Mage Veja

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
Da da da--

The cold wind is howling, and the horses are neighing.

Lieutenant Hicks, as the commander of the cavalry company of the Imperial Vanguard, rushed to the forefront.

Behind him were a hundred of his subordinates, and two magicians were deployed on the left and right sides to cover the battle, but this was pure fuss in Hicks' view.

Because their opponent is the dynasty army.

It was the dynasty army that only knew how to hide in a tortoise shell when fighting, and a regiment-level force would be captured by a company of the kingdom.

This kind of joke army is nothing more than pigs who give them military merits.

As for the last defeat?
That was just the reason for the dynasty army's sneak attack. If this kind of frontal battle was fought, let alone a mere 30 people, even a 50 army could kill them in an instant.

No!This is absolute confidence!
Although Hicks has never fought against the Dynasty Army, he has fought with the Dynasty Army. From what he has seen and heard, the Dynasty Army is indeed a joke army.Even the Holy Dynasty can only survive by relying on the empire. Now if you dare to stand on the opposite side of the empire, you must be prepared to perish.


Hicks couldn't help pumping his horse again, trying to reach the battlefield faster. As the vanguard rushing forward, he must gain the most military exploits in this war.

It's close, the enemy is very close.

Hicks could already clearly see the shadow of the dynasty army.

He swung his spear and laughed loudly: "Little lambs, be afraid! Under our iron hooves, let's howl to our heart's content!"

The spear swung.

Looking at the dynasty army that didn't even form a basic defensive phalanx, he seemed to have foreseen the crisp sound of the spear piercing the enemy's throat, as well as the peerless beauty of blood flying.

If the script is correct, this war should have been like this.

But at this moment-

Hicks caught the eye of a soldier.

It was a dynasty soldier with a broken arm holding a dagger.

If he had seen such soldiers among the enemy army before, he would have breathed a sigh of relief and smiled mockingly.

Because when an army sends even wounded soldiers to the battlefield, it means that its life is exhausted, and failure has become a foregone conclusion. They can also treat this war as a massacre game and enjoy the fun of war to their heart's content.

But Hicks didn't laugh this time.

The reason for it was like an April Fool's Day joke, he was actually intimidated by the look in the soldier's eyes.

What kind of look is that?

It is indescribable, even if all the words are exhausted, it is impossible to describe what happened.

Cold like a killer, crazy like a gambler, fanatical like a missionary...

Hicks couldn't understand why an ordinary soldier could have such eyes, and he hated such eyes extremely, because this line of sight made him bone-chillingly cold, and he couldn't feel the slightest sense of security.

"Damn it! I'm going to pierce your eyeball."

Hicks on the horse stabbed straight through the soldier's abdomen in an instant. Although the soldier couldn't die on the spot, death was his inevitable end.

But before this dying.

The soldier let out a huge roar, which echoed through heaven and earth: "The glory of the queen is up to me to defend!"


The soldier firmly held the spear that pierced through the abdomen, and pulled Hicks on the horse to the ground.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and said in a tone crazier than a gambler: "You bastards of the empire, don't even think about taking a step closer to the queen! You... will lose this war! Hahaha..."

With loud laughter, the soldier finally lost his breath and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Hicks let out a long breath, and finally closed his annoying eyes forever.

But when he stood up again.

He once again felt the sight that made him feel cold all over.

No!Not one, but thousands of ways...

In all directions, front, back, left, and right, pairs of eyes so crazy that even the god of death would shy away from them were staring at him, accompanied by countless infantry spears.


These long guns stabbed Hicks into a hornet's nest.

Until the last moment before dying.He never thought that this war would end like this.

"I was wrong, this is not a flock of sheep at all..."

Hicks fell, and with him fell the vanguard who launched the first wave of charge.

Under this overwhelming momentum, there is no need for any formation at all, and the morale of the soldiers who are not afraid of death is better than everything else.

This war was truly a one-sided carnage.

It's a pity that the party that was massacred was no longer the dynasty army, but the imperial army that took advantage of the situation.

Less than half an hour.

The vanguard army of the empire began to retreat. This was not Escal's order, but they had to retreat under the overwhelming offensive of the dynasty army, because they found that the dynasty army had gone crazy.

at the same time.

A scout rushed in front of Eskar, and he said with horror on his face: "Master Commander, something is wrong, the enemy rushed over, and our vanguard is over."

"This is impossible!"

Escal denied immediately: "The remnants of the dynasty are defeated and have no morale. How can they resist the charge of the vanguard? Are you trying to shake our morale?!"

"My lord commander, everything I say is true."

After repeated confirmation, Escal came to the front of the troops, raised the binoculars in his hand and looked forward.

It was also at this sight that Escal, who was almost frightened, dropped the telescope in his hand.

He saw a one-sided war, and his army was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Under the hands of the Dynasty army, he had no power to fight back. All he could do was escape, and he tried every means to escape.

"How could that kid restore the morale of the whole army in an instant?"

Escal panicked a little. He asked the scouts, "Tell me, why did the dynastic army, which was on the verge of collapse a few hours ago, suddenly become a tiger and wolf army?"

"It's the queen, their queen's royal conquest!"

The scout seemed to have a flash of inspiration, so he reported this important information to Escal.

"Female, queen?!"

The moment Escal heard these words, he didn't even have time to punish the scouts, and immediately yelled at the adjutant: "Quick! Order the whole army to retreat immediately, and we will retreat to the Black Gold City immediately."

Bean big cold sweat dripped from Escal's face.

He never thought that such a sudden situation would appear in his perfect plan.

He understood very well the importance of the king in the eyes of the subjects of the holy dynasty, and it was no exaggeration to say that it was faith.

When the queen's royal conquest is in person, even the low morale will return to its peak within 1 minute, even worse than before, so this battle...

They have already lost.

Veigar played a huge trick on him.

Now Escal can only pray that he can safely withdraw the main force to the Black Gold City after abandoning the vanguard.After all, the army of the dynasty is bloated, and they are some distance away, so it is generally difficult to catch up with them.

(End of this chapter)

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