Mage Veja

Chapter 508 Public Apology

Chapter 508 Public Apology
Clemens Oliver has received orders from the Imperial Army.

This order naturally required him to personally negotiate with Veigar. The purpose of the negotiation was to allow Veigar to retreat. With the current situation, if Veigar continued to press on, the empire would have to pay a certain price and give up its power in the kingdom. Benefits of Dragon City.

So for this order, Clemens is both sad and happy.

The good news is that once the empire decides to resolve Veigar's problem in a peaceful manner, then the No.17 Army of the Empire under his command will not have to directly fight Veigar, which makes him feel relieved.

Although I don't want to admit it.

But Clemens thought he had no chance of defeating Veigar, even though he was twice as strong as Veigar in terms of military strength.

Sadly, as the former Chief of Staff of the Third Army, his status was second only to Foster Nolan, but now he has to bow his knees to Vega, who was once an unknown person, which made it hard for him to breathe out.

of course.

He was even more afraid that Veigar would take the opportunity to open his mouth, and the empire was unwilling to pay too much, which would cause him a dilemma.

So on the second day.

Climans came to Vega's camp with a feeling of going to his grave, and started negotiations with Vega.

meeting room.

Representatives of the two countries sat on both sides of the long oval table——

Vegar and Clemens Oliver.

After giving each other a military salute, Vega smiled and said politely to Clemens and several representatives behind him: "General Clemens, General Raglan, and General Alcott Owen, long time no see, don't come All right."

"Thank you Wei, Vega... General for your concern."

The corners of Clemens' mouth twitched, and the faces of several people were a little embarrassed. Veigar is a veritable traitor now, but as the generals of the empire, they are forced to compromise with Vega, a traitor. One can imagine the humiliation.

"Please sit down."

Vega greeted everyone: "Everyone is an old friend, so there is no need to be polite, especially Mr. Alcott Owen. I was a soldier under your division when I was in Kareni. I haven't thanked you all yet. Grace of care."

Vega smiled sincerely.

I don't know if people saw this scene and thought that Vega and this group of people were really old friends whom they hadn't seen for a long time.

But the more sincere Vega's smile, the more uncertain Clemens and the others felt. Standing in front of them was the 'devil' who had just killed 70 people with his own hands, no!This speed of reckless disregard for human life is no exaggeration even if it is compared to the god of death.

Negotiating with a tiger who chooses people?
Just thinking about it is terrifying.

Just as the dawn always comes whether you expect it or not.

After some courtesy, the negotiation finally started. Since the empire initiated the negotiation this time, of course they were the first to come up with a solution.

There are three main options offered by Climans.

The first condemned Veigar for crossing the imperial border without authorization, and Veigar withdrew a total of four armies, two air corps, and two naval fleets near the city of Kareni and the west coast border.

Of course as compensation.

The empire is willing to double the entire military expenditure of Vega's mobilization of troops this time.

The second article requests Vega to persuade the United Kingdom and the Principality of Baya to withdraw their troops at the same time. As compensation, the empire is willing to pay in advance the 100 war airships owed to Vega, and at the same time provide compensation for the two countries with about 5000 million common gold coins, which will be handed over to Vega Hand over.

The third and most important one.

While asking Veigar to remove trade barriers, the Empire promised to immediately open restrictions in 137 fields and reduce the tariffs of all industries back to before the start of the trade war.

After reading the plan, Veigar understood that the empire had finally made a compromise.

This is unique in the history of the empire. The previous cession of Elchea and compensation for war airships, in the eyes of the empire, were just bargaining chips that had to be paid to redeem soldiers. It was more like a commercial negotiation. Who compromises.

After all, the matter of redeeming prisoners of war is the same in any country.

But this time is different.

This time, in the absence of prisoners of war, the empire that Veigar had truly forced by force had to lower its proud head and negotiate with him, a traitor.

And this time the empire's plan is quite sincere.

In particular, the compensation of 5000 million universal gold coins, and letting Vega hand it over to the United Kingdom and the Principality of Baya is in line with Vega's wishes. The empire knows how to do things this time, and this clause basically touches Vega's wishes Minimum negotiating bottom line.

But this time Veigar came to the lion to open his mouth.

He typed the plan back in front of Clemens, then slapped the table and pretended to be angry and said, "General Clemens, are you sending beggars away?"

Veigar was outspoken.

He pointed directly at Climans and said, "Your vassal country attacked the dynasty's land without authorization. Our country has suffered unfair treatment. It is reasonable to fight back in self-defense. Moreover, your country violated international trade laws and caused our country to suffer huge losses, so The dynasty needs your empire to make a public apology, and compensate our country for various expenses including military expenses, customs duties, and mental damage...a total of 25 billion general gold coins."

"25 billion can be given, but apologies please forgive us for not being able to do it."

Climans' face was a bit ugly, and the loss of money was a small matter, but if he wanted to publicly apologize to the dynasty internationally, it would be tantamount to admitting to the world that the empire had compromised with the dynasty, which also meant that someday other countries would ask the empire This matter, the empire cannot just deny this matter, and it will also become a stain in the history of the empire.

It doesn't matter which country you are in.

Dignity and glory are more important than anything else, and this will be the basis for rallying morale and stabilizing society.

However, what Veigar obviously wants is an apology from the empire, which directly means that the dynasty is rising, and at the same time indirectly improves the status of the dynasty in the eyes of all countries in the world, which will bring considerable benefits in future diplomacy.

Therefore, Vega directly vetoed it: "Since your country has no sincerity, I don't think there is any need to continue the negotiation."

"General Vega, please wait a moment!"

Clemens almost gritted his teeth and spit out a few words of humiliation: "The empire will publicly apologize to the dynasty!"

"Hahaha, please rest assured, as long as your country fulfills its promise, our army will retreat immediately."

Veigar finally showed a knowing smile, and then started a war of words with the Empire over other trivial matters.

However, other things such as the early delivery of the war airship are irrelevant. Veigar has achieved his goal, which is to make the empire publicly apologize.

This apology is more valuable than any compensation.

Facts have proved that the empire is still very efficient when it comes to life and death.

On the third day after the negotiations ended, the empire issued an international announcement, publicly apologizing to the Holy Dynasty.

And this apology announcement directly caused an uproar in the entire Jialan Continent.

 I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival~ There are many things to do today, and there is only one chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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