Mage Veja

Chapter 385 The Empire Comes

Chapter 385 The Empire Comes
One map, three red lines.

With the port city of Tully City as the center, these three red lines continue to extend towards the three true north, northeast, and northwest directions respectively, directly converging on the territory of the United Kingdom.

The first line goes through the Taliban Mountains, the shortest and most hidden.

The second detour goes north along the Donbu River. The route is the longest but the safest.

The third route goes west from Aide City. It is the easiest to advance, and the length is moderate. It can be seen that it is the best retreat route for the Royal Army.

Which way will the Kingdom Army go?

Veigar wasn't sure about this, but he had some thoughts.

If it is an ordinary commander, the third option will probably be excluded directly, because you can think of the best option, and the enemy can certainly think of it. This will often be ambushed by the enemy in advance, and it will become a dangerous route instead.

Therefore, if you are looking for stability, you will choose the second option.

But the commander of the enemy army was none other than Tanier, a lunatic who dared to take the risk of attacking Saint Laurent at the last moment.What others dare not do does not mean that he cannot do it, so Vega speculates that the Royal Army will probably still leave Ed City west.

In other words.

As long as the Royal Army's retreat route is fortified in advance, it is possible to send a little farewell gift to the Royal Army.

After half a year of recuperation.

Now Vega has pulled up an army of 21. Although most of this army has no experience in actual combat, and even the basic air force cannot be equipped, the training of recruits has basically been completed, and simple ambushes are still competent.

"General, are you trying to trick the Royal Army?"

Looking at the map, Yi Luo excitedly began to rub his fists. He had never been so eager to go to war.

But Veigar didn't answer immediately.

He showed a hesitant expression, as if he was a little vacillating.

He probably guessed some of the kingdom's plans.

The imperial army occupied the city of Gacili, and just dealt heavy damage to the southern part of the kingdom, and now it is attacking the dragon city in the southeast with heavy troops. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for the kingdom to watch the dragon city fall. Losing the dragon city means that a sharp blade hangs on top of the head.

Don't underestimate the importance of Dragon City.

It is no exaggeration to say that the city is under the control of the empire, which is equivalent to indirectly declaring the destruction of the kingdom.

And now the kingdom is in trouble at home and abroad.

Relying solely on domestic strength and morale, they can't guarantee that they can really defend against the terrifying attack of the imperial army.

This time, the Imperial Army seemed not to want to miss the turmoil that occurred once in thousands of years in the Kingdom, and planned to completely wipe the Kingdom's flag from the territory of Jialan Continent.Therefore, not only the army, air force, and even the navy have been dispatched from the eastern coast, and the Judgment Legion, one of the strongest trump cards of the army, has also been used in the war.

The kingdom is indeed in jeopardy.

And Veigar is the culprit who single-handedly brought about this result.

If Veigar hadn't ruined the kingdom's terrible air force and dragged the kingdom's 40 troops into the quagmire of the dynasty's eastern front, then the empire would never have stepped into the kingdom anyway.

The kingdom relies on an extremely terrifying number of air forces to carry out blitzkrieg, which can easily make the empire suffer.

But even so, the Kingdom still has ways to deal with it.

As long as Tanier's 40 troops abandon the eastern front of the dynasty, go all the way north to regain control of Gacili, cut off the supply line of the remaining 30 troops of the empire, and at the same time encircle the imperial army in the kingdom, then the battle situation will be reversed in an instant .

This is the only way.

And as the only way, it is impossible for the think tank of the empire to fail to guess this.

So now the Empire has two options.

The first is to immediately abandon the Battle of Dragon City and withdraw from the kingdom. Anyway, what should be plundered has already been plundered. The main purpose this time is to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and let the kingdom's army in the dynasty return to defense.

Another option is to stick with the attack on Dragon City.

The second option is not infeasible. We only need one army to stop Tanier's 40 army, until the empire takes the Dragon City and opens up a sea reinforcement and supply line, then the kingdom will be completely powerless. up.

So who will stop Tanier's army?

Now the three armies of the empire need to spend a lot of troops and the kingdom to fight the dragon city, so it is absolutely impossible to allocate troops from the main force on the front line to stop Tanier's 40 troops. At most, they can only draw about 10 troops from the country. The dynasty stopped Tanel's army.

But 10 people can't stop 40 people anyway.

Moreover, if the empire wanted to enter the dynasty's territory legally, it needed Shia's permission. Without permission, leading troops into the dynasty's territory without permission meant violating the dynasty's sovereignty, which was equivalent to declaring war on the dynasty.

If he guessed correctly—

The letter from the Empire requesting his help is already on its way.


"Someone who claims to be an old friend of yours asked me to deliver this to you."

It was said that Cao Cao had arrived, and just as Vega put down the marker, the soldiers outside the door came to report and handed a token with the imperial emblem to Vega's hands.

"Please come in."

Obtaining Veigar's order, the soldiers brought in three people.

"General Veigar, it was a farewell in the past, I didn't expect that we would meet here."

The person who spoke was none other than Vega’s immediate superior, Lieutenant General Escar, the Chief of Staff of the Seventh Group in the Eastern Empire, and two guards standing on both sides of him.

"Master Chief of Staff, I didn't expect it to be you."

With a smile on his face, Vega asked knowingly: "I don't know what you mean by taking time out of your busy schedule to come to Saint Laurent this time? How is everything in our Seventh Group? Especially Marie Le Harut and other three teachers can return safely. To the Empire?"

"Ahem, this is...Of course."

Eskar's face was a little embarrassed. He knew a little bit about those three people abandoning Veigar at the beginning. Now that Vega's old story was brought up again, he was somewhat embarrassed. After all, it was these three people who were shameless first.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Veigar's selfless demeanor made Eskar embarrassed to ask Veigar for help.

After all, he sold his family on the front foot, but now he goes back to ask Vega for help. Doesn't it appear that he is shameless? Although this is true, it is not a mistake he made.

However, with the order of the head of state, Eskar could only bite the bullet.

He coughed twice, then straightened his face and said: "To be honest, I came to Saint Laurent this time to follow the order of the head of state to submit an entry application to His Majesty the King. At the same time, I asked for the help of your officials, and please stop them." The 40 Royal Army that is about to withdraw from the Eastern Front of the Dynasty will assist us in taking down the Dragon City of the Kingdom."

Veigar didn't speak, just chuckled.

He sat back on the main seat, and then shook his head and said: "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, I think you have found the wrong person. My subordinates are less than 2 in total. May I ask what you can use to stop the kingdom's 40 army?"

"Isn't there 21 Dynasty troops in the Saint Laurent defense system?"

Escal said suspiciously: "As the military ambassador of the dynasty, you have an overview of the military and political power, and you are still a celebrity in front of His Majesty the King. It must not be difficult to mobilize the 21 troops to hold back the Kingdom's army."


As if afraid of Vega's refusal, Eskar couldn't help emphasizing his tone: "Your Excellency, please note that this is not my request, nor the Seventh Army's request, but an order from Your Excellency the Head of State."

"It seems that the Chief of Staff has done enough homework before coming here."

Veigar sighed, with a trace of imperceptible contempt in his eyes, and then asked with a smile: "Since it is the order of the head of state, it seems that I can't refuse it?"

(End of this chapter)

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