Mage Veja

Chapter 448

Chapter 448
1:00 am sharp.

This is the best time for a night attack, and the gate of Dunbu Great City burst open at this time.

Da da da--

This is the echo of military boots on the ground.

The vanguard army is 5, and the left and right wings are 10 each. Vega sent 25 soldiers to slowly march towards the imperial army's camp. With the current marching speed, they can start a frontal war against the enemy in about 2 hours.

Two hours later it was exactly 3:00.

For most people's biological clock, three o'clock in the morning is the time to enter deep sleep, which means that the enemy has lost the basic vigilance.

And now at this stage.

From top to bottom, the imperial army didn't think that there were any enemies in the west bank of the dynasty, so the soldiers responsible for scouting and patrolling would definitely not be loyal to their duties. Even if they stayed at their posts, they would be perfunctory in their duties.

Everything is as Vega imagined.

When he led the army to approach the camp with a radius of about 2000 meters, the enemy's camp still did not sound the alarm. Under the half-bright moonlight and howling cold wind, this place stretched for dozens of miles and accommodated more than 20 people. The army camp seemed very quiet.

It is cold winter now.

In this season that is most unsuitable for marching and fighting, ordinary soldiers hid in bed early, and the soldiers in charge of patrol also huddled in corners where the wind could not blow with blankets. How could anyone pay attention to whether there would be an enemy attack? .

"Report to the general, the gate guards have been cleared."

The captain of the Shadow Mage team reported the latest results to Vega. They entered the enemy's camp in the dark and easily killed the sleeping guards. During this period, no one was alarmed.

After all, Veigar had been here for five full days.

In the past five days, he has already figured out the situation of the patrolling army. He even visited Vega, the secret sentry hidden underground, so there is no possibility of missing any details. Here it stands out.

"According to the plan."

Veigar gave the adjutant an order for the entire army to move according to the plan prepared in advance.

This command can be roughly divided into three steps.

The first step is to fight head-on.

Veigar ordered the vanguard army to defeat the most powerful third division head-on, and then spread out its two wings, attacking forward in a cone shape. This method made it impossible for the imperial army to organize an effective counterattack formation.

The second step is to draw salaries from the bottom of the pot.

Veigar sent about 3 people in a legion to attack the enemy's logistics warehouse, not giving the enemy the slightest chance to stand up.

The third step is the decapitation tactic.

Since Veigar was very aware of the headquarters of the enemy's various troops in advance, he ordered the high-level armed forces to penetrate behind the enemy and execute the beheading tactics against Escar and other generals.

of course.

Veigar knew very well that ordinary high-ranking officers had powerful magician guards around them, and many of them had high-level magicians who were against the sky. It was quite difficult to behead the enemy.

But it doesn't matter.

Veigar's real purpose was to paralyze the enemy's command system, so that Eskar and other generals were busy with the assassination of high-level military forces, and had no time to organize troops and carry out effective counterattacks against them.

Wait for the overall situation to be settled.

Veigar can go back and wipe out Eskar and others, and unify the dynasty in a true sense. After all, the number of soldiers in a war and the level of combat power are only secondary factors. It is the decisions of high-level officers that can really change the situation of the battle. .

When the top of the enemy army is wiped out.

Then the army without brains, no matter how strong their combat effectiveness is, they are useless.


Based on what he saw and heard in five days, Vega formulated this battle plan with a winning rate close to 100%. Now every moveable chess piece of the imperial army is stared at by Vega, and he has already sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.


Silent night.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, Escal was supposed to be asleep.

But tonight I couldn't sleep anyway.

Escal himself couldn't understand this point, he just felt a little restless, neither sitting nor standing, the anxiety in his heart tormented him almost to the point of madness.

Pick up the water glass.

Escal wanted to take a sip of the half-cold tea, but with a shake of his right hand, the glass of water fell to the ground and scattered all over the ground. The water glass was not broken because of the carpet on the ground.

Escal bent down, ready to pick up the water glass.

But the moment he bent down, a wave of air hit, pushing him several meters away.

The explosion of magic echoed.

Escal, who was thrown in a mess, raised his head and looked towards the explosion point, only to see that at some point, mages from the dynasty army were releasing magic at him. Defense, I'm afraid he was not as simple as being pushed out by the blast, but was smashed to pieces.

Except for elemental mages.

What came into view was also the shadow mage and professionals trying to break through the defense line of the guards and assassinate him.

"Damn it, who are these people!"

Escal couldn't understand why there were still people who could organize such a force to assassinate him when there were obviously no enemies in the West Bank.

But at this time Escal didn't pay attention to the enemy.

He directly said to the adjutant beside him: "Go and send a signal to ask for reinforcements. I will capture this group of people alive, and ask carefully which organization dares to be so bold as to come to my army to commit murder."

"Yes, Commander."

The adjutant just agreed, but outside the door there was a burst of earth-shattering magic bombing.

dong dong dong dong-

Along with the sound of magic bombing, there was also the warning sound of enemy attack.

"Enemy attack? Enemy attack!"

Escal said in disbelief: "How is it possible! How is it possible that there is still an army launching a surprise attack on us, I want to know the specific situation, kill! Kill me a way out."

"Boom boom boom!"

Everything didn't go according to Escal's script.

Since Vega ordered high-level force to break through the enemy's rear, not one or two high-level force attacked the general headquarters. The defensive barriers of the earth magicians who were smashed by fierce magic were crumbling. Let alone kill a bloody road, they can continue It is already a blessing in misfortune.

"Commander, the enemy has too many high-level armed forces, please forgive us for not being able to do it..."

A word spirit mage had just reported this situation when he saw a flame burst break through the defensive barrier and hit him, burning him to nothing.

Under the intensive magic bombardment.

Even if each mage in the mage elite guard team is quite high in level, they are beginning to be unable to hold on, especially the barriers of the earth mages have several loopholes, and they will all be broken if they last another five or six minutes.

"No! I will never die here!"

"I haven't been promoted to general yet, and I haven't fulfilled my lifelong dream."

"I will absolutely, absolutely not die here!"

For death, Escal was completely unprepared.

At this moment, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was staring at the front. Although all kinds of evidence showed that he had no hope of surviving, he was very sure that he would not die here.

If you have to force it to explain.

This is his unique sense of war, the sense of war of a quasi-five-star general!
Although intuition is illogical and cannot be explained by science, for soldiers and officers who are on the verge of life and death, they do have potentials that ordinary people do not have, or have not awakened.

at this critical moment.

A reinforcement of the imperial army arrived and broke through the encirclement of Eskar like a sharp sword.

(End of this chapter)

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