Mage Veja

Chapter 539 Secondary Cities

Chapter 539 Secondary Cities
Great power struggle.

Those who value love and righteousness are dead!
As long as enough benefits can be obtained, or the war can be brought to victory, not to mention harming the allies, Veigar will go crazy, but even his own army dares to bury ruthless people with his own hands.

Killing one is a crime, and killing one is a hero.

Now the nations only remember Vega's prowess, who will pursue the mistakes Vega has made so far? Human beings are creatures who only pay attention to the results, not the process.

Therefore, taking advantage of this opportunity, Veigar began to lead his army to attack the secondary strategic city.

Near the city of Kaleni, in the hinterland of the north, there are thirteen secondary strategic cities, and each secondary city now has about one division of defenders.

In the original defense system of the empire.

No matter which direction you attack these secondary cities, even if you occupy one of the cities, Kareni's air force and army can arrive within a day, and deal a thunderous blow to the army that dares to invade the secondary cities, making you If you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice.After all, the empire is almost invincible in conventional battles, let alone at their home court.

This is Kareni's defense system.

This defense system is somewhat similar to the Yves Saint Laurent defense system that the dynasty is proud of. When the empire originally planned the northern cities, it borrowed from the Yves Saint Laurent defense system of the dynasty to a certain extent.

But it's just that the shape is similar, but the actual use is very different.

Because there is a fatal difference between the Kalieni defense system and the Saint Laurent defense system——

The location of the core city.

In the defense system of Saint Laurent, the city of Saint Laurent is located at the center of the defense system and is heavily guarded by satellite cities. The core city has a strong force that can support the satellite cities at any time.

But in the defense system of Kalieni, we can see that the core city of Kalieni City is placed on the outermost side. Once Kalieni City suffers a fierce attack, let alone let him allocate troops to support the secondary It would be nice not to deploy troops from secondary cities to support his core city.

So they look similar, but they are actually very different.

And now is precisely the worst time for this defense system. With the containment of the kingdom, it means that all secondary cities can no longer get the support of Kareni City. Huo, Veigar chooses to attack at this time, almost no one can stop him.

Soldiers are very fast.

That night, Veigar called a council of war.

"General Rael Ka Luyin."

Veigar looked at a middle-aged general in the third position on the right: "Now I appoint you as the interim commander of the air force, responsible for the joint land-air operations of this war."

"Please give instructions, Your Highness."

This is a newly promoted lieutenant general. He is one of the officers promoted by Vega from the colonel. He is 100% loyal to Vega.

Veigar nodded and said: "I need you to divide the three air forces into thirteen flight formations. Before the army attacks the secondary cities, first conduct magic bombing on the enemy's defense line. The specific details are independently operated by you."

"Yes, Your Highness, I promise to complete the task."

As soon as Lieutenant General Riel sat down, another lieutenant general was called out by Vega.

He is General Balma Swelling, the commander-in-chief of the First Army this time, and he is also one of the oldest generals in the army.

Vega did not pause at all, and ordered in a smooth and flowing manner: "General Balma, you will serve as the temporary commander-in-chief of the army for this operation, and I will temporarily hand over the command of the second army to you. The soldiers were divided into thirteen units, and with the coordination of the air force, they attacked thirteen secondary cities head-on."

"The subordinate takes orders."

"I believe in the abilities of both of you."

Vega nodded, and then said: "But please allow me to say a word, I don't recommend using the traditional formation of a regiment with 2 magicians and 10 professionals in the formation of the army. I personally recommend that General Balma With the brigade-level high-level armed forces not moving, the professionals and magicians in all the regiment-level forces are individually drawn to form the vanguard, and the breakthrough will be opened as quickly as possible after the air force's magic bombing."

This is the tactical theory of Kingdom Blitz.

Wang Guo believes that the traditional combat methods have seriously buried the mobility of the air force and advanced armed forces. The army cannot keep up with the high mobility of the air force to a certain extent.

But at this time, advanced armed forces can completely link up with the air force's mobility.

If the high-level armed forces form a separate force, after the magic bombing of the air force, they will have time to forcibly tear apart the enemy's temporary defense line, break through the enemy's rear headquarters while dividing the formation, or directly turn around and cooperate with ordinary troops to encircle and suppress.

The Kingdom's set of fighting methods has been tried and tested.

Of course, this tactic of plowing the land with the air force, crushing the front row with high-level military force, and catching up with ordinary troops is not without natural enemies. Once the enemy uses the complex terrain of the city to carry out guerrilla warfare, this tactic will be completely ineffective, and it will even pit itself.


The countries are still at the frontal and tough level. The only one who has thoroughly understood Vega's guerrilla warfare theory, accepted the most advanced combat thinking, and applied this guerrilla thinking to actual combat is probably only Climans in the city of Kareni. chief of staff.


"As you can see!"

After completing all the work arrangements, Veigar stood up and said loudly: "The world war has officially started. Among them, the million-strong army of the Freedom Alliance has broken down the 19 cities in the southwest of the Empire under the Fortress of the Sunset, and the Principality of Baya is still weak. The elite of the Wan Empire, and the United Kingdom invaded the city of Kareni overnight, and even His Excellency Okasos took over the city of Elchea by himself, and only we..."

"It's just us!"

Veigar slapped the table and made a sharp voice: "It's just that we haven't achieved an inch of success in the war! Therefore, in the battle for the secondary cities the day after tomorrow, I would like to ask the two commanders to go down to the thirteen cities of the empire overnight, so as to Strengthen my dynasty's army!"

"The next official will not disgrace his life!"

A group of generals in the command room stood up and shouted 'Long live the dynasty'.

Seeing that everyone was already war-conscious, Vega said: "Please feel free to do it, two generals. I will personally lead the army to build a defense line near the small Balkan city, so as to stop the imperial army from the city of Lops. Guaranteed that no air force or army will be spared to interfere with your operations."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The two commanders looked at each other and understood that this battle was Veigar's test of their true strength. If they failed even in such an almost easy war, they might not even think about commanding a single battle in the rest of their lives. war.

This is extremely cruel for an officer.

Therefore, the two did not dare to underestimate this war, but raised 100% vigilance to fight this battle that must be won.

(End of this chapter)

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