an officer without authorization, even the many nobles behind him couldn't bear the anger of the army .

In the Nuolan Empire, the army is the largest force.

The glory of the nobility has long been like a yellow flower in the past, and it has quickly withered within a hundred years. Although the nobility still retains the right to build guards and purchase weapons, it does not mean that nobility can point weapons at imperial officers at will.

"Please stop your steps."

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, the old man turned to threaten: "If you are an officer above the regiment level, I might not dare to do anything to you, but you are only an officer at the company level. Fang must also give some face to the nobles behind me, it is still too late for you to retreat quickly, lest you regret it too late."

Veigar stopped in his tracks.

Because he saw firm determination in the old man's eyes, it seemed that this matter had reached the point of no return, and it was obviously impossible to force the other party to retreat with power.

So just leave?
This is not Veigar's style.

Leah likes spring.

Vega wants to do one last thing for Leah, and now he is also qualified to do the last thing within his capacity for Leah, because after today, he is no longer an ordinary officer.

Holder of the Order of Wings of the Empire.

Based on this identity alone, all the nobles of Kareni would not dare to infringe on his interests. The Third Army has long wanted to find an excuse to loot these nobles as military pay. Someone who makes a move can be directly punished as treason.

"Leah, please wait a little longer."

Veigar carefully handed the urn to the adjutant: "Sergeant, protect it, even if it costs you your life."

"Yes!" The adjutant stepped aside cautiously, away from the battlefield.

Veigar drew his dagger.

他面色严肃的对老者说道:“根据帝国特别行动条例Chapter 725条,任何军队或士兵在执行城市级绝密任务期间除军级以上单位外均不得阻拦,违者以叛国罪论处。现第三集团军7师2旅3团232连全体士兵符合帝国陆军特别行动条例Chapter 725条判定。”


Veija waved his dagger: "All the soldiers of the 232nd company continue to advance, and those who obstruct them will be punished as treason."

 Thanks to 'Look at My Great Sword' for the 500 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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