Mage Veja

Chapter 314 The Madman's War

Chapter 314 The Madman's War

Rely on the Son of Heaven to command the princes.

A craziest idea appeared in Veigar's brain.

Previously, his eyes had been fixed on the awakening potion, but he forgot that the awakening potion was not the most precious thing, but it was the most precious existence for Shia Saint Laurent herself.

Why do you say that?
The distinguished royal lineage coupled with the distinctive features of the ear need not even be explained by superfluous means.

The successor of Saint Laurent XVIII, the only woman in the entire royal lineage, and the future legitimate prince of the Holy Dynasty is well known throughout the country.

These natural features are destined to make Sia Saint Laurent unique.

And what is Vega's current predicament?
The reason he fled back to the Empire was because his troops were weakened for every man lost here.

Due to the emphasis on blood and physical characteristics, the extremely xenophobic character of the Holy Dynasty made it impossible for him to recruit local soldiers and replenish fresh blood. If he stayed here for a long time, he would only run out of ammunition and food.

If Sia Saint Laurent is in control, everything will be solved easily.

With the help of Sia Saint Laurent's orthodox status, he can justifiably recruit soldiers in the eastern part of the dynasty, train the army, and hold high the banner of righteousness against the kingdom's army.

Don't underestimate the cohesiveness of a dynastic heir.

If there is news that Sia Saint Laurent is crowned emperor in the east, some hopeless deserters, civilians oppressed by the Royal Army, patriotic professionals, and magicians will all be moved by the news and regroup under Vega's command.

And as long as Shia is crowned emperor in the east, all the dynasty army in the west will be reduced to a joke.

It can be said that this is a crazy gamble.

If the bet wins, the eastern part of the Holy Dynasty will be in the palm of your hand. At the same time, after recharging your energy, you can also use the orthodox reputation of the Shia royal family to send a letter to the western part of the dynasty.If the generals in the west agreed, it would be easy to say, but if they disagreed, they could force the charge of treason on the opponent.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

One side is the teacher of justice, and the other side is the chaotic officials and thieves. It is self-evident who will win the final victory.

Now God has sent the opportunity to him.

Whether he can seize this opportunity to turn the Holy Dynasty into his own backyard depends on his courage. Cheng Zelong returns to the sea, and the tiger enters the forest. From then on, no one can control his life.

As for loyalty to the Empire?

It's a pity that he is just a time traveler. The reason why he obeyed the orders of the empire is because he has nowhere to go and no way to go. Why not.

But there are two sides to everything.

High returns often come with high risks.

First of all, the Kingdom Army in the eastern part of the dynasty is in full swing. If you are crowned emperor in other people's territory, the Kingdom Army will definitely go all out to destroy your royal orthodoxy and completely stabilize the battle situation on the Eastern Front.


Although the Kingdom Army did not fully control the east, all important city passes have been occupied by the Kingdom Army. The Kingdom uses these important city passes to advance, attack, retreat and defend, and Vega has nothing to do.


Veigar doesn't even have a place to garrison or develop his forces. Convincing Shia to be crowned emperor now is purely suicidal. The Kingdom Army, which focused on annihilating Callison's troops, may also shift their attention to this side in an instant.

At last.

If he wanted to control Shia, he had to go through the guardian knight Carol. Although he looked like a fool, if he knew that Vega used Shia as a puppet, he would probably go crazy on the spot.

But even if there were a thousand reasons to retreat, Veigar still chose to move forward.

The winner is a prince and the loser is a thief.

If you can't even grasp the opportunities given by God, how can you get the life you want.

This time, win or die!

Veigar burst out with an aura of looking down on the world. In Carol's eyes, this aura was like a mountain looking up, and he had only seen this aura from one person in his life——

Saint Laurent XVIII.

Even his master, the star magician, never gave him such a terrible feeling.

Although momentum is a kind of mysterious and mysterious thing.

But a soldier who has been through the battlefield is indeed enough to make ordinary people terrified.

Lieutenant Yiluo also felt this aura. Although he didn't understand what happened, he felt that this was the demeanor that Vega should have.

The former Veigar was like a famous sword bound by a scabbard.

