Mage Veja

Chapter 317 Trust

Chapter 317 Trust
Carol drew the cross sword.

Sia Saint Laurent's eyes were clouded with mist.

Only Menno showed a frightened expression.

He wiped his cold sweat with slightly trembling hands. As a chief graduate with the best grades in the military academy but extremely afraid of death, he immediately realized how terrifying Vega's words were.

Large forces moved across the northern Taliban mountains.

Not to mention that the Royal Army is currently attracting the attention of Callison's southward troops, even if the Dynasty Army is not attracting their attention, I am afraid they would not have thought that Vega would go around the Taliban Mountains and surprise the Holy City.

That's right.

When he heard that Vega's target was Saint Laurent, Menno immediately guessed Vega's first attack location.

What is the chance of success in a surprise attack on the Holy City?
In Menno's view, approaching [-] percent.

At this time, Veigar was like a hungry wolf that had been lurking for an unknown amount of time, while Shenghui City was like a fat sheep quietly eating tender grass without any sense of danger. All that awaited him was death.

Once Shenghui City fell.

Veigar's sword could point directly at the city of Saint Laurent.

Although the number of Vega's soldiers is somewhat risky, it is not without any chance to capture the city of Saint Laurent.

Others don't know that, as one of the kingdom's military officers, Menno is well aware that the division responsible for stationing Saint Laurent is also a disabled and missing force, and the entire division has only about 1.3 people.

The Royal Army would never have thought of it.

In the calm and safe rear, there is hidden a force like Vega that still has the power to fight a battle, and even if they guessed it, I am afraid that the general staff will not boldly guess that Vega will not escape, but will attack Saint Laurent instead.

Therefore, the winning rate of this war is 37%.

Of course, 3 is Veigar, and 7 is the Kingdom Army. After all, the Kingdom Army is defending the city, even if it is caught by surprise, it is still the dominant side in general.

But please don't underestimate the 3% chance.

In marching battles, which tactic can achieve a 3% success rate is enough for any general to take a risk, especially in this kind of war with huge gains, even [-]% is enough to make people crazy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the difficulty of this war has surpassed miracles.

If this battle can be successfully won, this war will be destined to surpass miracles and become an epic.

Epic battles!

Could it be that he, Menno, will become an officer of a defeated country and witness the birth of an epic battle with his own eyes?

What kind of sin did he commit to be sent to this devil by heaven.

Unlike Menno, a professional military officer.

Knight Carol and Princess Sia, who have no experience in marching and fighting, naturally couldn't understand Vega's crazy move. Princess Sia Saint Laurent only thought that Vega had failed her trust, so she couldn't help falling down. tears.

After all, Veigar is the person she most wants to trust in this world, except for Carol.

Even though she knew that the marching route was wrong, she always believed in Veigar, and even prevented Carol from questioning Veigar's orders several times, but this trust was exchanged for betrayal, which made her unable to hold back her tears. .

Carol was more straightforward.

When he thought that Vega was going to sell him and the princess to the Kingdom Army, he drew out the cross sword directly. Although he didn't have much confidence that he could escape with the princess, he thought it was not impossible to take Vega directly as a hostage. arrive.

So he pointed his sword at Veigar.

Then he said in a cold voice: "It is in vain that Princess Fei trusted you so much, but I never thought that you were going to sell your friends to survive. You people from the empire are indeed as His Majesty said, you are naturally cunning and cannot be trusted."

"I just said that the destination was changed to Saint Laurent, but I didn't say that Her Royal Highness would be sold."

Vega shrugged and said, "As for the reason why I changed my destination to Saint Laurent, I'm afraid the head of the Royal Army has already guessed a general idea."

"Do you think I will still believe your sweet words?"

Carol said disdainfully: "Who doesn't know now that Yves Saint Laurent is the territory of the kingdom, and if you set your destination at Yves Saint Laurent, wouldn't that mean sending Her Highness the princess to the army of the kingdom?"

With just one stride, Carol will use his combat skills to rush towards Veigar.

But at this moment, Shia's voice came: "Carol stop, I want to hear General Vega's explanation."

"His Royal Highness... Sigh!" Carol finally sighed, without moving.

Veigar gave Shia a strange look again, this kind of sweet trust made Veigar more and more confused, but he continued to speak: "I think the two of you probably misunderstood something, what I mean is—"

"Taking the city of Saint Laurent!"

As if it was a natural truth to eat when you are hungry, Veigar said such a sentence that made the two of them stand on the spot.


After being dazed, Carol let out a burst of laughter that echoed for a long time.

He pointed at Vega and laughed so hard that tears were about to drip down his face: "Do you know where Saint Laurent is? Do you know how many soldiers our dynasty and your empire have paid and failed to defend the city of Saint Laurent? Just a defeated army The general actually wanted to defeat the Kingdom Army, which defeated the coalition forces of the Dynasty and Empire, and take Saint Laurent City."

After laughing.

Carol pointed at Vega with his sword: "If you don't have a better excuse, don't blame me for taking the shot. Don't treat Her Royal Highness and I as three-year-old children. We won't believe your crude excuses."


Vega shook his head and said: "Lord Carol, I can't guarantee other things, but I can tell you clearly about this one. The purpose this time is to take Saint Laurent City and let Her Royal Highness be crowned Emperor, restore the power of the Holy Dynasty, and at the same time announce that the Holy Dynasty’s counterattack against the Kingdom has officially begun.”

"Thank you General Veigar for thinking so much about me."

Princess Shia faded away the mist, and said with some emotion in her eyes: "But isn't this plan too...a little risky, even laymen like Carol and I know that we are seeking our own death, and it was a success." Hopefully no more than one percent."

"Your Highness, don't you believe this nonsense?"

Carol wanted to sarcastically, but Menno couldn't stand it any longer, so he couldn't help interjecting, "Since you know you're a layman, just keep your mouth shut. An ignorant guard, a deep Canaries in the palace, who gave you the courage to question a general's battle plan?"

"Hmph, offal of the kingdom, what do you mean!"

"What are you!"

The more Mennuo said, the more angry he became. Even as an enemy, he felt worthless for Vega: "If it weren't for General Vega's ingenious plan to lead your troops to break through our encirclement in the breakout of Tali City, your Kai Admiral Leeson may have surrendered. It's ridiculous that you are still questioning whether General Veigar, who advocates fighting to the death without surrender, will betray you."

"The breakout battle in Tully City was General Veigar's idea?"

Princess Shia glanced at Carol. If she remembered correctly, Carol had told her at the time that Vega was only assisting General Callison's breakout plan from the sidelines, and the main planner was their Admiral Callison. Will.

Face to face was dismantled.

It's hard for Carol to say anything, after all, that's the way it is.

Princess Shia guessed the whole story when she saw Carol's expression, she sighed, the expression on her face was obviously disappointed.Shia didn't want the person who ranked first in her heart to hide the truth from her because she didn't like another person, or even belittle him.

So I don't know if it's out of anger or other reasons...

Princess Sia looked at Vega with firm eyes: "General Vega, Sia is willing to believe in you, and I believe that you will never deceive me. I look forward to the day when you can let me be crowned emperor in Saint Laurent City."

"Your Majesty won't keep you waiting." Vega gave an affirmative answer.

"His Royal Highness... no."

Carol wanted to say something more, but Princess Shia ignored her and left directly.

(End of this chapter)

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