Mage Veja

Chapter 362 Sending Envoys to the Empire

Chapter 362 Sending Envoys to the Empire
Perfunctory Shia's promise.

He successfully used Shia's order to send Carol to die.

Veigar completely lost his sleepiness, so he began to plan how to let the imperial army conquer the kingdom.

First of all, the empire and the kingdom are incompatible. The kingdom even attacked the north of the empire and plundered the empire inhumanely. The north of the empire has not yet recovered from its strength. This is why the empire does not want to attack the kingdom for the time being.

After all, war needs economic support.

If Vega guessed correctly.

The empire must have wanted to wait for the economy in the north to recover a bit before launching a war of revenge against the kingdom.

But not thinking doesn't mean it can't be done, as long as he can pay enough, with the ambition of the empire and the hatred for the kingdom, he will definitely set off a battle of revenge in advance.


Now that the kingdom is focusing on attacking the Holy Dynasty, the country will inevitably be empty. If the empire attacks the kingdom at this time, the risk will be much lower and the chance of victory will be greater.

Third, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. How can the empire watch the kingdom grow bigger?

Based on these three points, Veigar believed that as long as he sent envoys to offer sufficient benefits to the head of state, there would be at least an 80% chance that the empire would send troops to the United Kingdom.

So who is this messenger?

Veigar summoned Adjutant Iro the next day.

He sat on the main seat and stared at Yi Luo furiously: "Lieutenant, you and I have been together for almost a year, now I want to ask you a question, please return this question to me seriously."

"Yes, General."

Yiluo straightened her back, not daring to neglect at all.

Veigar was silent for a while, and then said: "Lieutenant, can I trust your loyalty?"

There was a click.

Yiluo felt cold, what does this question mean?
Can I trust your loyalty?

If you understand it literally, you are asking him if he has betrayed the empire and the army.

Why did the general ask this question?
At this moment, Yiluo thought a lot. He even thought that someone had sued Vega, slandering him for betraying the empire and the army, but after thinking about it, something seemed wrong.

"Can I trust your loyalty?"

Yi Luo repeated it secretly in his heart, and finally discovered the deep meaning in it.

loyalty?Who is it loyal to?
Obviously, this sentence can be understood as loyalty to the empire and to Veigar himself. This is an indirect way for him to express his allegiance to the empire or Veigar himself.

So Yiluo didn't hesitate.

He saluted Vega and said, "General, I pledge allegiance to you, not the empire. Please don't question my loyalty. Your kindness to me will never be forgotten."

That's right, everything about him was given by Veigar.

Therefore, the person he wants to swear allegiance to is definitely not the empire that wants to send him to the frontier, but Vegar, the general who is willing to take him in when he has nowhere to go.

"You are rebellious."

Vega's face was a little serious: "Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing in front of outsiders. You are loyal to the empire, not me, Vega Kareni, but I can assure you that as long as you are willing to maintain this For your loyalty, I will reward you with glory."

"Willing to die for the general."

Yiluo was very excited. He became a soldier for the sake of glory.

Now because of Vega, he has won the glory of capturing the city of Saint Laurent. If he had to fight for this glory, he might not be able to do it with the efforts of several generations. But since he joined Vega, he has easily won it. Arrived.

So Ilo firmly believes.

With Vega, there is meat to eat, but without Vega, he is nothing.

Even the honor of successfully commanding the Battle of Saint Laurent is enough for him to give everything for it.

And Vega was also very satisfied with Yiluo's loyalty, so he took out a secret letter: "There is a task for you. You lead a team of mages, and you must ensure that the secret letter is delivered to the hands of the head of state. After arriving in the imperial capital , you can contact the Rodney Chamber of Commerce and tell the president, Qi Lisi, to mobilize all the forces of the organization and make sure that the empire sends troops to attack the kingdom at the meeting."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission."

Yiluo solemnly took the letter from Vega.

Even without opening the letter, through Vega's words, he can probably guess that this letter may be the key to solving the siege of Saint Laurent, and he vaguely feels that Vega's plot seems to be not only to return to the empire.

If I didn't guess wrong...

Yiluo was taken aback by his guess, and he was too scared to continue guessing.

Because if all the guesses are true, then the general will no longer be a small brigadier general, and his stage will no longer be the empire, but the vast and boundless Jialan Continent, and the objects of games and games with him will also change. To be the head of the kingdoms...

"The subordinate retire."

With trepidation and trepidation, Yiluo summoned a team of mages in disguise and headed north towards the empire.

He vowed to deliver this letter.

Because Veigar had promised him that he would be honored, if Veigar really followed what he guessed, then as Veigar's chief lieutenant, his future must surpass the glory of his ancestors and create an immortal legend.

Just thinking about this future is exciting.

What are his fellow officers doing now?
Staggering around in mid-level officer uniform?Can't sleep over the excitement of being promoted to the deputy brigade?Or relying on Yu Yin from his father's generation to make his way to the top, the colonel can be expected, and the brigadier can be reached?
"A life of extreme ease?"

"No, life is so boring."

Once the sea was difficult, he commanded the battle of Saint Laurent, followed Vega to fight with the Kingdom Army every day, and wandered on the edge of life and death. He has long known what a real war is.

Yiluo has clearly seen his own heart.

He needs glory, and the best way to achieve it is through war.

A war of blood and fire can create a hero and achieve glory. War can give him everything he needs. He doesn't need those ranks to prove himself. The only way for a soldier to prove himself is to win.

Veigar, on the other hand, could lead him to victory.

Therefore, you must swear allegiance to Veigar, and you must complete Veigar's mission.

Then, with the good news that the task is completed, return to Veigar's side as soon as possible.

With this belief firmly established, Yiluo embarked on a journey back to the empire, and he couldn't wait to watch Vega achieve supremacy.

And what about Vega at this time?
He is obviously not the kind of person who waits for news stupidly, because he has discovered that the supplies in the city are consumed faster than he imagined, and he must find a way to increase the supplies of the army, otherwise, before the empire sends troops, I am afraid he will first The city was destroyed.

So how to replenish logistics supplies?
Veigar licked his scarlet lips, and refocused his gaze on the Royal Army.

(End of this chapter)

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