And now Vega seems to have broken free from the shackles, revealing a light that makes the world pale.


So that night, Veigar locked himself in his room.

A detailed map of the eastern part of the Holy Dynasty was placed in front of him. He had been painting and drawing on this map for a full 5 hours, and the current time was approaching three o'clock in the morning.

Veigar is a man of action.

Now that he has made up his mind to make this big gamble, of course it must be foolproof.

First of all, he canceled his plan to go north, and began to look for a city or a dangerous place that could be used as a rear base camp. After all, without a place to stay, his grand plan and hegemony could not be launched at all.

So where should this foothold be placed?
First of all, based on the current position, all the areas along the river to the west are excluded, which has been strictly guarded by the Royal Army to the point that even a mosquito cannot fly.

Veigar set his sights on the central hinterland, which is where he is now.

But then he drew a cross on the map.

From the map, although the central hinterland has the most small and medium-sized cities, and the food reserves are very sufficient, it is not too much to say that it is a natural granary, but the terrain is flat, surrounded by heavy cities and pass natural moats in all directions.This place is like a cage for keeping pets in captivity. Staying here can only lead to death.

Then look up.

The North is the closest to the United Kingdom and the Empire, and not the place to stay for long.

Turn your gaze to the south.

That's where Callison was headed, and now it has attracted the full attention of the Kingdom Army in the east. The Kingdom Army even sent all the remaining aviation units of a group army south to pursue it.

So Veigar looked at the last place.

East of the hinterland!

what's there?
There is the capital of the Holy Dynasty—

The capital of all ages, the city of Saint Laurent.

The city of Saint Laurent is the place of faith of the Holy Dynasty, and even the surname of the royal family is Saint Laurent.

There is such a rumor circulating in Jialan Continent.

To destroy the morale of the army of the Holy Dynasty and the faith of the people, all they need is to capture their city of Saint Laurent. It is no exaggeration to say that the one who wins Saint Laurent wins the dynasty.

Saint Laurent not only has the most solid city defense facilities, but there are also four medium-sized cities around him. To the west is Saya City, to the east is Twilight City, to the south is Half Moon City, and to the north is Shenghui City.

Just as the two defense lines of Aide City and Tali City are still guarding the periphery of Saya City, the same is true for the other three satellite cities.

This is because the dynasties have considered the safety of the capital, and they have laid down one defense line after another. Once the dynasty is facing disaster, it is entirely possible for the whole country to defend the city of Saint Laurent.

The weak holy dynasty in history has indeed dragged down attack after attack with this dense city defense line.

Armed around these satellite cities, the dynasty can even be self-sufficient for decades or even longer.

Why did such a solid Saint Laurent fall?
This is because the Holy Dynasty played off itself.

Because they were unfamiliar with the blitzkrieg, they were suddenly hit by the Royal Army's huge air force penetrating the enemy's rear and being attacked on a large scale. In half a month, they almost lost all the satellite cities, and the peripheral troops were directly isolated and delayed outside the satellite cities. Shrinking the defense line in time, the originally strong satellite city became an accomplice in the fall of Saint Laurent.

But today is different.

The United Kingdom believes that there are no enemies in the east, so a large force Chen Bing blocked the port cities along the coast, and a quarter of the troops went south to pursue them. On average, one brigade was stationed in the four satellite cities. As for Saint Laurent, there was only one division.

Air Force?

Thanks to Veigar's surprise attack in the breakout battle, the Royal Army's outnumbered air force could no longer support them in a blitzkrieg.

In other words, it is possible to win Saint Laurent!
A strong line of defense, sufficient supplies, a huge population base...

Everything Veigar wants is here.

Veigar's hand holding the pen was trembling, he couldn't even believe it himself, he actually had such an extremely crazy idea.After several times picking up the marker pen that fell to the ground due to trembling, Vega finally drew a red circle at the location of Saint Laurent City.


After finishing everything, Veigar laughed wildly in the middle of the night.

Now that he has started to go crazy, he can simply go crazy to the extreme. War is a stage prepared for madmen.

So go ahead, war!

(End of this chapter)

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