Mage Veja

Chapter 432 The Alliance Under the City

Chapter 432 The Alliance Under the City
Dunbu Great City, late at night.

"Cough cough cough..."

With a coughing sound, the emaciated eldest prince Kaiya Saint Laurent couldn't help tightening his neckline. Then he opened a secret letter in the empty study room and examined it carefully.

The first thing that catches the eye is the signature.

The large characters of Vega Carleni were like cursed runes, which made Kaia Saint Laurent retch involuntarily.For a period of time, he has heard this name more than a dozen times a day. Even in his dreams, these five words haunt him. Now that he sees these five words, he can no longer bear the nausea in his chest. feel.

Because of this.

Kaia Saint Laurent's body was gradually failing, and now she would be out of breath even if she moved a few steps.

Appreciating a wise, knowing those out.

Although he can't claim how wise he is, he still has the basic knowledge of self-knowledge. Kaiya already knows that he is now a piece of meat on the chopping board, and the regime he established is really powerless.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

In this case, his life depended entirely on when the tiger and the wolf attacked.

At this point today, he didn't blame anyone, everything was his own fault.

If it wasn't for his indecision, adopting Theon's plan all at once, and accepting Ferrie Garry's suggestion all at once, the current battle situation would not have reached this point, so now it seems that he is not a qualified king at all.

He therefore did not make the letter public.

He hopes that in the last period of his power, he can handle some things with his own will, not to turn things around, but to die without regret.Wouldn't it be too aggrieved if he didn't go his own way even once until his death?
This letter is a start.

He has to rely on his own will to make decisions, instead of following the analysis and suggestions of those so-called "professionals".

After reading this letter, Kaia Saint Laurent directly ordered to the captain of the escort: "Escort me to the small town of Rio tomorrow, and I need to meet a person who has been famous for a long time."

"Your Majesty can't."

The captain of the escort team suggested: "Now the downstream area is in a state of chaos, although the small town of Rio is considered an insignificant safe place, and there is no sign of enemy troops marching there, but it is not ruled out that the enemy will find our whereabouts and assassinate us along the way. "

"So I can't go?"

Kaiya stood up with the support of the table citron, and walked towards the captain of the guard step by step.

The captain of the guard seemed to have heard the dissatisfaction in Kaiya's heart, but he still said firmly: "Your Majesty, please think twice, for your safety, please do not leave Dunbu City casually."

"You don't want to interfere with me again!"

Kaiya drew the long sword from the guard's waist, and pierced the guard's heart with a sword.

He looked like a maniac, and after drawing out his long sword, he continued to stab the corpse repeatedly until he was exhausted.

So on the second day.

Under the protection of the guards, Kaiya secretly left the big city of Dunbu and rushed to Rio, a small city between the middle and lower reaches.

It is still under his rule for the time being, but because it is not a strategically important place, there is no army, only some security teams.The distance between the downstream and the middle reaches of this small city is about the same, but it is the best place for a secret meeting.

In the top commercial private room of a hotel.

Vega and Kaia Saint Laurent sat opposite each other, and after some basic greetings, they both looked at each other carefully.

Although Kaiya Saint Laurent is not the first time to meet Vega, he never imagined that the passer-by who met him by chance at Saint Laurent and didn't take it to heart, would force him into such a situation today. .

Maybe the empire doesn't know yet.

But Kaiya knew very well that what Vega was plotting was for the great power of the holy dynasty. I am afraid that the empire was still kept in the dark at this time, and he really regarded the dwarf in front of him as a loyal general.

With the power of one person, the Three Kingdoms are played in the applause.

Kaiya suddenly laughed out loud, because Vega let him know what it means to have people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky.There is probably no one in the entire continent who can do this kind of thing, and it doesn't seem to be a shame to lose to such a person.

"Why is Your Majesty laughing?"

Seeing Kaia suddenly laughing, Veigar was a little puzzled.

When he met by chance at Saint Laurent's banquet at the beginning, he only thought that the other party was a rather cold-blooded superior, especially later in the water city Nila's order for Theon to kill Shia, which further confirmed this point.

But see you again today.

Veigar found that Kaiya's razor-sharp sword had faded from its stunning edge, like a chess player who was no longer obsessed with winning, and also like a sage who sees through everything and truly lives himself.

If you heard this question from Vega before.

Even if he admired Vega's ability in his heart, he would definitely not say it out. As a king, how can he grow others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige.

But now, he expressed his inner thoughts unabashedly: "I just feel that it is an honor to lose at the hands of Your Excellency."

"Why did your Majesty say this?"

Wei Jia showed a bright smile and said: "There are ten thousand hectares of grain in the middle reaches, more than [-] elite soldiers, and the great city of Dunbu frightens the world. How can there be such a word as failure? With all due respect, I am not sure that I can defeat you."


Kaiya laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that one day I would be comforted by my opponent, but please don't worry, no matter how bad I am Kaiya, I haven't fallen into a situation where I need to be comforted by the enemy. So what if I lose? Just die."

"Your Majesty is open-minded."

"There is no need to say too much polite words, what is your Excellency asking me to come today?"

"In that case, I'll be frank and honest."

Vega stopped talking nonsense, and chose to go straight: "This time, I came here to form an alliance with His Majesty."


Kaiya couldn't help laughing again: "Your Excellency, do you really understand what you are talking about? You and I have a deep blood feud, so how can we form an alliance? Even if I agree, I should explain it to the officials under my hand."

"The king acts, so why talk too much with the chess pieces."

Kaiya was stunned on the spot by Vega's words, and then smiled wryly: "Some people are indeed born to be kings. If I had realized it earlier, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation. If so, please don't hesitate Teach me."

Vega nodded and continued: "The empire once abandoned me as a pawn at will. I have decided to betray the empire and serve His Majesty Shia. It is my own business to fight to the death on the east and west coasts of the dynasty, but this empire is ambitious and vain. Annexing the dynasty thousands of miles away, this is the common enemy of our dynasty, now that foreign enemies are in front of us, how can we kill each other?"

"Your Excellency is right."

Kaia Saint Laurent looked at Vega and said, "But can I refuse?"

"Does Your Majesty have any other options?" Vega asked back.

Kaiya sighed and signed the covenant: "People are swords and I am fish. After I die, please protect my family."

(End of this chapter)

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