Mage Veja

Chapter 524

Chapter 524
Instigate rebellion against the United Kingdom.

This is the opinion put forward by the Staff Group of the Imperial Central Military Department.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this idea does not have any feasibility.

The first is because of the long-standing feud between the Empire and the Kingdom. Most of the members of the United Kingdom were once vassal states of the Empire and suffered from the oppression of the Empire. Coupled with the historical reasons left by the previous wars, it is doomed unable to come together.


Now the empire's main force of nearly 80 is rooted in the Dragon City, and they are stuck there like a nail house. This is the same as you pointing the gun at someone's head and telling them that I want to form an alliance with you. May treat you sincerely?


Every force knows that the kingdom is already on the verge of collapse, and it will collapse across the board in a few years. At this time, a big victory is urgently needed to stabilize the domestic environment. Of course, they are even less likely to fall to the empire.

Therefore, a general held a negative opinion: "Excuse me, Chief of Staff, are you really taking this war seriously?"

"Everyone, please be quiet and don't be impatient."

The chief of staff of the military department began to explain: "As we all know, at this stage, the main force of our country is backlogged on the Dragon City front in the United Kingdom, and breakthrough progress has been made. Now the entire northeastern region of the United Kingdom has been under the attack of our army. In a semi-occupied state, the kingdom barely withstood the pressure relying on the Royal Legion commanded by Admiral Tanier and the Hillenbel Canyon."

"There is no doubt about the results achieved by the main force of our army."

The general said puzzledly: "But the reality we should recognize is that the 80 main force has already been mired in the quagmire of the Dragon City front. Now if they want to withdraw to the country, the Royal Army will definitely pursue it. It is possible to return to the country. Of course, it is also impossible for noble officials to rely on force to coerce the kingdom, and we cannot guarantee that the kingdom will truly form an alliance."

"That's what I'm going to say."

The chief of staff said loudly: "For a long time, the United Kingdom regarded Ocasus as the number one figure in the war threat list. Later, Ocasos disappeared, and Vega was born again, directly inheriting the position of Ocasos. Now the war threat of the United Kingdom The first and second places on the list are both members of the Holy Dynasty, and this is the opportunity for us to instigate rebellion."

"There's no denying that."

Another foreign general said: "But the members of the Kingdom's royal think tank are not fools. They must see that the empire is the most threatening force. Coupled with the plight of the Dragon City front, we should be the main ones."

"You may not know."

The Chief of Staff said with a sneer: "The United Kingdom has an alliance with the Dynasty and the Principality of Baya on the surface, but in fact it has fallen to the Freedom Alliance. With the support of the Freedom Alliance, do you think the think tank of the United Kingdom will take us seriously? At this stage, I'm afraid they have already begun to think about how to solve the combination of Vega and Okasos after the empire is destroyed."

"That is to say!"

The chief of staff hit the nail on the head: "We don't need the kingdom's sincere alliance, as long as we coerce and lure, reach an agreement with the kingdom to withdraw the 80 main troops peacefully, the kingdom will not agree to it, and is even willing to be prejudiced."

That's right.

The retreat of the 80 troops can firstly solve the imminent situation in the kingdom. Their purpose has always been this. Second, it can also allow the empire to use this main force to directly weaken the strength of the Holy Dynasty and the Freedom Alliance, so that the United Kingdom will benefit from it. The biggest advantage is that they don't have the psychological burden to entrap the allies.

For the empire.

The safe withdrawal of these 80 soldiers will strengthen national defense in an all-round way, allowing the country to support 400 million reserve forces to complete the formation and recovery of combat power. These 400 million troops will also directly affect whether the empire can settle the current situation and even complete anti-killing.

The eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Vega is in the dynasty where the front foot is united to attack the strong, and the imperial army is far away and close to attack the Western countries to contain the Freedom Alliance. At the same time, it adopts a strategy of breaking through the union. It wants to instigate the United Kingdom and withdraw 80 soldiers in the United Kingdom safely. Anti-domestic.

Once the 80 troops are brought back to defend the country.

Then it is entirely conceivable that the empire will sit back and relax.

What's even more frightening is that when the empire's 400 million troops are formed one year later and their combat effectiveness is restored, the entire continent will fall into the fear of being dominated by the empire.

Because when you open a bow, there is no turning back.

The empire originally didn't want to lift this hole card. Once this hole card is lifted, it means that the accumulation of wealth accumulated for thousands of years will be destroyed. The new army of 400 million, plus the main force of the original 300 million large establishment, the military expenditure required can be said to have reached Astronomical figures, if no results can be achieved, the empire will no longer have the ability to unify the continent in the next 500 years.

So will the kingdom say yes?

If the Kingdom knows that the Empire has the capital to pull up 400 million troops at any time, then it is estimated that even if they kill them, they will not dare to let go of the 80 troops, so that the Empire will have sufficient preparation time, but the United Kingdom obviously does not know this fact of the Empire. A hole card.

This hand of the empire is quite deep.

No, it should be said that this plan has been planned for several generations. If there is no accident, this generation will not open it, but will continue to snowball until it is unstoppable. It will sweep the mainland. Of course, this kind of plan is impossible leak out.

So not to mention the kingdom, even Veigar's eyes were darkened.

Although Veigar used to be a high-ranking military officer of the empire, he only knew that the empire had 300 million active soldiers. As for how many plans the empire has that have been worked hard for generations, this kind of thing is probably only possible for the leaders and core members of the three powers Know.

But this does not prevent Veigar from making a decision.

On the 10th day, he held the first meeting of the Allied Powers in Saint Laurent, the capital of the Holy Dynasty. In addition to deepening the previous relationship with each other, this meeting formally established the Allied Powers headed by the Holy Dynasty...

Veigar also made a solemn request to the King of the United Kingdom.

This requirement is self-evident, that is, no matter what the price is, the 80 main force of the empire must be restrained on the Dragon City front. At least not a single soldier on the Dragon City front can be let go until half of the empire is captured. .

Although Veigar didn't know the hole card of the empire.

But this does not prevent Vega from understanding that the empire does not have the 80 main force, so with the Holy Dynasty and the Freedom Alliance as the main force, the United Kingdom and the Principality of Baya as the supplement, it can basically be directly stabilized within half a year. The war situation within the empire.

Relying on a central army alone cannot stop the joint efforts of the Freedom Alliance and Veigar.

At that time, the empire's strategic points will be lost, and even if it has the ability to reach the sky, it will be powerless.

But once the main force of 80 is successfully returned to the country, let alone half a year, even five years, it is impossible to get half a strategic point.

For Vega's request, the Kingdom of course agreed verbally.

It's a pity that Vega didn't know that the king of the United Kingdom had just returned to the country, and the imperial envoy came to the United Kingdom to apply for an interview with the king. At this time, Vega was with two "fairy" female slaves sent by the Freedom Alliance. flirt……

wrong!It should be called exchange culture.

(End of this chapter)

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