Mage Veja

Chapter 40 Debriefing

Chapter 40 Debriefing
the next day.

Imperial Third Army, General Staff Conference Room.

The long oval table was full of seats, and everyone who could sit here had the rank of Brigadier General or above. Their faces were either determined, kind, or calm... They were the core leadership of the Third Army.

without any exaggeration.

If the people here are taken over by one pot, the entire third group will be paralyzed in an instant.

"Cough cough."

There was a coughing sound, and the conference room fell into silence.

The one who coughed was the commander-in-chief of the Third Army sitting on the main seat. He looked a little thin and sick, and even his right hand holding a cigar was trembling slightly. This is an admiral about 55 years old Foster Nolan.

He is not an aristocrat.

But he has the most honorable surname in the entire empire, 'Nuolan'.

Even the current royal family has never had such a noble surname.

Taking the name of the empire as one's surname, this is the most noble surname bestowed by the head of the empire, only the founding generals who have made great contributions to the rebirth of the empire.

This surname is not hereditary.

But beings bestowed with surnames will stand with the glory of the Empire.

Their names will always be remembered by the empire. As long as they stand on the territory of the empire, even if they commit unforgivable crimes, no unit or individual has the right to point weapons at them.

Surname Nuolan.

This is the most noble surname in the empire, and it is also the highest medal. He is worthy of any soldier's lifelong struggle.

The 'Nuolan' surname has been given to less than 5 people, including the head of state.


Foster kept squinting his eyes and said: "The reason why everyone has been summoned here today must have been understood from the information on the desktop. Now, do you have any questions about today's topic?"

A bespectacled officer with the rank of Brigadier General raised his hand.

"Deputy Chief of Staff, please speak."

The Brigadier General put down the information in his hand and said: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I think that all the combat plans of Commander Alcott Owen's 3rd Regiment complied with the Imperial Special Operations Regulations. The main reason for the failure is not on the 3rd regiment, I think it should be rewarded rather than punished."

"What are you kidding."

The commander of the 3rd Division stood up and said: "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Alcott Irwin's 3rd Regiment overreached and wanted to take the credit all by itself. If it was reported to the military headquarters immediately, how could there be such a big mistake? Now you Tell me whether rewards should be rewarded or not punished? Is the head of your general staff flooded?"

"General Lucas, please be careful."

A gentle lieutenant general exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Don't our general staff see the depth of the 3rd Regiment's combat plan? If we resolutely follow the plan of the 3rd Regiment's staff, then how can a strengthened regiment be unable to eat the contacts in the North District?" Point, if this task is given to Lucas and your 3rd Division, do you still have to send an entire division? Or is it that your division is not even as good as a regiment-level unit from the 7th Division."


Lucas still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Alcott Owen, the commander of the 7th Division: "The 3rd Regiment is my unit. Although they decided this matter without authorization, everything is in compliance with the regulations. Even if I know this This matter will also allow the 3rd regiment to complete the task independently, as for the scapegoat for the mission failure, our 7th division will not take the blame."

As he spoke, he glanced at Raglan.

Raglan sighed, stood up and said to the commander-in-chief: "Your Excellency Commander, I don't want to shirk responsibility for this matter. The main fault is indeed mine, and I am willing to accept all punishments."

"Raglan, you..."

As Raglan's close friend, Lucas slapped the table and said: "Your Excellency, although Raglan was wrong, I think the main responsibility for this matter lies with Alcott Owen's 3rd Regiment. According to one's ability."

"Cough cough."

Foster coughed twice, his eyes squinted all the time, as if he had just woken up from his sleep: "My colleagues, please be calm, why don't we listen to the work report of the head of the 3rd regiment first."

The door of the meeting room was opened.

Commander Gunther Burton walked in and gave a military salute and said: "7th Division, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Regiment, Major Ganther Burton reports to the commander-in-chief and your Excellencies."

"Ganther, you have worked hard."

Alcott Owen, the commander of the 7th Division, said with a smile: "Let's start the report now, and try to be as detailed as possible, lest some people pick their bones and put all the shit on our 7th Division."

After Alcott Owen finished speaking, he glanced at Lucas vaguely.

"Yes, Master seat."

Ganser stood at attention just in time, and began the work report: "The first phase of the mission of our regiment was secretly carried out by Warrant Officer Vega, and the mission was 100% complete. We successfully obtained the "Kareni Contact Map 1" of the United Kingdom spy organization. Addresses of all contact points of United Kingdom espionage organizations in Northern Neighborhood."

After a pause, Ganser continued: "Based on the 100% completion of the first phase of the mission, the second phase of the cleansing mission was officially implemented yesterday. According to the combat plan formulated by the regiment's staff, we will carry out the mission before 23:59 last night. Completed the mission, but was stopped by General Raglan, the commander of the 5th Division, on the way, resulting in a flaw in the combat plan..."


Lucas interrupted Ganther dissatisfied: "Are you trying to shift all the responsibility to Raglan?"

"The subordinate dare not."

Ganser replied neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty is just reporting the truth, and all the truth is recorded in the video crystal. If your Excellency General has any questions about this matter, you can go to the archives to check the relevant records at any time."

"Lucas is quiet, Major Ganser, you continue to make a report." Commander-in-Chief Foster knocked on the table and said.


Ganser continued to make a report: "Due to a flaw in the combat plan, our regiment headquarters immediately launched an emergency plan to speed up the execution of the cleaning mission. As of 23:59 last night, our regiment had destroyed 143 contact points and killed More than 4000 relevant spies, 972 relevant documents were recovered, and another 173 contact points were burned. Although the loss cannot be assessed, all contact points in the northern area of ​​Kareni have been cleared, and no new contact points have been found for the time being. The total completion of the task is 70%."

clap clap.

The commander-in-chief clapped his hands: "Major, the empire honors you. Leaving aside the losses caused by mistakes, you are able to poke the rat's nest in the northern district all over the place with a single force. No one can deny it, the military department will not let soldiers loyal to the empire suffer, do you have any requirements?"

"The lower officials dare not take credit."

Ganser said in fear: "After all, there was a flaw in the plan. This is because the officer did not think carefully. Please punish the commander."

"Ganser, don't worry about it."

Alcott Owen said with a smile: "Who is right and who is wrong in this matter is your own judgment, Commander-in-Chief, since you are asked to make a request, you can make one, but don't ask for promotions and the like here , This is a private matter of our division headquarters, so don't bother your Excellency the commander-in-chief because of such a trivial matter."

"Yes, Master seat."

Ganser took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "This time, Warrant Officer Vega of the 232nd Company of the city-level mission found the "Kareni Contact Map 1" by himself, and took the lead in the large-scale cleansing mission. The officer requests the Military Department to evaluate Warrant Officer Veigar for the 'Wings of the Empire' award."

"I object!"

Major General Raglan, who was waiting for the commander's order, suddenly stood up excitedly.

 Make up for a change owed to the hall master 'kunneed'.

  Thank you for the 700 rewards from 'Doubi Xiaobuyi', the 500 rewards from 'Flicker' and 'llsg', and the rewards from 'Maybe slightly slightly'.

(End of this chapter)

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