Mage Veja

Chapter 545 Receiver

Chapter 545 Receiver

As Vega guessed.

Now the war between the Kareni City Kingdom and the Empire has entered a fever pitch.

The Kingdom side sent large-scale troops to advance the front line almost every day, but the Empire side did everything possible to delay the Kingdom's front line advancement, and at the same time sent guerrilla troops to harass operations at night.

This war lasted for half a month.

After half a month, both the empire and the kingdom's army reached a critical point.

The kingdom finally couldn't hold on to this kind of white-and-black harassment battle. Because the enemy was extremely familiar with the terrain, it became very difficult for them to advance the front line.

Although the imperial side occupies a favorable location, the pressure they bear when they are beaten to the door is definitely not lower than that of the royal army. Now there is a negative and pessimistic mood in the army, which seriously affects the continuous high-intensity battles.

But what you can see now is——

The balance of victory gradually tilted towards the empire.

Urban combat depends to a certain extent on the home field factor, and the people of Kareni are biased towards the empire. This means that the three major factors of war are the right time, place and people, and the empire fully occupies the most important location and people.

Therefore, the war has been stalemate until now, and the winner can already be determined.

There is no way for the imperial army to retreat. There is the royal army in front, and the retreat route behind has been cut off by Vega.

There is only one choice left to the imperial army now, and that is to fight to the death. Therefore, if this war is to be marked as an end, then the kingdom must make a compromise.

Will the kingdom compromise?

King Nordrian dragged his tired face and asked at the meeting: "May I ask you, how should we fight this war? I have nothing to do."

Even the voice was full of tiredness.

Nordrian was cornered by the Imperial Army in the past half month.

In his view, isn't breaking through the four gates of the city the same as taking the city directly?

Why under such circumstances, the empire can fight such an excellent counterattack war? People who don't know think that the kingdom army exists as the inferior side, and the empire army is the one that takes the initiative in the war.

of course.

That's not to say the Kingdom hasn't learned the lessons of the previous Kaleni City defeat.

They attributed the last turnaround of Kareni to Vega himself. It was Vega, a commanding genius who is rare in ten thousand years, who forcibly made the whole game alive, but he really did not expect that at this time of crisis, the empire A little-known commander in the army, Climans Oliver, suddenly stood up and pinned them down here again.

"After all, the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot high."

Admiral Tenniel's gaze was as dim as the king's. In terms of military command, he had to admit that his talent was not as good as Vega's, and he was also not as good as that old guy Foster.

I won't mention the last time the Dragon City battle was overturned.

In this battle of Kareni, the Kingdom tried its best, but just like Foster used Vega to take back Kareni in the last war, the tragedy is happening again, and all plans are broken by a dark chess set by Foster. .

This hand of God directly made Kingdom Two enter Kareni and was unavailable.

Is Kareni really the city that never falls?

Therefore, when no one dared to speak, Tanier stood up and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, I believe that there is no hope of victory in this war. Instead of wasting in the city, it is better to withdraw the troops."

"Retreat while occupying the four ring districts?"

A staff officer of the think tank made a sharp voice: "May I ask General Tennier, do you really admit this kind of thing? I have finally stepped into the land of Kareni, but now I have to return without success."

"So what if you don't admit it?"

Tanier sighed and said: "Continuing the stalemate will only make us sacrifice more soldiers. Taking advantage of the fact that the main force is still there and we have only lost [-] soldiers, it is the right way to stop losses in time and re-establish the plan. "

"I agree with General Tennell."

After a short thought, an old general put forward his own opinion: "According to the latest battle report, Veigar of the Holy Dynasty took advantage of us to entangle the imperial army, and has captured almost all the secondary strategic cities in the northern hinterland, and put these The cities are connected together, creating a defense system that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Now even if we take down the strategic point of Kareni, we will not be able to advance the front line."

"I've heard about this too."

The chief of staff of the think tank said: "Judging from the current situation, the city of Kaleni is indeed like a chicken rib. It is tasteless to eat, and it is a pity to discard it."

The meeting room fell silent.

Everything is just as the chief of staff said, the war has been fought so far, and with the loss of the central hinterland, even if they take the city of Kareni, they can't do much, at most limit Vega's development.

But it would be different if the city of Kareni fell into the hands of Vega.

Kareni is the closest strategic city to the Holy Dynasty. Once Vega obtains the city of Kareni, it can be completely integrated with the domestic defense system, indirectly bringing the northern part of the empire into the territory of the dynasty.

With the North in hand, can Lops City be far behind?
Once the city of Lops is lost, it means that the northern part of the empire has belonged to the dynasty, and the benefits Vega has obtained can be said to be astronomical.

But surrendering Kareni, the kingdom was not reconciled anyway.

They paid 8 troops, and an aviation corps took over Kareni, and now they give Kareni to others for free?

No kidding, they're not doing charity.

This is the current contradiction in the kingdom.

Don't withdraw the troops, it will only cause greater losses, and it will not be able to win Kareni.

Withdraw your troops, and you are not reconciled to everything you have paid before.

What I have to mention here is that the Kingdom did not guess Foster's plan to attack Veigar back and forth, and destroy Veigar in the central hinterland. In their subconscious mind, the empire was completely retreating, and it was impossible to take the initiative to counterattack.

if not.

Most likely, the kingdom will immediately withdraw its troops and let the empire flank Vega back and forth. After Vega loses half of his troops, he will fulfill his obligations as an allied country and rescue Vega's remaining army from the central hinterland.

It is precisely because of its lack of awareness that the United Kingdom is in a dilemma.

This is the same as a gambler who loses a lot knowing that he will lose if he continues to gamble, but he can't control his desire to get back his money.

But when the kingdom was indecisive, the guard in charge of security suddenly entered the meeting room, and he reported to the king that an unexpected visitor had come outside the door.

This uninvited guest was undoubtedly Veigar.

And the moment they heard the guard's report, whether it was King Nordrian or other officers, they immediately stretched their brows, because they understood very well——

The taker came.

(End of this chapter)

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