Mage Veja

Chapter 333

Chapter 333
What is the reality?
Carol and Shia froze on the spot.

They never thought that, as loyal ministers of the dynasty, the elders of the two dynasties, Admiral Theon, who had sworn allegiance to the royal family, would raise his butcher knife against them. Standing opposite was indeed the oldest loyal minister of the dynasty!
"why is that?"

With the last glimmer of hope in her eyes, Shia asked: "Old General Xien, please stop joking, I am Shia, you watched Shia Saint Laurent grow up."

Theon was unmoved.

He just stared at the princess intently, waiting for the magic of the elemental mage to burn her to ashes.


Several speeding fireballs struck, and the shadow mage also blocked Shia's escape route.
"Princess be careful!"

Carol immediately noticed something was wrong, he directly blocked Princess Shia, and launched a mid-level defensive combat skill to forcibly block the elemental mage's attack, but his arm was slightly scorched.

Even intermediate combat skills cannot completely defend against elemental magic.

But this also gave Carol a chance to breathe. Before the second spell was cast, he picked up the princess and prepared to escape. If he didn't realize that Theon had betrayed the princess at this time, then he would be too stupid up.

"Leave him."

Admiral Theon gave an order, and the shadow mage lurking in the dark attacked Carol.

Iron intersects.

Since Carroll was holding a mid-level magic weapon, he directly killed one person with this blow.

But Carol is strong. Facing the attack that blocked all escape routes, he was temporarily unable to break through the encirclement.

This is also of course.

He is a shadow mage who is proficient in assassination.

If he was alone, the opponent he was going to kill would bleed like a river.

But let an assassin serve as a protector, and Carol's strength can't even be [-]%.

Facing the intensive attack of 40 shadow mages, he needed to fight the enemy with 1 points of energy. If he was not careful, the princess would die on the spot. He didn't even dare to let Shia leave the radius of [-] meter.

"Xion, you dare to betray the royal family, you deserve death!!"

Carol's eyes were burning with raging anger, but it was a pity that Sean was unmoved, let alone answered half a word.

As a general who has experienced many battles, Theon understands that it is completely meaningless to talk to the dead. He came here just to get the result of Shia's death, not to talk nonsense.

"Change to Flame Explosion."

Theon gave orders to the elemental mage.

As a result, the surrounding air boiled in an instant, and a large hot fireball condensed on top of Carol's head in an instant, and fell towards Princess Xia in an instant.

"Your Highness, I will swear to the death to protect your safety."

Anger flashed in Carol's eyes, and the moment the fireball fell, he tore open a scroll.

This scroll seals a high-level defensive magic, but it is not a product of the entire era. Carol doesn't even know if it is still effective, but since his teacher star magician Ocasus Saint Laurent told him that it can save his life , then it must still be usable.

tear it up-

As the scroll was drawn, a hurricane rose from the ground.


The strong wind overflowed, and a pale green shield was instantly formed. This is...

"Wind-type high-level magic, protected by the sky."

Theon squinted his eyes, and couldn't help saying: "Sure enough, that old guy Ocasus left you something, but it's a pity that the protection of the sky like Weakening City can only last for 10 minutes. How to escape?"

"Ten minutes is enough."

Carol raised the cross sword and stepped out of the sky guard.

A mage assassin should have a fighting style that belongs to a mage assassin!
"The streamer accelerates, the power of the mountain, the power of the giant god..."

With the blessing of three middle-level combat skills, Carol disappeared into the air after saying "trickery".


A phantom appeared and disappeared, and the elemental mage who bore the brunt was instantly torn apart, but Carol disappeared without a trace.

If an ordinary commander sees this, he might run away in fear.

But Theon is obviously not an ordinary person. He knew that running back would kill him faster, so he ordered in an orderly manner: "Master Ling Ling reports the coordinates at any time. Others block his attack. You call the elemental mage team over."

"Yes, General."

All the magicians had a clear division of labor, the Word Spirit Mage reported the coordinates, the Shadow Mage and the remaining two elemental mages were responsible for blocking Carol, and another mage was sent to ask for help.

Judging from the current situation.

If Carol is unable to escape here with Princess Shia before reinforcements arrive, or before the high-ranking magic firmament protection fails, then it is still impossible to escape a dead end, after all, he has the burden of Princess Shia.

bang bang bang-

The iron weapons kept intersecting, and Carol was not an elemental mage after all. Even though he had a powerful BUFF that could block and kill gods, it was difficult to break through the block of the shadow mage squadron piled up with human lives.

And time has begun to slowly pass...

But it was at this time that Veigar discovered the Shadow Mage who came to ask for help.

This is also thanks to his staring at the enemy's elemental mage troops, so when the shadow mages came to ask for help, Veigar followed the troops to Shia's coordinates after releasing the assembly signal.

Because the magician moves very fast.

In about 10 minutes, Veigar arrived at the place where Shia was.

It's totally visible now.

At the cost of the lives of 25 shadow mages, Theon's party successfully delayed Carol for nearly 10 minutes. At this time, the guardian of the sky had cracked, and Carol had to retreat to Shia's side. In order to prevent Princess Shia from being assassinated by the shadow mage at the moment when the magic fails.

Seeing this scene, Vega took a breath in his eyes.

In the case of a Lingling mage, an elemental mage, a shadow mage squadron, and the oil bottle Shia, they can kill 25 shadow mages in front of the enemy. This powerful strength is simply unheard of.

That's right, Veigar thought it was absolutely impossible.

If it was him, he would definitely run away immediately, if he didn't run away, he would only die.


His mid-level combat skills can display 100% of his strength, and at the same time his troops can continuously provide him with magic power. Only then can he have the confidence to compete with the opponent when the enemy has a magician.

Because as far as Veigar knew.

The mid-level defensive combat skills released at full strength can defend against 60% of the damage of the elemental mage's flame explosion magic.

But what needs to be paid attention to is whether the enemy has a median magician, because if a fire falls, even if dozens of BUFFs are blessed, it will explode into the sky instantly.

But no matter how powerful Carol is, it will stop here.

When the guardian of the sky is broken and the elemental mage team begins to chant magic, it heralds the end of this battle.

Unless Carol can make up his mind to give up Shia and escape alone, but is this possible?
"Carol, go to hell with your stupid loyalty."

Admiral Theon knew clearly that Carol would not be able to abandon Shia, so he slowly raised his hand and gave the order: "Attack with all elemental magic and completely bury those two."

The staff began to shine brilliantly, and the elements began to gather.

Shia's pupils lost focus, she raised her head to look at the sun covered by dark clouds, and made a pale voice: "General Vega, Shia, I don't want to die yet; Shia, I still want to live to see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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