Mage Veja

Chapter 534 Underestimate the enemy

Chapter 534 Underestimate the enemy
Tenniel Rheinberg.

He is the second-in-command in this Kingdom vs. Empire war.

Although there is nothing wrong with his title as deputy commander, you can't expect King Nordrian, a layman in war, to take charge of the overall situation in military affairs, so he is actually the commander-in-chief.

If it is normal.

He doesn't mind personally commanding such an epic battle that is 100% remembered by history. With such a huge force base, Tanier is also sure to win the entire northern part of the empire, and gain greater benefits based on this.

But the king's personal conquest made Tanier feel a little bit grudge.

Because what he is most afraid of is a layman who doesn't understand war telling him what to do, but he is His Majesty the King, and he has to obey the order of the other party. When the war is won, it is the king who leads well. If he loses... …

The results speak for themselves.

He, Tanier, will definitely take a big blame for this war.

Facts have proved that what is feared will definitely come.

Before coming, Tanier did not suggest attacking the city of Kaleni.

What he advocates is to take the risk of taking a feint, directly spare the city of Kareni to seize the secondary strategic city, adopt the strategy of encircling the strategic city by the secondary city, form Kareni into an isolated city, and then gradually build it.


Tanier didn't even have the idea of ​​capturing the strategic point of Kareni City. He more hoped to hand over this difficult bone to Vega, even if they would lose the strategic point of Kareni.

Because the kingdom can take advantage of this time to win another strategic point, Rops City, this exchange is not a disadvantage for the kingdom at all.

Of course, this tactic is also quite risky.

If they are detected by the empire in advance, they may be ambushed and then defeated one by one.

After all, there are quite a lot of secondary cities. Once you divide your troops into many places, and the empire happens to realize that your main force is not in front of Kareni, it is possible to encircle you, and you will be in a dilemma.

Although Tennier is known as a war gambler.

But this is not to say that Tanier will not fight the war without worrying about it, but he wants to do something to be more enjoyable. The reason why he came up with this idea is because he expected that the main force of the empire would not take a step from the city of Kareni.

In addition to him, there is Vega on the front.

The empire is obviously more afraid of Veigar than they are. In this case, even if the secondary cities are lost, it is absolutely impossible for the empire to rashly send troops to surround them before Veigar has made a move.

It can be said without exaggeration.

Although this move is risky, it has a 90.00% success rate.

But this plan was rejected by the king from the very beginning. King Nordrian was a complete layman in war. He thought that since he could fall to Kareni with a single-handed blitzkrieg and ravage the entire northern part of the empire, it can be seen that the empire is nothing more than this. Repeatedly, is it possible that the empire can understand their tactics in just a few years?

The king was confused for a moment.

The most terrifying thing is that the think tank around the king didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

They directly rejected Tennier's proposal on the grounds that the risk was too high.

Of course, Tanier did not mean to underestimate the think tanks. After all, the advanced tactics of blitz warfare were invented by the think tanks and then put into actual combat. Facts have proved that they have achieved considerable results.

But this time the think tank was obviously overconfident in their own tactics, and also a little too optimistic about the strength of the imperial army. Perhaps they, like the king, did not think that the empire could find a solution in a few years.

Things are already clear.

The king and the think tank, and even everyone in this war, have taken the enemy too lightly.

And now, the most hopeless thing happened to Tanier.

The king ordered him to use blitzkrieg to replicate the myth that Kareni fell overnight, reminding the empire of the fear of being dominated by them, and to take the strategic front tooth of Kareni into his pocket.

As for his objections?

It's a pity that it was directly ignored by King Nordrian.

Although the royal conquest does have a morale bonus, but at this time, Tennier would rather not have the king's personal conquest, and in the final analysis, why did he agree so cheaply that this kind of glory belongs to the king, and the blame will always be the war on his shoulders?

Regret is too late.

The only thing he can do now is to drive the ducks to the shelves and forcefully attack the city of Kaleni.


Near the Kareni Mountains.

Vega, who had just led the army out of the city of ice and fire and marched towards the city of Kareni, received a letter from the kingdom.

This letter was sent by the king.

The letter mainly said that the kingdom would launch an attack tomorrow night, and that King Nordrian was confident that he could capture the city of Kalieni overnight. Three days later, they welcomed Vega in the city of Kalieni.

"Is this the pride of the kingdom?"

Veigar chuckled, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes.

At this time, the kingdom was like a pretentious nobleman showing off his power and status to him. This move of the kingdom had no other meaning, but simply showed off his muscles to Vega, and used it to laugh at Vega because he was too much. Cowardly, he voluntarily gave up his position as a vanguard, and now he can only watch them take advantage of them.

Kareni is a battleground for military strategists.

It is no exaggeration to say that whoever can get the city of Kareni will have the initiative in the northern part of the empire. If he enters, he can devour the northern part of the empire and threaten the world-class transportation hub Rops City. If he retreats, he can build a defense line against millions of enemies. teacher.

Once the kingdom takes the city of Kaleni.

Then it is completely predictable that they will copy the previous myths again and take over a million kilometers of territory in the northern part of the empire. Moreover, based on the fact that the kingdom has come out in full force this time and the empire has suffered negative enemies, the city of Rops may not be able to keep.

In other words.

If the Battle of Kareni ended with the victory of the kingdom, then the northern part of the empire would be completely captured by the kingdom. No matter how hard it is for Vega, a latecomer, to get even the slightest benefit, this is the benefit of being a vanguard.

But Vega didn't panic.

He even said unhurriedly to a soldier: "Who is the commander of the Royal Army this time?"

"The commander-in-chief is King Nordrian, and the staff is the royal think tank of the kingdom."

"Hahaha, the kingdom will lose this battle."

Vega's face was full of sarcasm: "The order is passed on, the whole army marched slowly, delaying the original planned arrival time at Kareni by two days, I think we should be able to see a good show at that time."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Veigar watched the soldiers go away, he had foreseen the end of the war at this moment.

Why can you say that?
You need to know that the commander-in-chief is King Nordrian, and the king of the United Kingdom is a layman in war.

Let an amateur interfere with an industry officer?

This is no different from committing suicide.

Some people may ask, isn't there a royal think tank to advise the king?

Vega admits that no matter which country's think tanks have two talents, they are quite strong in controlling the general direction and formulating tactics, but it cannot be ignored that none of them has ever been on the battlefield .

It is not enough to have theories and just talk on paper.

The strategy of the members of the think tank would have seemed rigid if it had not been used by the generals to adapt to the situation.

Once the tactics are used too rigidly, even the tactics that transcend the times will become completely different. This is the reason why there is a rumor among commanders that the orders of the generals will not be accepted. The details often determine the success or failure of the war.

Does the kingdom with no strategic direction but no details have a chance of winning this battle?
It's a pity that there is no star in Veigar's eyes.

 Let me tell you something, I don’t know who has reported that the book friend group has been permanently banned today, and I don’t plan to rebuild it in the near future, so please don’t ask me alone. After all, there is no reason to prevent thieves for a thousand days. Consider whether to build a group.

(End of this chapter)

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