Mage Veja

Chapter 425 Take Down the Boulder

Chapter 425 Take Down the Boulder
Dunbu Ayutthaya.

In the early morning of the next day, Admiral Ferrie Garri received a letter about the city of megaliths.

When he opened this letter, he couldn't believe his eyes.

His only nephew, Aiden Gary, actually killed his confidant Orlando on the charge of treason, and took command of the entire army by killing chickens to make an example of monkeys, and would send troops to calm down the downstream three days later.

Of course, Ferrie Garry would not believe that Orlando would rebel.

The reason why Orlando was framed and accused of treason was just a means used by conspirators to seize power, because those who failed were not qualified or able to defend themselves, and this was also a common method he used.

Including the later killing of chickens and monkeys.

It also includes sending troops to pacify the downstream, and is ready to gag everyone's mouths with the fact of victory.

If these three links are successful, then Aiden has indeed proved his talent, and he has no reason to blame Aiden afterwards, and he will not even deprive him of his command.


Doesn't he know his nephew himself?

He didn't mean to underestimate his nephew, but to make him believe that his nephew has the potential of a conspirator and the courage of a senior general, he would rather believe that the servant's sow can climb a tree.

So everything goes without saying.

Behind his nephew, there must be an expert.

The most important question now is, is this expert who has both the strategy of a conspirator and the courage of a senior general, who helped his nephew Aiden Gary control the power of the armed forces with just one or two small tricks, is it an enemy or a friend?
After a little thought, Ferre Garry came to a conclusion——


It must be the enemy!

Ferrie Garry was almost 100% sure that the guy who "helped" Aiden must be the enemy.

Because he didn't think that with his nephew's indiscriminate personality charm, he could attract such a talent to be loyal.After all, if you can help a fool who is in power, how can you not become a master and have to be inferior to a fool?
"Quick! Let the navy send out the fleet, I'm going downstream."

Ferrie Garry no longer cared about gaining power in the big city of Dunbu. He realized that if Aiden was allowed to run amok downstream, he would very likely lose the entire downstream area, allowing Vega to continue to grow.

that evening.

Ferrie Garry couldn't wait to board the ship and set off downstream. The reason why it took so long was that Ferrie temporarily dispatched troops to board the ship to try to rescue the city of megaliths.

The whole army went south overnight.

After 24 hours of running all night, Ferrie Gary finally arrived near the city of megaliths in the evening of the second day.

Without taking a sip of water, Fei Lie Jiali ordered the army to rush to the city of megaliths.

But today is the evening of the third day, when he came to the outskirts of the city of megaliths, what he saw through the military binoculars was——

The golden crown and white background flag of the Dynasty under the setting sun on the tower and the new first and second army flags on the east bank. If the first flag can't explain anything, then the second and third flags have proved that the city of megaliths It was acquired by the East Bank.

That is to say...

He lost the entire downstream area, and also lost the huge granary that could supply a million troops to wage war.


that morning.

The gates of the City of Boulders were wide open, and Aiden Gary waved his hand proudly, and 25 soldiers marched in the direction of Gray Crow City. Today is regarded by Aiden as a day of decisive battle and glory.

After today.

There will no longer be any discordant voices in this downstream, and he will use this battle to thoroughly prove to his uncle and even the whole country what is a true legendary general and what is born for war.

"Today, glory is with me!"

Arriving outside Gray Crow City, Aiden drew out the sword of command and waved it forward: "Send a signal to let the aviation unit launch an air strike. The whole army will be arranged in a three-three formation. When the aviation unit withdraws, it will directly attack the city."

Picking up Veigar's battle plan, Aiden read out the order step by step.

A flare went up into the sky.

Ten minutes later, more than 50 war airships covering the sky and the sun slowly came from the sky.

Seeing this spectacular scene, Aiden couldn't help dancing like a child who got his favorite toy.

After the excitement, Aiden began to sigh: "It's a pity that Chris couldn't be found early this morning. If he could see this scene, his jaw would be shocked."

This is where Aiden regrets.

It is a very regrettable thing to get a beloved toy and not be able to show it off to your friends.

However, this regret did not last for a few minutes, and he fell to the ground in shock from an explosion.

boom boom-

Of course, the sound of the explosion came from the magic bombing from the war airship, but the explosions that soared into the sky did not land on the enemy's city, but among his troops.

It's flat here.

The 25 soldiers were still in a three-three formation.

This dense formation was originally intended to strengthen the impact during the attack, but because it was too dense, it allowed the war airship to exert its maximum lethality.

Each flame burst took away the maximum number of lives.

The army of 25 is like a crop of leeks waiting to be harvested, being ruthlessly slaughtered by the air force.

The ground was instantly dyed red.

The 25 soldiers had already ignored the orders of their superiors and began to flee in all directions. If the whole scene was viewed from a high altitude, it would probably look like a colony of frightened ants, unable to condense into combat power at all.

"How can this happen... how can this happen..."

Aiden couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He didn't understand why his own aviation unit would attack the friendly army, and he didn't even know how to give the order next, because the plan in his hand didn't write that there would be such an ending.

"Chris, Chris! Come and save me."

Aiden's anxious tears were about to flow down. At this time, he thought of Vega who was helping him with his advice, so he subconsciously called Vega's name, but there was a lot of chaos everywhere.

"Commander, please give the order."

A staff officer braved the flames of war and came to Aiden's side, with fear in his eyes.

Aiden said confusedly: "Order? What order?"

"Of course it's an order to retreat!"

The staff officer said in an eager tone: "It is a soldier who can save a soldier now. It is not too late to withdraw to the city of megaliths and make a long-term plan. If it is bombed by war airships, it will be over."

"Send a signal, send a retreat signal quickly."

Aiden was enlightened and asked the staff to issue a retreat signal.

When the signal to retreat was raised, the whole army seemed to have found the backbone, and retreated in the direction of the city of boulders like birds and beasts.

Veigar on the tower saw this scene.

A sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth: "Lieutenant General Aiden, is this gift satisfactory? He ordered the air force to cover the air, and the ground force to drive to the city of Boulder at the fastest speed. Try not to come into direct contact with the enemy, so as not to causing unnecessary casualties."

"Yes, General."

The gates of Gray Crow City, which had been closed for several months, opened wide, and a mighty army came out.

The general situation of this battle has been decided, and the more than 20 troops on the West Bank have become rootless.

Everything is taken for granted.

When Aiden opened up an airport near Gray Crow City as planned and placed 50 war airships in it, the war was over.Veigar only sent a few mage troops to attack the airport, and easily captured all the airships.

And that's not all.

In the plan, Veigar suggested that Aiden should come out in full force, and the city of megaliths should just stay with the security team.

At this time, the 5000 soldiers that Veigar had hidden in advance near the city of boulders had probably successfully entered the city of boulders. After all, you can't expect a few security teams to block Veigar's elite troops.

So now.

Vega formally took the main force under the cover of the war airship, changed shotguns and stationed in the heavy city.

(End of this chapter)

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