Mage Veja

Chapter 372

Chapter 372
The fire blazed into the sky.

This flame explosion not only blew Veigar's war horse to nothing, but also ignited the grass and trees on both sides of the path, thus burning a raging fire.

Veigar celebrated his fighting instincts.

If he fails to avoid this explosion in time, then he will have to use the shadow to avoid the fatal blow this time, and using the shadow once means losing 1/5 of the magic power and mental power.

For a magician, magic and spiritual power are life.

Therefore, avoiding this blow, Veigar quickly drew out Doran's blade and applied a hurricane speed combat skill to himself, and made a defensive posture.

Looking forward.

Killing from the flames was an army of about a thousand people, a squadron of professionals rushed to the front, followed by ordinary troops, and finally a squadron of mages was singing.

This mage team has a very standard configuration.

3 Fire Elements, 3 Wind Elements, 3 Earth Elements, and a Speech Spirit.

From the time when the opponent appeared, it can be roughly estimated that the enemy's magic missed just now probably because the distance was too far, and the wind mage could not calibrate the target.Otherwise, with the existence of the Word Spirit Mage, there is no chance of that Flame Explosion being missed.

"Confirm the target mission and release the signal."

The leading officer gave the order in an orderly manner: "Attack, the Word Spirit Mage pays attention to scouting, all soldiers don't love to fight, our task is to hold the other side, and wait for the arrival of the large army."

Hearing the order, Veigar realized that there was some trouble.

Obviously, these people did not underestimate him, but cautiously adopted delaying tactics. If the enemy surrounded him, he might be caught in a tight siege and killed by the enemy's magicians.

It's too late to retreat now.

The enemy is still some distance away, and now relying on the blessing of the speed of the hurricane, it is entirely possible to escape.

But Veigar didn't run away. The moment he pulled out Doran's Blade, it meant that he had to fight to the death, because there was no time to waste for him now, and he knew very well that the enemy blocked all the roads to Saint Laurent .

Either fight, or watch everything you have worked hard so far come to naught.

Since Wang Guojun, as the dominant side, has made a decision to win or die, does he, the weak side, not even have the determination to die?

"If you can't even compare to the strong in your determination to die, then why win the victory?"

"In this battle, I risk my life to accompany you."

Veigar took a deep breath of air, remembering the smell of blood before the start of the war, and then, instead of retreating, he rushed towards more than 1000 people.

"At six o'clock, prepare for the explosion."


Several flame bursts came galloping under the blessing of wind magic, and Veigar was instantly swallowed up without even a chance to defend.

The fiery air waves swept the dust into the midair, obscuring everyone's sight.

"This is... dead?"

"Absolutely no one could have survived such a horrific attack."

The two professionals in the front row did not stop their attack. They just saw that Vega was engulfed by magic, they subconsciously paused, and then expressed their doubts in their hearts, and their vigilance was slightly lowered.

But the captain of the professional team obviously has a heart.

He immediately scolded: "You two idiots, do you know who that brat is? That's a war devil! He absolutely can't be such a simple character, cheer me up."

The voice just fell.

Veigar, whose body had just condensed back to a solid body after consuming a transformation, had already slashed down with a sword of Doran's Blade.

"He's not dead, he's not dead."

"Defensive formation, hold him back."

The two quickly launched defenses, trying to resist Veigar's blow, and dragged his footsteps.

But Dolan's Blade is a middle-level magic weapon. When this sword was cut off, including the low-level magic weapon, the professional had been broken into two pieces, and the one closest to him was also violently beheaded by Vega.

"No one can stand in my way."

Holding Doran's Blade in his hand, Veigar charged into the flock like a tiger and started the most tragic fight.

This is not a one-on-one battle with only mages, but a war with a large number of ordinary soldiers and professionals, so Veigar's 'extraordinary evil power' has been brought into full play to the greatest extent.

Although tens of thousands of people can't be upgraded if they don't die.

But the death of ordinary soldiers and professionals can replenish a lot of magic power and spiritual power to him, and even the magic power and spiritual power he lost due to the shadow have been fully replenished, and now he is getting more and more courageous in battle.

Veigar doesn't like to be singled out.

He likes real war.

In a real war, he has a sense of security.

As long as the magic power and mental power don't drop below 1/5, the magic power and spiritual power he spends and income are proportional to, Veigar is an immortal existence, at this moment he even felt that one person can reach the last army .

It should have been like this...

But before Veigar could fight his way through, enemy reinforcements arrived.

When tens of thousands of soldiers blocked the front, Veigar was also trapped in a tight siege, and the end of the deep siege was that two fists were no match for four hands. With the attack intensity increased by several levels, Veigar The number of fatal blows received has increased significantly.

An increase in the number of times means that the balance between magic power and mental power is broken.


After eating a few more fireballs and using up Shadow Transformation twice, Veigar became more and more irritable.

He realized that personal strength is limited after all. Even if he can gain magic power by killing ordinary soldiers, once he is focused on fire, this 'health' may not be able to recover.

"Sure enough, I still underestimate the power of groups."

Muttering something to himself, Veigar realized how wrong the previous arrogant statement of 'one person can be worth an army', let alone other things, after fighting bloody battles for several hours, Veigar's reaction ability is not as good as forward.

After all, people are not machines that only know how to kill.

Long-term nervous tension and a lot of stamina consumption made Veigar unable to last for too long even with full mana.

"It has to be done quickly."

Veigar took a deep breath of the air again, and compared the smell of blood with the air smell before the war: "I really like the air with the smell of blood, so let's make the smell of blood stronger .”

'Shadow technique. '

One of the shadow mage's basic skills is released instantly, and his shadow takes shape.

With a thought in Vega's mind, the shadow rushed towards the crowd in the distance, and then suddenly stopped moving there.

"It seems that this is the first time this magic has been used in actual combat."

Veigar muttered something, and before everyone could react, the shadow suddenly exploded.


Dusty, Veigar unleashed his only group attack magic - Shadow Blast.

This power, no less than that of Flame Explosion, instantly increased Vega's magic power, which was about to bottom out, by 1/3, and reached the balance of income and expenditure again, and the crisis of lack of magic was temporarily lifted.

So the next thing to do is-

Break out of the encirclement.

Boom boom boom!
Veija used Shadow Explosion to unscrupulously blast a path of blood.

Really unscrupulous.

Because Veigar completely ignored any attack from the enemy, showing an immortal posture.

And no matter whether it is a professional or an ordinary soldier, no one can bear the power of the shadow explosion head-on without dying.

Under the ebb and flow, Veigar's terrifying aspect made Ingril, who was standing on a high place overlooking the battlefield, change his expression.


"Who can tell me why he can withstand magic attacks without dying?"

Ingril said with a flustered expression on his face, "Could it he really not human?"

(End of this chapter)

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