Mage Veja

Chapter 532

Chapter 532
What kind of eyes are those?
What Qi Lisi saw in Shia's eyes was absolute firmness, as if as long as she worked hard, she could naturally reach the height of Ocasus. This kind of childlike delusion really made Qi Lisi stunned, but more It is dumbfounding.

Qi Lisi didn't take it to heart.

There are too many people in this world who make vows beforehand and then give up halfway.

At the end of the day.

In Qi Lisi's impression, Shia is just a canary with a queen's aura.

The reason why Vega valued Shia more than her was entirely because of her status as a queen at this level. This status allowed Shia to win at the starting line, but at the same time it directly determined Shia's upper limit.

Therefore, although Qi Lisi was a little jealous, she was not discouraged.

She was able to stay by Vega's side not because of her status, but because of her real personal ability.

In other words.

Although she does not have the same noble status as Shia, her future does not have the same upper limit as Shia. One day when Vega's reputation exceeds Shia's, Shia's pawn will be useless.

But she is different.

With her ability to get to today, she will never become obsolete at any time, and she will be needed by Vega as a vital pawn.

But Qi Lisi is a native of the Empire after all.

Compared with the aristocratic class in other countries, it is difficult to overthrow it. The social environment of the empire is at least relatively fair. Since they established the country with military force, many capable grassroots classes have been more or less able to be reused, and they have indeed responded to that sentence. live.

But here is the Holy Dynasty!
One of the oldest ancient countries on this continent, hides as many secrets as the Freedom Alliance.

Just as the Liberty Alliance still retains bloodlines to determine strength and upper limit, among them, the commander of the Alliance Army Swinburne Raphael, the siege weapon giant, and the sky war god phantom feather... are the best prove.

It is also not groundless that the whole dynasty attaches great importance to bloodlines.

The secret truth is that if the royal family gives birth to a female offspring, then this female will be blessed by the gods on the wedding day, awakening the bloodline of the ancient times.

There is a clear sign of whether this bloodline has awakened or not——

Long vitality, ranging from 500 years to as many as a thousand years.

This vitality can be shared with the husband, and there is an inexplicable bond between the husband and the husband, which can sense the inner world of both parties to a certain extent.

Except for this sign.

There is also an almost monstrous affinity for elements, and the ability to comprehend magic.

In other words, it is very possible that Shia has grown from an ordinary person who cannot even awaken her magic power to a quasi-mage with heaven-defying magical aptitude.The known information now is that in ancient times, the star-level mages were only the backbone, and the holy position could be synonymous with 'high-level power', and it was only 'high-level', not even rare.

That's right, as Saint Laurent XVIII said before his death.

Siya is indeed the hope for the rise of the Saint Laurent Dynasty and the restoration of its hegemony on the mainland.It’s just that he died too early, and those who knew the inside happened to turn to the power of the First Prince, and were all executed by Vega in the end, so Shia still doesn’t know why she has been called the rise of the dynasty by Saint Laurent XVIII hope.

But today.

Qi Lisi inadvertently ignited Shia's spiritual fire in pursuit of power.

When this potential is unearthed, there is no doubt that the ancient country that has been around for thousands of years will once again show its ancient style.

A butterfly flapped its wings inadvertently.

Two weeks later, a tornado that changed the color of the world was formed.

Whether it is Vega, Ocasus, or empire, alliance, kingdom... It is estimated that a new force capable of subverting the entire continent is about to be formed. It is not a million lions, she is just a single-handed horse.

This stream travels through time and space,

across history,
The "power" exuding the residual heat of ancient magic civilization seems to want to prove to this dharma-ending era that has lost inheritance that the power of an individual can still subvert everything.


Get back to the present.

The place where the dynasty attracted attention did not have a place for Shia, and the only people who made the empire and other countries fearful were Okasos and Veigar.

So this time, the empire, which called back 80 main forces, once again strengthened its defense.

Now there are more than 40 troops stationed in Kareni City, including more than five air forces, and the logistics are enough for the four armies to spend a full five years. The empire is indeed ready for a tug of war.

They need time.

This time can be as fast as ten months or as slow as a year. They can complete the restoration of the combat effectiveness of 400 million reserve and rehired generals. Now these generals have been replaced in the existing army and serve as junior officers to restore the sense of war.

Vega's old acquaintance Escal was impressively on the list.

Although the empire's battle plan on the west bank of the dynasty came to naught due to his many mistakes, and he was eventually revoked of glory and voluntarily "retired early", but on the occasion of employing people, the empire still re-activated Escal.

And because Eskar has never left the battlefield, and his sense of war has not been lost, he was directly appointed by the empire as the commander-in-chief of a group army, as one of the troops on the western front to resist the Freedom Alliance.

As for why they resisted the Freedom Alliance instead of Veigar, it was of course because the imperial military considered that Eskar was completely defeated by Veigar, so it was no longer suitable to fight against Veigar, which clearly questioned his strength.

So Eskar has already remembered it in his heart.

He vowed to block the Freedom Alliance, and then applied to be transferred to the empire Kareni to fight a new war with Vega after the dust settled. He wanted to prove his strength to the empire and the Garan nations.

This has been his lifelong goal.

This time, Vega is indeed the person who touched the nerves of the empire the most. Not only Eskar is thinking about him, but all the officers and men in Kareni City are also paying attention to Vega's every move.

In addition to the former Third Army Chief of Staff Climans Oliver and others, there is another existence that Vega absolutely did not expect——

Foster Nolan.

The general who pushed him out of the city of Kaleni at the beginning, and later reversed the situation in the battle with the kingdom when the defeat was already settled, took down the dragon city of the kingdom, and completely opened up the war situation, returned with the 80 main force. empire.

just now.

The commander-in-chief of the northern front has changed hands, and Foster Nolan is once again in charge of the entire northern front, and he is fully prepared to shut out Vega's 50 troops, even... …

Keep Veigar forever on Imperial territory.

(End of this chapter)

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