Mage Veja

Chapter 536 The Imperial Conspiracy

Chapter 536 The Imperial Conspiracy
Imperial Army, General Command.

Chief of Staff Climans received the battle report from the control area of ​​Crystal Junction.

"Report to the Commander."

The law enforcement team member reported to Climans: "Master Chief asked me to tell you that everything is as you expected. The Kingdom is copying all the steps of the last war. Now that the rats have been cleaned up, please go ahead and do it." .”

"Thanks Chief Merdin for me."

As the commander-in-chief of Kaleini's offensive and defensive battle this time, Chrisman smiled when he heard the news.

The reason why he smiles so brightly contains two meanings.

The first meaning is, of course, that it killed nearly [-] of the enemy's high-level armed forces, and disintegrated the Kingdom Army's plan to destroy the Crystal Hub. The existence of the Crystal Hub is too important to Kareni.

The second meaning of the smile is even more important.

Once the Kingdom really got in touch with the Director of the General Administration of Law Enforcement and prepared to destroy the Crystal Hub, it meant that the Kingdom was really preparing to replicate the process of the previous war this time, and used the same trick to take down Kareni.

When this situation is confirmed, it is already predictable what the kingdom will do next, and they can also invite the king into the urn according to the plan made in advance, so that the kingdom will step into the abyss without knowing it.

Why invite you into the urn?

What needs to be known is that the kingdom took the city of Kareni overnight in three steps. The first step was to bribe the director of the General Law Enforcement Bureau in advance, and the second step was to use the cover of the Director of the General Law Enforcement Bureau to destroy the crystal hub on the night of the attack. The control area, the first two steps of the kingdom have been completed, then the foreseeable third step——

Air raid!

After the Crystal Hub was destroyed, the overwhelming war airships covered the moonlight and bombed the city of Kareni all night. The unsuspecting Third Army lost all its combat power overnight, and their war airships flew into the sky. Without a chance, they were all destroyed in the airport.

The surviving army can only linger in the air-raid shelter.

Without Vega's efforts to turn the tide, including Foster, I'm afraid they would have been reduced to a handful of loess.

Air strikes were therefore central to the plan.

The kingdom's blitz also relied on the air force to exert its extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

After the air force disintegrated the fighting power of the empire, the airborne troops landed from the war airship, radiated from the inside to the surroundings, controlled the air-raid shelters, controlled the city gates, and killed the survivors.

This is the whole process of the last Kareni War.

Under this premise, Climans issued an order: "The order goes on, the army guides all the civilians into the air-raid shelters, and closes the air defense capability of the Crystal Hub, so as to seduce the kingdom's air force to attack us."

"Yes, Lord Commander."

The soldiers faithfully followed Clemens' orders and did not ask questions such as why the Crystal Nexus was closed.

You know, closing the crystal hub means that Kareni has become a living target for the enemy's air force, which is tantamount to indirectly exposing the city of Kareni to the enemy's magic.

Doesn't Clemens understand?
Of course you understand the consequences!

So after he issued this order, he issued another order at the same time: "Signal to the air force at the Wally Canyon Underground Airport, let them come to Kareni at three o'clock in the morning, I want them to kill me The entire air force of the kingdom!"

Hit the nail on the head.

Since the kingdom is so dependent on the air force and intends to make a fuss about the air force, then simply destroy the enemy's air force and turn the kingdom's army into a toothless tiger. This is Climans' plan for the kingdom.

As long as it can destroy the enemy's air force.

So what if Kareni let the enemy bomb the previous round again?It is nothing more than a loss of some property, which is nothing compared to the number of air forces lost by the Kingdom.


Royal Army, General Command.

Everyone is anxiously waiting for the battle report from the front line.

This time, they completely replicated the successful experience of the previous war. In the eyes of everyone, there was no reason not to win, but this anxious waiting process was really difficult, and the scouts simply did not let them wait for too long.


The scout hurriedly broke into the command room, which was at least a brigadier general rank. Such a luxurious lineup made the orderly tremble with fear. He didn't even have time to breathe before he hurriedly reported: "The crystal hub in Kareni City seems to be It has expired, and no traces of the defensive cover of the Crystal Hub have been observed over the city, but the troops responsible for destroying the Crystal Hub have not yet returned."

"Since the crystal hub has failed, it seems that it has been succeeded."

A member of the think tank suggested to King Nordrian: "Time is running out, Your Majesty, please order the Air Corps to bomb Kareni. When it is confirmed that the enemy has lost resistance, the [-]rd Heavy Armored Division will airborne Kareni. .”

"Your Majesty can't."

Tanier immediately stood up and objected: "The troops in the city that destroyed the crystal hub have not yet come out. We don't know the specific situation in the city now. I think it's not too late to wait for their specific information later before attacking."

"When did war gamblers become so timid?"

A lieutenant general immediately taunted: "The crystal hub has lost its function. This shows that our people have succeeded. There is nothing to question. War is always a race against time. One hour at night is one more hour for the empire to prepare." .”

"Your Majesty, it's not too late."

"Your Majesty, please order the attack immediately."


Everyone suggested to King Nordrian, but no one helped Tennier speak.

And King Nordrian nodded and said: "Notify the third, fourth, and seventh air corps to launch an air strike mission. The time is tentatively set at two hours. After two hours, the third, fourth, and seventh air corps will return. The [-]th Air Corps is fully loaded with the [-]rd Heavy Armored Division and airborne to Kaleni City, please prepare the [-]rd Heavy Armed Division and the [-]th Air Corps."

"Long live the kingdom!"

Everyone paid a military salute, and half of the people in the command room left with a clatter.

So in the next two hours, Kaleni City ushered in a magic bombing that was more terrifying than the previous war. Since the number of air forces was more than four times larger, this time the bombing covered almost every corner of the city.

tick tick-

Time passed slowly, and it was about three o'clock in the morning.

The intensity of the magic bombing began to gradually weaken. This is the magic buffer period for the magicians. Although this buffer period can still maintain a certain amount of magic bombing, it is definitely incomparable with the peak.

"General, it's almost time."

On the aviation flagship, the commander-in-chief of this aviation operation received a reminder from the soldiers, so he took out his pocket watch to check the time and said, "Soldier, is the airship from the Sixth Air Corps here?"

"It's already here, less than 2000 meters away from us."

"It seems that we can retire with success."

The lieutenant general waved his hand: "Send a signal to retreat, and our three aviation regiments began to retreat one after another, leaving the battlefield to the Sixth Aviation Corps and the Third Heavy Armored Division. We have won this war!"

"Long live the kingdom!"

Hearing the commander-in-chief's order, the three aviation regiments stopped the magic bombing and prepared to return amid bursts of cheers.

But at this moment, several huge formations of aviation airships were slowly heading towards them, and the three aviation airships of the Royal Army had entered a period of weakness after two hours of magic bombing...

(End of this chapter)

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