Mage Veja

Chapter 551 Turning enemies into friends

Chapter 551 Turning enemies into friends
The Royal Army was driven away.

The city of Kareni was captured.

Foster's dark move successfully helped Vega kill two birds with one stone, becoming the biggest beneficiary in the entire north.

Now Kareni City and the northern hinterland, as well as the city of ice and fire in the north of the dynasty, are in a straight line. Whether it is retreat or support, it has been unimpeded, which is equivalent to opening up the second line of Ren Du in this war, which directly means that the empire has lost gained control of the North.

Based on Carleni.

Now Veigar is the uncrowned king here.

But now there is a rather big problem before him, that is how to solve the more than 30 imperial prisoners.

That's right.

The war went to the end, and in the end, Clemens couldn't bear the massacre of the soldiers, so he directly announced his surrender, and he himself apologized with his death that day, and at the last moment before he died, he was still thinking about facing Foster with shame.

Therefore, the number of deaths in this war was not many, only about [-].

Vega also directly obtained these more than [-] soldiers.

These pawns must not be traded to the imperial army as before, because the war against the emperors of the four countries has not yet ended. Returning the pawns now will only increase the vitality of the empire. Even if Vega wants to trade, other countries will not allow it.

As for directly killing the soldiers?

Although Veigar had done this kind of thing before, but this time he did not dare to do it due to emotion and reason.

Not because of the benevolence of the Vega woman.

The real reason is that if there is no ultimatum not to accept surrender before the war, killing surrendered soldiers without authorization after the war has constituted a violation of international conventions.When the war is over, the countries may use this as an excuse to make a fuss and deprive Veija of all the benefits. In the face of the distribution of benefits, the countries will not take Veija into consideration.


This time, Vega used the slogan of being persecuted by the empire and intending to overthrow the corrupt regime of the empire to gain the support of the people of Kareni. At this time, killing a huge number of about 30 imperial soldiers would naturally result in losing Kareni directly. Ni's support from top to bottom, and the image he has worked so hard to maintain until now will collapse in an instant.

Then the problem is coming.

How should the 30 soldiers be dealt with?
Putting it aside, you need to spend a lot of manpower to manage them, otherwise no one knows if they will make something wrong, and the resources consumed by these 30 people every day is a terrifying figure.

Although he has just obtained Kareni, the supplies of the imperial army have also fallen on his head. These supplies are enough for 30 people to eat and drink for more than half a year, but who would think that their own resources are too much and wasted on a group of useless people? ?

"Is this the distress of victory?"

Vega had a headache. He even wanted to throw these 30 people to the Kareni Mountains to mine, which is better than eating dry food here, but isn't it a bit reckless to send a group of elite soldiers to mine? ?
Think about it.

Veigar finally made the decision to take the 30 soldiers for his own use.

But it doesn’t mean that if you take it for your own use, you can take it for your own use. Although the common language is spoken in the east of the mainland, there is an essential difference in physiology between the dynasty people and the imperial people. If you look carefully, you can basically see it directly with the naked eye. This made Veigar cancel his decision to break up and mix them into the dynasty troops.

If this is really mixed in, I am afraid that what is mixed is not combat power, but a time bomb. After all, nationality discrimination has always existed. Once the soldiers of the two countries do not get along, it will directly affect the combat.

So there is only one way left——

That is to make the 30 soldiers of the empire turn against each other while maintaining the original establishment.

How would you describe the difficulty?

Veigar thinks that the difficulty is no less than that of breaking through Lops City, because Veigar has personally experienced the recruit training of the empire, and the brainwashing course in it is no joke. If Veigar hadn’t grown up under the red flag, it might be true out of their way.

Therefore, it is definitely not an easy task to make them turn against each other.

But it's man-made.

Veigar was really unwilling to leave 30 elite soldiers who could be put directly into the battlefield, and he thought that he did have a glimmer of hope to gain the allegiance of the 30 troops.

The reason comes from his status as a former brigadier general of the empire.

Another important point is that Veigar himself is not a member of the dynasty, but a native of the empire. If he did not have these two identities, Veigar might really throw these 30 people to the north to dig mine.

The premise is already there.

The next step is to rely on acquired efforts.

Therefore, Veigar conducted public opinion guidance in the first week, first spreading his tragic image of being persecuted by the high-level empire in the army, as well as his loyal nature in the heart of the dynasty and the empire.

The first step didn't make much progress.

Among the 30 people, only a small number of Kareni soldiers agreed with this point. The soldiers in other regions did not believe Vega's nonsense at all, and they would not ignore the fact that Vega was the prince of the dynasty.

Veigar didn't care about the failure of the first step.

Because he never thought that he could gain the support of 30 soldiers with just the first step, but this step has indeed achieved Vega's goal, that is, among a small number of soldiers who are willing to believe in Vega.


Veigar gathered these soldiers who were willing to believe his nonsense, and after careful calculation, there were probably more than 7000 soldiers.

"7000 people, more than I imagined."

Veigar smiled, and in the next week, Veigar carried out special ideological work on these 7000 people, and finally made these 7000 people become Veigar's loyal subordinates, and then Veigar called to wake up the lost lamb The 7000 people were scattered among the imperial troops under the pretext of using an excuse, and let them be traitors to cooperate with Vega's next work.

second week.

Veigar began to give speeches and brag himself, which he learned from the politicians in his previous life. Anyway, bragging and not paying taxes, he made up a set of quite tragic and inspirational stories for himself.

This story is told from the mouth of the person involved, and the credibility is of course higher.

Coupled with Veigar's own reputation and the appeal of his speech, he gained a large number of fans.

"Heroes of the Empire!"

"The rotten government is no longer capable of bringing us peace, and even our parents are at risk."

"Please believe me!"

Veigar drew a big pie for everyone: "Please believe me, I have the blood of the empire on my body, and everything I have done so far is to fight for the peace of the empire, and to rebuild a fair, just, and open government. Work hard, but I can't do it all on my own, and now I need your help."

Veigar looked at everyone with sincere eyes.

His voice echoed throughout the captive camp: "If you have a patriotic heart, please swear allegiance to the new government. From today onwards, you will no longer be accused of surrendering. You are all warriors of the empire. Warriors fighting for the cause of the revolution, as an officer of the Empire, I pay you the highest respect—"

Veigar solemnly gave a military salute to everyone: "Long live the empire!"


There was a silence under the stage.

In the eyes of outsiders, Veigar on stage seemed extremely embarrassed.

But at this time, the more than 7000 chess pieces buried by Vega began to exert their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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