Mage Veja

Chapter 304

Chapter 304
Royal Army, temporary combat command.

A messenger hurriedly rushed into the noisy meeting room, and saw that the generals in the meeting room were blushing, and the chess pieces on the sand table were vying for each other, and it was always difficult to put them in a fixed position.

But with the entry of the orderly, the entire conference room fell into silence.

At this time, the messenger was stared at by more than a dozen pairs of eyes, and the degree of attention was even higher than that of the commander in chief here, who was also the commander in chief of the Eastern Front, Admiral Tenniel Rheinberg.

"Emergency report from the front line."

The messenger swallowed his saliva and hurriedly reported: "General English's plan was very successful. Our air force broke through behind the enemy and successfully sank 13 warships of the Dynasty Army including the Royal Flagship, annihilating the Dynasty Royal Army. With more than 11 people from the Imperial Army, none of the survivors survived, and our army won a big victory!"


The entire conference room was silent at first, and then burst into warm applause.


The commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front, Admiral Tenniel Rheinberg, laughed heartily: "General English, you should be the first to contribute to this war, and it is not in vain for me to gamble with you against all opinions. "

"Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief is wise."

"I am ashamed to say that I strongly opposed this plan at the beginning."

"Yes, yes, if it weren't for the persistence of General English and the Commander-in-Chief, how could such a great result be achieved."

"After this battle, the Dynasty no longer has the power to covet the Eastern Front, hahaha."


Everyone started discussing, and the meeting room was full of cheers and words, which was in stark contrast to the tit-for-tat confrontation a minute ago.

Ingril ignored the crowd, and he glanced gratefully at the commander in chief, Admiral Tenniel Rheinberg. If the commander hadn't resisted the crowd and adopted the suggestion of a general who had been deprived of military authority, where would he be? Now his first.

"As expected of a madman known as a war gambler."

Ingril sighed inwardly. Admiral Tennier had the nickname of a war gambler.

Because what he likes to do most is to apply unrealistic crazy tactics to reality, so he created a history of 9 miracle battles. It is such a madman who immediately adopts his crazy plan when he hears it .

Fortunately, everything went as he expected.

According to pre-war surveys, Callison, the commander of the 11th Air Force of the Dynasty Army, has always been conservative and cautious.

After he was hurt, he ordered the war airship to retreat immediately, but Ingril's ulterior motives were not Vega and other blocking troops who had just arrived from the port, but the Royal Legion behind.

This first exceeded the expectations of the commander of the 11th Air Force, Callison.

Otherwise, the No.11 Air Force will stop the Royal Air Force's footsteps even if they try to annihilate the entire army.

As for the second point, the air force on the West Bank did not come to support in the first time, and successfully made his extremely risky plan come true. This crucial decision also allowed Ingril to prove that he is not incompetent. .

And if you want to assess credit.

This decision alone is enough to keep him in the first place even if his merits and demerits are balanced.

Commander-in-Chief Tenniel patted Ingril on the shoulder: "General Ingril, your marching style is very suitable for me. In your opinion, we will take down Tully City in one go and annihilate the city. The rest of the dynasty army should wait a little longer?"

Before English could answer, the rest of the generals spoke first.

"Of course it was done in one go, and now our army is in full swing."

"When marching and fighting, what we pay attention to is the word 'fast'."

"Soldiers are expensive, and I suggest launching the final attack immediately."


Commander-in-Chief Tanier took a look and said, "I'm asking General English, please maintain basic etiquette."

"Sorry, Lord Commander."

After the conference room fell silent, English said: "My lord, Commander-in-Chief, I recommend that you encircle rather than attack."

"Oh? Please explain in detail, sir." The commander-in-chief became interested.

English cleared his throat, then picked up a stack of documents: "This is the casualty statistics for the past few days. Our army has advanced all the way here since the Tully Grand Canyon. Although we have achieved great results, we have paid a lot. It was an extremely heavy price, and it is roughly estimated that 1/3 of the troops were lost here, how many soldiers do you want to let the kingdom die?"

At this moment, everyone was silent.

In the face of unprecedented victory, they selectively ignored the loss of their own troops.

Now there are more than 8 troops fighting in Tali City. If they continue to fight head-on now, at least half of the group army will have to pay for this tough bone.

This time, the United Kingdom dispatched 7 armies with a total of more than 100 million soldiers to fight in multiple lines. Up to now, there are only less than 50 people left. If they lose another 10 people when the overall situation is settled, even they will feel heartbroken. Incomparable.

Seeing everyone's pained expressions, Ingril continued: "Therefore, I personally suggest that the siege should not be attacked. I believe that the enemy army will either voluntarily surrender after learning that the king is dead, that there are no reinforcements, and no supplies. breakout."

"If we choose number one, we don't need a single soldier."

"If you choose the second option, can they stop our air force when they leave the city?"

The resolute tone echoed in the conference room. This was a "gift" from Ingril in return to Vega. He wanted to use this series of plans to tell Vega that he, Ingril, had been reborn from the ashes.

In front of him, either choose to surrender or choose to die.

So the commander-in-chief Tenniel adopted Ingril's plan and ordered an army of 50 to besieged on all sides, ambush on all sides, and surround the entire Tali City, including 20 troops in the front and 3 in each of the other three gates.

No matter which direction the dynasty army breaks out from.

The troops responsible for the encirclement can be dragged until the arrival of another 40 troops, and without the city as a cover, the huge air force can destroy more than 8 soldiers of the dynasty without a single soldier.

Veigar, who got the news at this time, frowned.

When he found out that the kingdom's army suddenly stopped attacking, he had an ominous premonition, and now it seemed that it was true. They were surrounded in all directions, and there were aviation units bombing from time to time in the sky, and they could only hide in the air-raid shelter and shiver.

In addition, the supplies in the city are only enough for one and a half months.

How to fight this battle?
It is impossible to break out of the siege, and breaking out of the siege is now a dead word.

Since you can't break through, you can only surrender?
If he really surrendered to the Kingdom Army, he might have a chance to survive, but it meant that he lost his chance to reach the top in this life, and he really became a piece of meat under someone else's knife. There is no room for him in this world place.

Life without freedom cannot be called life at all.

The lesser of the two powers.

Veigar clenched the crossed long sword in his hand, he opened the door and walked towards the conference room, no matter what he had to convince the commander in chief of the dynasty army to order a breakout instead of kneeling and surrendering.

(End of this chapter)

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