Mage Veja

Chapter 347 Prohibition

Chapter 347 Prohibition

It went so well.

Tosh looked at the thunderous cheers in the audience, and his eyes couldn't stop his pride.

As a staff officer, what could be more fulfilling than having everything within his expectations?

Isn't this just showing off his ability as a staff officer, indirectly putting Vega together.

Just think about it, as a major staff officer, he actually had a sense of accomplishment with Brigadier General Vega, and escaping from this pit of fire meant that he would have a great chance to return to the empire .

Going back alive was something Tosh could only dream of.

But now, this thing is only one step away from him.

He took a step forward, raised his hand again and pressed it, motioning everyone present to be quiet.

"Cough cough..."

Coughing twice in a pretentious manner, Major Tosh said leisurely: "Thank you again for your kindness. Since everyone wants me to take command, then I will not be disrespectful. I, Tosh, swear to you all here. , must lead everyone to victory, and survive the attack of the Royal Army together."

clap clap-

There was thunderous applause, and Tosh was about to swear to temporarily control the command of the two armies, but at this moment, the adjutant Yi Luo appeared on the stage.

"Staff Tosh, it's a felony to bully your superiors and flatter your subordinates!"

Yiluo said mockingly: "General Vega is still alive, and you do such a thing to seize power. Even if you return to the empire, you think that the judicial system will let you go. You are an adviser, and you have never used your brain when you act. ?"

"A mere adjutant, dare to come and teach me?"

Tosh said disdainfully: "Of course I know that General Vega is still alive, but unfortunately he has betrayed the empire, abandoned us and Princess Xiya and fled to the West Bank. As for the chief who betrayed the empire, I, Tosh, as the current leader of the army Number two, why can't he be replaced?"

Yiluo is confident.

He looked at Tosh with a condescending attitude and said, "Don't talk nonsense. It is also a felony to slander a superior officer. Do you have any evidence to prove that General Vega and His Royal Highness have fled to the West Bank?"


Tosh didn't take Yi Luo seriously: "Evidence? What more evidence is needed. Neither General Vega nor Princess Shia is in the city. This is solid evidence. It is an indisputable fact that they abandoned us."

"It's you, Mr. Yiluo."

Tosh squinted at Yiluo: "You and Menno, the traitor of the kingdom, bribed three religions and nine schools to spread rumors. General Vega and Princess Shia are still in the city, playing with the entire city's soldiers and civilians, have you ever thought about how to bear our pain? anger?"

Tosh slapped the podium to pieces: "All of you here, please keep your eyes open. This is the lackey of the traitor, who is trying to blind your eyes and treat you as an accomplice who is a victim."

"Kill him, kill him, kill him."

Tosh's sailors stood up again to take the rhythm, and angry roars broke out in the audience.

In normal times, let alone 20 people, even if it was the roar of thousands of people, Yiluo would make a fool of himself on the spot, but today, facing the roar of the mountains and rivers, Yiluo did not panic.

Because he knows that his backbone is here.

So his voice mixed with magic power easily suppressed the roar of 20 people, and it echoed clearly over the entire Royal Plaza: "Whoever says I'm spreading rumors, whoever says I'm distorting the facts. General Vega and Princess Shia are In the city, as subjects, do you want to question the royal family and superiors? Question your own beliefs, but choose to believe the words of a stranger, aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

There was silence in the square.

Yes, why don't I choose to believe in faith, but believe in a stranger?

Seeing that the wind direction was wrong, Tosh immediately remedied it: "Adjutant, after all this has been said, it is true that Princess Shia and General Vega are not in the city. It's not that we don't believe in faith, but that faith has betrayed us."

"I'll say it again."

Adjutant Yi Luo's voice overshadowed everything: "General Vega and His Highness Shia have not abandoned us, they are in the city."

"Since they are in the city, you can let them out..."

Tosh's words stopped abruptly, and his expression of confidence changed instantly.

