Mage Veja

Chapter 421

Chapter 421
the next day.

Veigar bought a mansion for Aiden Gary in the City of Boulders, which was specially used to house Aiden's golden house.

Things went very well.

Under the double temptation of Vega's money and beauties, Aiden has been deeply intoxicated in the tenderness. In order to prevent Aiden's novelty from passing quickly, Vega also bought several beautiful prostitutes.

So on the fifth day.

It was also when Aiden was having fun, Vega appeared in this mansion.

"Master General, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Veigar bowed, with a friendly smile on his face, completely looking like a kind and rich businessman.

"'s been fine recently."

Different from Veigar's calmness, Aiden could only smile awkwardly, and there was a little panic in this smile.

This is also a matter of course, recently he eats Vega, uses Vega, and sleeps with Vega's women.If there is no Vega, then wouldn't he go back to the life of blackmailing underground casinos and oppressing civilians with a few henchmen for a few gold coins?

What's the use of blackmailing those gold coins.

He couldn't afford expensive things, he didn't like cheap ones, and even if he had enough gold coins, he wouldn't even dare to buy the woman he liked, and even the staff officer Orlando would interfere in his private life in the name of his uncle.

He no longer wants to experience that kind of life a second time.

So when Vega appeared in front of him, Aiden instinctively began to be afraid, he was afraid that Vega would take back everything now.

At this time, he began to desperately desire power.

If he had command authority, even with the courage of the dwarf in front of him, he wouldn't be able to take what he had in his hands, but it was a pity that not only did he not have command authority, but even his guards couldn't beat him.

He has discovered that he seems unable to keep everything he has now.

"Ask the general."

What Aiden was most afraid of was still coming. In his ears, Vega's voice was extremely terrifying: "Has the order been completed? If it has been completed, please give me the entrustment agreement and deposit. Just let your workers start production, and of course I will take [-]% of the deposit to show you my sincerity."


Aiden swallowed, and said with erratic eyes: "Small, small matter, it's just a small matter. I'll go back and let the logistics minister contact you. You can go back and wait with peace of mind."


Veigar showed his frosty teeth: "Your Excellency, you don't speak secretly. Just now I have secretly inquired about my competitor's secret information. It seems that the command of the 25 troops in the city of megaliths does not belong to you, that is to say You don't have the ability to win this order for me, it seems that our cooperation will be terminated today."

Made a please gesture.

Vega still said cordially: "Although it's a bit presumptuous, please ask the general to leave here. I am a businessman, not a philanthropist. You have no ability to fight for my interests, so I have no obligation to reward you. This gift I have already prepared to send it to your staff officer, Your Excellency Orlando."

"Orlando! Orlando again!"

Aiden finally couldn't help but exploded: "Show me clearly, I am a lieutenant general, and I am the commander-in-chief of the three armies. He Orlando is just a little colonel's staff officer. He just relied on his uncle's support. It's just forcibly taking the command!"

"I see."

Wei Jia looked suddenly enlightened, and then said in a questioning tone: "I don't understand, the general's talent is more than ten times that of that staff officer, why would he tolerate him monopolizing power? Is it just because of your uncle, General Feilie's Order?"

Aiden lowered his head decadently.

Vega struck while the iron was hot: "You are a lieutenant general, and you are the righteous commander-in-chief of the three armies. I don't think you need to be restrained by a small staff officer. I suggest that you take back the command, calm down the downstream in a short time, and do a good job." After some achievements, I think your uncle General Feilie will not only not blame you, but will also look at you with admiration."

When Vega said it, Aiden felt a little moved.

Aiden moved his lips, and said in a voice so low that only he could hear: "But if it fails..."

Vega heard this, and then put on an unbelievable expression and said: "The enemy army is just a group of rabble. I heard that the commander is less than 1.5 meters tall and only 13 years old. You will not be inferior to a 13-year-old. year-old child?"

Gritting his teeth, Aiden seemed to have made up his mind.

He showed crazy eyes and said: "Your Excellency's words are reasonable, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, I have had enough of this kind of life, even a small staff officer dares to ride on my head, what I lack is nothing more than an ability to perform." Chance."

"The general is wise."

"But please help me."

Aiden said in a pleading tone: "How can I get back the command? It is absolutely impossible for Orlando to surrender the command obediently with my few words."

"Don't you understand, General?"

Veigar spoke the coldest words in the most flat tone: "The dead... can't command an army."


Aiden swallowed again, he said with some fear: "It's not good to kill a staff officer rashly, if uncle blames it..."

"Truth is made by the victors."

Veigar was like a demon from hell, following in Aiden's ear: "After you take control of the command, immediately order the army to launch a frontal attack on the enemy. As long as you catch up with Ferre Garri, you will kill the staff, If you calm down the downstream before the news of taking back the command without authorization, then it will be clear who is right and who is wrong. Even if General Ferrie wants to blame you, there is no reason."

"Thank you for your instruction."

Aiden seemed to see a bright future, so he asked again: "One thing doesn't bother the two masters. Excuse me, how can I kill the staff officer Orlando? If this matter fails, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Hahaha, isn't it easy?"

Vega laughed and said: "Master General, you just need to invite this staff officer to the banquet and take the opportunity to poison his food. How could he have thought that you would attack him? Then you will fabricate another copy of his food." Evidence of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country can easily silence the entire army, don't forget that you are the real commander-in-chief, and the dead cannot blame themselves."

"Gao Ming, really smart."

Aiden clapped his hands excitedly and said, "I'll let my subordinates go down and invite Orlando, the staff officer, to a banquet. After I take control of the military, all orders from our army will be handed over to you in the future. Thank you for your kindness."

"Everyone gets what they need."

In order to reassure Aiden, Vega also put on an angry expression and said: "To tell you the truth, that damned staff officer really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong. If he doesn't take my things, he will hand over the order to my opponent. No wonder we are so cruel."

"Your Excellency, calm down, there is no need to be angry with a dying person, hahaha."

Veigar's words made Aiden completely let go of the last trace of doubts, and even made him turn his face to comfort Veigar. At the same time, Aiden was also glad that Orlando did not agree to Veigar's conditions, otherwise he would have nothing to do now.

(End of this chapter)

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