Mage Veja

Chapter 35 Evil

Chapter 35 Evil
Not one left.

This is an order from regiment headquarters.

Since there is only a map of the contact point and no list of spies, the regiment headquarters can only issue a kill order without leaving behind the idea that they would rather kill the wrong than let them go.

This command means.

As long as anyone who appeared at the contact point of the United Kingdom spy organization during the purge mission was in progress, all civilians and nobles would be killed directly.

What if I killed a nobleman by mistake?
According to the Special Operations Regulations, this type of action can take the form of executing the sentence first and then collecting evidence.

In other words, if you are all dead, if I fabricate a piece of evidence out of thin air, there will be no one who dares to stand up for you. The army is not something anyone can provoke if they want to. The declining nobles are not even qualified to protest to the army.

Of course, imperial soldiers are not among them.

If there are imperial soldiers in the contact point, they need to be transferred to a military court for judgment. This is a well-known unspoken rule, and the regiment headquarters did not explain otherwise.

Of course the deputy company commander understood the meaning of this order.

But these are all ten-year-old children. As a father, how can he kill these immature lives? As an imperial soldier, shouldn't he protect the territory and the weak?

Although there is indeed evidence that some kids are doing spy work.

But this does not mean that every child is engaged in spy work. In order to kill a few spies, the lives of 90 children must be buried. Is this really an order that a human being should issue?Does the person who issued this order still have a little benevolence as a human being, or is he not human at all.

The deputy company commander looked at Vega.

He stretched out his trembling hand slowly towards the spear in Vega's hand. The process was extremely slow, but he finally took the cold standard spear.

The long gun weighs only a few kilograms.

In normal training, he was able to wield this long spear like a tiger, and during border patrol missions, he was even able to use the long spear to kill enemy soldiers with ease, but at this moment he felt that the long spear was extraordinarily heavy.

He raised his spear with difficulty.

His face was almost distorted.

"This is an order, this is an order, this is an order..."

The deputy company commander continued to hypnotize himself, and he walked towards the first child step by step, and finally stood in front of the child.

The kid looks less than 15 years old.

His thin body trembled with fear, as if he knew his time was coming, so he raised his head and stared innocently at the deputy company commander. When he saw the long gun that was close at hand, he couldn't help crying.

"Whoa whoa."

This cry aroused the consensus, and more than 90 children began to cry one after another.


When he heard the cry of the child, the deputy company commander collapsed, and the spear in his hand fell to the ground.

"I can't, I really can't..."

The deputy company commander held his head in pain and said: "I am an imperial soldier. My duty is to defend the country. My spear should be pointed at the heart of the enemy soldiers. I really can't do it to these underage children. "

The expressions of the surrounding soldiers began to loosen.

Some have even put down the spears in their hands. The deputy company commander's words hit their hearts. They can sacrifice their lives for the empire, or die with the enemy, but they don't have the courage to point their spears at these children.

"You think so too?"

Veigar glanced at the soldiers around him, and his tone became even colder.

No one answered.

But all the soldiers lowered their heads, and only a few soldiers pointed their spears at the children under orders.

See here.

The thin kid, Bray, already had a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

As the bottom of this society, he has not died so far, and has taken control of this street children organization in a short period of time, and even joined the intelligence system of the United Kingdom. Naturally, it is because he knows how to use his own weak advantages and some human sympathy The heart of the weak.

When he succeeds in eliciting sympathy from his soldiers, he knows he is safe.

As for the officer who is still clamoring?
Although he could only hear the immature voice from behind but not see his face, under the circumstances of the general trend, there must be no disturbances. The only thing that surprised him was that this unknown officer had no sympathy at all. Heart.

Seeing the weak should not give birth to sympathy.

As a strong man, let the weak take advantage of his sympathy, will he lose a piece of meat?
See, the current scene of betrayal is the result of not taking advantage of sympathy. Bray wanted to proudly mock the masked officer, but under the current situation, he should cry a little louder obediently.

"It's really a woman's kindness." A trace of disdain flashed in Vega's eyes.

Strongness can become a weapon, and weakness can also become a weapon; sometimes human morality and right things can even become a murder weapon.The tricks of the street children are nothing more than turning the weak into weapons, attacking the weak heart of the strong, and achieving the effect of seeking benefits. How could Vega, who was once a member of the street children, not know.

Veigar picked up the spear that the deputy company commander had dropped on the ground.

He walked towards the crying street children with decisive steps: "You are all kind soldiers of the empire, so let me be this 'evil'. Compared with the boring kindness, I really like 'evil' ', because there is only 'evil' which never needs to cover itself with weakness, morality, benevolence and righteousness, and only 'evil' which stands on the opposite side of goodness fights without scruples, uprightly, and with bare hands."

Da da da.

The echo of the military boots trampling on the ground stopped, and Veigar stood in front of the weeping Bray.

Bray shuddered.

He looked at the shadow on the ground, as if smelling the breath of death.

Bray raised his head with difficulty.

After seeing the face of the visitor, the crying used to pretend stopped.

How could it be him?
It was the only thought on Bray's mind.

Last year, he also plotted against Vega and asked Vega to support him as the new leader, but he didn't expect that the other party left a sentence the next day that I want to join the army, and disappeared from his sight without even listening to the persuasion. An excuse for Veigar to be afraid.

in the next month.

He used some means to attract most street children to become the new leader, and even joined the spy system of the United Kingdom because of this. When he successfully reached the pinnacle of his life, he secretly laughed at Vega's timidity.

But that doesn't appear to be the case now.

That kid who has no special features other than being more brave and ruthless really boarded the imperial army's chariot and became an imperial officer?

How did he do that.

Could it be that he was promoted by taking advantage of the sympathy of his superiors?

It must be so.

When the idea was confirmed, Bray put on a flattering smile.

He stood up without authorization and said in a hugging posture: "Vegar, you bastard is finally willing to come back to see us. You didn't drag your old friends when you found a good way out. Don't forget that you were almost beaten when you couldn't hand in the things. I paid for it on your behalf."

 Thanks to 'Dream Bale z' and 'Lu Mingchuan' for their 500 rewards, today's second update is here.

(End of this chapter)

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