Mage Veja

Chapter 47

Chapter 47
Attack signal?

Veigar did not expect that the regiment headquarters would actually issue an order to attack.

According to the usual practice, in this situation, a temporary retreat is usually taken. After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Their company only has 160 people, while the opponent has more than 500 people.

But it's not impossible.

After all, the opponent is the cannon fodder unit of the Kingdom Army, and his side is the backbone of the Imperial Army. The only thing to worry about is whether there are professionals in the opponent's army.

This is why Veigar wanted to retreat.

In this situation of knowing oneself and not knowing the enemy, the chance of accidents is too great. Once there are professionals who are more advanced than him in the Royal Army's team and have combat skills, it will be a problem for him to escape.

"Company commander, please give the order."

The adjutant looked at Veiga and reminded: "According to the speed of the opponent, we will enter the attack range in 10 minutes. We don't have much time to waste."

"Prepare to attack."

The orders of the regiment headquarters cannot be disobeyed, and he somewhat understands the intentions of the regiment headquarters.

The backbone of the empire is still running away from the cannon fodder of the kingdom?

This is absolutely not allowed by the regiment headquarters. The regiment headquarters wants to let the kingdom's cannon fodder troops who think they can win by numbers know that the troops stationed at the border have been replaced.

on the way.

The giant shieldmen are in front, the crossbowmen are behind, and the pikemen charge and prepare.

Formation is completed in an instant.

Veigar's subordinates formed a formation on the only way the opponent must pass, quietly waiting for the arrival of the kingdom's cannon fodder troops.

What is the difference between a cannon fodder unit and a backbone unit?
First of all, the backbone troops have excellent equipment, such as crossbow arrows, simple combat uniforms, giant shields, spears...

In addition to excellent equipment, every soldier has received systematic training, is proficient in military fighting techniques and military combat skills, and is proficient in land combat formations such as 121, 212, 333...etc.

Cannon fodder units are different.

As soon as they joined the army, they were thrown directly to the border for garrison missions after only a rough training. The weapons on their bodies were only standard long guns, and they were not even equipped with combat uniforms for defense, let alone any fighting skills, combat skills and battle formations. .

The combat method of the cannon fodder troops is very simple.

If you want to describe it, it is roughly, indomitable, simple and rude, and the number wins.

Regardless of whether it is the Royal Army or the Imperial Army, the strength of the cannon fodder troops is not much different, and the combat methods of the two sides are also simple. Whoever has the most numbers will be the best, and the side with the fewest numbers will generally turn around and run away.

If the numbers are the same, then only the brave will win.

The backbone of the army is the brainwashed imperial army. Even if the opponent's number is several times that of their own, they can form a formation to resist until the end. They regard the glory of the empire and the orders of the officers above their own lives.

The cold wind is howling.

Since there was still some snow on the ground, the opponent did not use horses, but marched on foot. This also gave Vega a greater confidence in defeating the opponent. Sometimes the gap in equipment and combat capabilities cannot be crushed by numbers. .

time flies.

The figure of Wang Guojun was already visible to the naked eye.

Veigar drew his dagger.

He stood at the forefront of the team, trying to find the professionals in the enemy team at the first time.


Royal Army, Seventh Army, 314th Battalion.

Theodore is the deputy battalion commander of the 314th Battalion. Today he received an order from the regiment headquarters to launch an attack on a guard tower of the Imperial Army nearby, because the Imperial Army has destroyed 19 of their guard towers this month. Whatever you say, you have to find it back.

The only place in their regiment fell on the head of the 314th Battalion.

Being able to get this task made Theodore so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. He got up early this morning and called his subordinates to split up with the battalion commander to head towards the nearest watchtower.

Because this task is a beautiful job.

The border friction between the two countries has always been that you slap me and I punch you back. He brought more than 500 people to make trouble, and the imperial army on the opposite side would abandon the building and flee if they saw his shadow. It is possible to destroy the sentry tower and rob supplies without any effort.

This is all the military exploits of white bastards.

Being able to receive this kind of task means that the higher-ups are ready to transfer you back to the Gacili City Division Headquarters, and after systematic training, you will become an enviable backbone of the Royal Army, and he has also been transferred to an officer of the backbone of the army.

"Second company commander, how far is it from the sentry tower?"

Although Theodore has asked no less than twenty times along the way, the second company commander still took the trouble to reply: "Report to the deputy battalion commander, it will take about 15 minutes at the current marching speed."

"Why is there still 15 minutes?"

Theodore complained that he was really eager to leave the border as soon as possible, because he had been transferred to the border for more than three years.

I didn't return to Gacili City for three years, and I didn't see my family for three years.

He desperately wants to complete this easy task, and then go through a set of procedures to bring the troops back to Gacili City to serve.

"This mission is over, let's go back to the countryside and get married first."

Deputy Battalion Commander Theodore looked at the clear sky and stepped forward on the snow. The joy of returning soon made him quicken his pace.

5 minute later.

He saw the Imperial Army more than 1000 meters away from the sentry tower.

This is an army of about 130 people. They actually have shields and hand crossbows in their hands, which is more than a little bit better than their equipment. When did the imperial army have the luxury to equip cannon fodder troops with such equipment.

That's not the point.

The point is that the imperial army didn't just abandon the building and run away this time, but stayed behind to meet them.

There are 130 people on one side and 500 people on the other.

With such a huge gap in numbers, the imperial army probably has no chance of winning. The commander of the opposing team must have been kicked in the head by a donkey to issue such a stupid order to attack.

Theodore did not take the Imperial Army seriously.

Because he is a second-level trainee professional, according to the usual practice, there are very few professional officers in the cannon fodder army, not to mention the huge gap in numbers, just use the army to crush them.

"Prepare for battle."

Theodore drew out the long cross sword and gave an order: "Charge to me, let us teach the bastards of the imperial army what real war is."


More than 500 people charged at the moment they received the order.

The huge advantage in numbers makes everyone think that they are sure of victory. The soldiers of the imperial army who tried to hit the stone with pebbles are just here to reward them with military exploits. The kingdom will surely win, and they will triumph in the end.


The distance between the two armies was less than 300 meters, and Theodore also saw Vega standing at the forefront of the imperial army at this time.

That is……

a child?
 The second update tonight will be a little later, and it must be before 24:00.

(End of this chapter)

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