Mage Veja

Chapter 327 The Battle of Saint Laurent

Chapter 327 The Battle of Saint Laurent

It didn't turn out to be a tough battle as expected.


It should be said that this war was not fought.

When Alex Thord came to the tower with tense nerves and was about to fight a tough battle, he found that Veigar's troops had retreated, and the offensive formation that had been set up with great fanfare had also changed into an orderly retreat formation.


Whether it is the offensive formation or the retreating formation, it looks a bit jerky, not like the posture that a veteran army should have, but reveals a breath of new recruits everywhere.

Is it an illusion?

or fact?

Alexis Sound was a little silly and confused.

According to what he knew, Veigar was a general with terrifying commanding skills, and Veigar's army was a real tiger-wolf division. Such a terrifying army would never look like a recruit.

In other words.

Alex Soder automatically imagined a possibility.

Veigar ordered the troops to do this to confuse him, deliberately let him relax his vigilance, and lured him out of the city to pursue.

"General, do you need to order a pursuit?"

A brigade commander couldn't help but stepped forward and suggested: "The enemy's formation is rigid and their retreat is disorderly. It is clear that they are soldiers who lack training. At this time, we will take the opportunity to pursue and chase, and we will surely win a big victory."


Alex Soder did not answer the brigade commander's words, but asked a group of officers: "Do you think the devil would make such a stupid mistake? Or, do you think his main force is just a group of soldiers who have never been on the battlefield?" new recruits?"


All the officers laughed.

As soon as they were told by Alec Thord, they obviously realized that this was Veigar's trick to lure the snake out of the hole.

"Does this third-rate method underestimate me too much?"

Alex Thord watched Veigar's troops leave safely, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He guessed that once he ordered a large army to pursue Veigar's troops, the battle would be defeated.

Don't underestimate anyone, and never underestimate the people on the war threat list.

So is this really the case?

A staff officer carefully asked Vega: "General, isn't this kind of behavior too risky? It's true that recruits need training, but training siege formations and retreat formations in front of the enemy as soon as they come up. Once the jerky formation connection is seen by the enemy, they will definitely take the opportunity to wipe us out."

"You think they didn't see it?"

Wei Jia laughed: "But even if they see it, they will automatically misunderstand that this is our suspicious strategy. The purpose is to lure them out of the city gate, so I can guarantee that they will not have the courage to order the pursuit."

Yes, Veigar did it on purpose.

He already realized that he didn't have much time. A month later, the main force of the Royal Army's port city would attack. Therefore, Vega didn't miss any opportunity to train his troops while pretending to attack Twilight City.

This kind of training opportunity that is almost actual combat can be said to be rare.

And the more obvious he is, the more afraid the enemy will dare to attack. This is the false and true way of using troops.

Moreover, through this kind of intense stimulation and the way of the enemy's training at the knife edge, Veigar found that this group of recruits had initially acquired some discipline, and was familiar with the basic siege and retreat formations.

"Sure enough, actual combat is the best teacher."

This way of training soldiers is like holding an AK47 against your head, forcing you to learn. Even undisciplined soldiers will obediently obey under such high pressure.

However, this opportunity for training is gone.

If the predictions are correct, his main force will attack Saint Laurent tonight.

As soon as Saint Laurent City fell, he had to order the entire army to retreat immediately, otherwise, when the Royal Army in Twilight City reacted, the entire army would have to move out to tear him apart.


Saint Laurent City.

Now it is garrisoned by the third elite division of the Royal Army and two regiment-level troops with about 3200 people.

For a huge capital, 3200 people are really stretched. Since the main force rushed to Twilight City to support them, now they can't even open the powerful war colossus.

The only thing that can still be used is probably the crystal hub.

But the Crystal Hub can only defend against the attacks of the air forces, and their ground forces are not strong enough. At this time, they may not be able to stop the attack of any brigade.

Because ah.

The high-level armed forces of the two regiments only have a squad of magicians and a brigade of professionals.

But the commanders of the two regiments were not worried.

According to the intelligence, the enemy has already invaded Twilight City with heavy troops. Where did the enemy come from here...

dong dong dong.

As soon as this idea fell, the alarm of the enemy attack sounded.

When the two commanders climbed the tower, they almost passed out.

Standing in front of the city gate was a troop of more than 2 people, with bloodthirsty red lights in their eyes, it was obvious that they were an elite troop with many battles, and their own soldiers were not at the same level as these troops. .

These are not mentioned for now.

The number of professionals and magicians at the top is eight or nine times that of them. These high-level armed forces alone can directly destroy 3200 of them. Even if they defend the city, there is no hope of winning this battle.

Why is there such a large force here?

It was too late for the two commanders to get to the bottom of it, because their breath had disappeared——

That's right, the Shadow Mage Squad.

In a war without Word Spirit Mage, Shadow Mage is the god of death who roams the earth, and their elusive figures have almost no difficulty in paralyzing the command system.

Obviously this battle is a one-sided massacre.

The magicians of the enemy army were slaughtered before they could even release their magic, not to mention the ordinary Veigar soldiers who tried to take up poor weapons to resist, but were burned to ashes by magic.

25 minutes.

This is the total time of the Battle of Saint Laurent.

This joke-like battle left Lieutenant Yiluo completely at a loss as to what words to use to express his broken heart.

If he hadn't commanded it personally, seen it with his own eyes, and heard it with his own ears, even he would have felt that some lunatic was telling him an April Fool's Day joke, and ended a siege in 25 minutes. The target city was Saint Laurent, the capital of all ages?

Ha ha!

Even if the attack was a small town, no one would believe it.

Therefore, at this moment, the adjutant Yiluo completely regarded Vega as a god.

From the day he received Vega's order, he has been in a panic until now. Along the way, he even couldn't sleep well because of excessive tension and fear. After all, he was going to command the Saint Laurent campaign next.

He's just a lieutenant.

He's just an adjutant.

Let a lieutenant command an epic battle?
The moment he repeatedly confirmed the order with Veigar, he felt that either Veigar was crazy, maybe he himself was crazy, or the world was crazy?

But now it seems that all of this is probably in the calculation of that person.

Even if a pig was in command of this battle, Saint Laurent would probably be taken down.

But Veigar gave him the task.

Now as long as he returns to the empire, he can say with pride that he once commanded the Battle of Saint Laurent under the command of General Vega, and took down Saint Laurent, the capital of the Holy Dynasty and the super important city of the Jialan Continent. .

This glamorous resume is enough for him to brag about for a lifetime.

No, not just for a lifetime.

In the future, his children, grandchildren, and even future generations can be proud of it.

If Veigar was standing in front of him now, he would even kneel and kiss his combat boots.

"Being the general's adjutant may be the most correct thing I've ever done in my life."

Yiluo muttered something to himself, then fell off the horse with a smile and fell into a coma. He hadn't slept for more than 48 hours because he was too nervous.When the war was won, he couldn't hold it anymore.

This joke-like war is destined to go down in history.

When 12 hours later.

When Alex Sord in Twilight saw the battle report saying that the Imperial Army had taken Saint Laurent in 25 minutes, he almost killed the orderly on the spot for lying about military intelligence.

"It's not true, tell me it's not true."

Alec Thord roared like a madman, but the fact would not change because of his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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