Although Vega and Shia haven't appeared yet, as a tentatively well-known staff officer, Tosh saw that Yiluo had changed from the decline of the previous few days and became aggressive, and suddenly understood something——

Veigar and the princess have returned.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility.

But since he came back, why let the public opinion continue to ferment, and not stand up immediately to reunite the hearts of the people?
"Could it be..."

Tosh looked at Yiluo with a livid face, trying to see something from his expression.

And Yiluo said with confidence: "Everything is just as the staff officer imagined. General Vega came back early in the morning. The reason why he hasn't shown up until now is to see who is holding us back."

"How could this be, it's not true."

Taking chances, Tosh barely stabilized his posture and said, "You must be bluffing, yes, it must be like this."

Da da da--

It was not Yiluo who answered Tosh, but the sound of footsteps.

Walking up the stage from the side were Vega in military uniform and Sia Saint Laurent in a gorgeous evening gown.

"Your Excellency, the farce is about to end."

When Vega and Shia passed by Tosh, he whispered a word in a voice that could only be heard within a radius of one meter. on the ground.

Veigar didn't beat Reservoir Dog hard.

He led Shia to stand in the center of the stage, looking down at the deadly 20 crowd: "Subjects of the dynasty, soldiers of the empire, to be honest, I don't want to meet you here in this way."

"In my plan, there are only two situations where I need to meet you here."

Veigar stretched out his first finger: "First, defeat the invading army of the Kingdom Army and take back the victory meeting of the country."

Vega stretched out his second finger: "Second, the grand ceremony for the coronation of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Withdrawing his two fingers, Vega said with a disappointed expression: "However, your performance disappointed me and Her Royal Highness. When I was improving my strength, you were questioning; when I was discussing with Your Highness how to defeat the Royal Army. Battle plan You are still questioning."

"Did you ever know?"

"What you are questioning is the dignity of a general. For soldiers, dignity is better than life!"

"Did you ever know?"

"What you are questioning is the glory of the royal family of the dynasty. For the royal family, glory trumps everything."

"Everyone, I regret to tell you."

Veigar said mercilessly: "You would rather believe in the spies of a kingdom than in the behavior of the royal family. You have betrayed your faith, your glory, your belief... you have betrayed your unswerving determination to win. Own."

After a moment of silence.

Menno's navy began to exert its strength.

A highly respected sage stood up and said, "Please calm down, the general and the princess. It's not that we have broken our beliefs and oaths. It's because the kingdom's spies are too cunning and blinded us. Please forgive us once again .”

"I can forgive you."

"His Royal Highness can also forgive you."

Vega's long sword pointed at Tosh: "But forgiveness is not just words. Whether you can get forgiveness from me and His Highness depends on your determination in the next battle of defending the city. Faith and oath, never It needs cheap words to express it, and it needs everyone present to prove it with the determination to die!"

After speaking.

Veigar still didn't look at Tosh, and walked off the stage with Shia.

Enough for today's show.

Veigar had already planned, not only let Tosh die without a place to bury him, but also successfully made the soldiers and civilians of the entire Saint Laurent City owe him and Shia a huge debt of favor.

How to pay off this love debt?
There seemed to be no other option but to serve him in the ensuing war.

Now Veigar sincerely thanks Tosh.

If Tosh hadn't made such a fuss, Veigar would still have to find a way to gather people's hearts and boost morale. Now that everything has been eliminated, this huge sense of guilt is enough to make the whole city fight to the death.

And it made such a fuss.

The credibility of Veigar and Shia has been raised to the peak, even if Veigar refers to deer as horse now, no one would dare to refute it.

As for the dissonant factor of Tosh?
It's a pity that Veigar casually said that the kingdom was a spy, and now 20 people who were furious had rushed to the high platform.


Now Vega's words are evidence. He said that Tosh is a spy, so Tosh is definitely a spy. In the land of Saint Laurent, no one dared to question any of Vega's orders.

(End of this chapter)

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