Mage Veja

Chapter 556 From the Inside Out

Chapter 556 From the Inside Out
when you look straight ahead.

It also means that you ignore the danger behind it.

The attention of Lops City was completely attracted by Vega, and Foster's eyes were firmly on guard against the north of the empire. He even wanted to keep Lops City at the expense of destroying all connections with the north. There are no errors.

In view of this.

Rops City seems to have become a real city that will never fall, because if you don't touch it, you won't cause harm.

But this is really nothing more than a self-deceiving fake.

This is like simply unplugging the network cable of the computer to prevent hackers from stealing data, and arrogantly thinking that even the top hacker in the world can't cook without rice.

But in fact, it's not.

The person involved probably overlooked such a sentence——

The safest fortresses are the easiest to breach from within.

When he thinks that he has made what he thinks is the best defensive method, he will often take it lightly and stop thinking that the enemy may use other unconventional means to achieve his goal. His self-deception will help the enemy achieve his goal more easily.

At this time, there is no need to spend a lot of money to hire some top hackers.

You may only need to buy a food delivery man, a courier, a cleaner, or hire a thief to move out with the machine... If you are willing to spend a lot of money, directly buying the core members of the company is another A foolproof means.

This is due to human nature.

If you look ahead, you will inevitably ignore the danger behind. The stronger the defense of Rops City to the north, the weaker the vigilance against the interior of the empire. This is the simplest truth.

Veigar thought of this.

So he thought that if the old machete took his people from the Immortal City to take the imperial civil flight to Rops City, would Rops City find him?
If it is normal.

Foster may still spend a lot of energy on aviation security, and the old machete may be exposed as a wanted criminal, but when he is fully on guard against Vega, Foster may not have more Focusing on these trivial matters, Veigar in front of him already has enough headaches for him.

In other words, the old cutlass is absolutely safe.

Under this premise, if the old scimitar finds a way to destroy the military airport of Rops City and attract the attention of the enemy's air force, then Vega can use the means of airlift to parachute soldiers to the vicinity of Rops City to reach his own goal. the goal of.

Although this is still a bit risky.

If the old scimitar can't destroy the military airport and attract the attention of the enemy, once the enemy's war airship successfully takes off, then Veigar may face the danger of annihilation of the entire army.

And the security of the military airport is self-evident.

Because the aviation unit is the place with the most advanced force and the highest level, the difficulty of destroying the airport can be imagined.

But Veigar was still ready to gamble.

If he wins the bet and wins Rops, his position as the king of the north will be secure. Even if the empire reveals its hole card, it will definitely put him, the most difficult bone, at the end, and it is impossible to get rid of him as soon as he comes up. trouble him.

Easy first and then difficult.

In war, we always pick soft persimmons first.

It doesn't matter if you lose the bet.

Veigar is not going to airlift the Dynasty army there. If one or two airships are shot down by the empire in the air, it will be too late to cry. He is planning to airlift the more than 30 soldiers from the empire.

Once the north is taken back by the empire, these people can’t bring it back to the dynasty anyway, so it’s better to take a risk at this time, so even if he fails, he will lose at most an air force and the old scimitar, a pawn buried inside the empire .

Winning is a huge profit, and losing is irrelevant.

Such a good thing, how could Vega not give it a go.

Thinking about doing it, Veigar, as an activist, wrote a letter to Holt Scimitar in the imperial capital at the first time, telling him not to compete with the empire's judicial system for the time being, but to turn to the city of Rops Destroy the enemy's airport and attract the enemy's attention.

of course.

Veigar also understood that it is impossible to let the horse run without feeding the horse. He took out the astronomical figure of 1000 million universal gold coins to Holt Scimitar as start-up capital, and at the same time promised the old Scimitar , after the empire is over, help him establish an independent country with sovereignty, and at the same time the dynasty will grant asylum free of charge.

Short-term benefits plus empty promises.

Give him everything the old scimitar wants, will the old scimitar not do his best to complete this task?

Old Machete was overjoyed to receive letters and funds.

It has always been his greatest wish to let the tribe rise and help the tribe live a better life. Now Veigar promises to help him establish an independent country after the collapse of the empire, and the dynasty will give it free of charge without collecting taxes and fees. Military asylum, how could he refuse this benefit.

"Rops City!"

The old machete lost his cloudy eyes, and he let out a roar like a wild beast seeing its prey.

He is a hunter, and now he has found a new prey.

So three days later, the trial system of the imperial capital was suddenly idle, because they found that the original enemy seemed to have evacuated the Immortal City overnight, and their whereabouts were unknown.

all in all.

This is a good thing for the imperial capital's trial system, and the nerves that have been tense for nearly a year can finally relax.

But it may not be a good thing for Rops City.

When the civilian airship from the imperial capital landed at the Los Angeles transfer station, it meant that the operation of the old machete was about to begin.

The time he agreed with Vega was September tenth.

That day can be regarded as the Mid-Autumn Festival, and there is still a month of preparation time from now.

The old scimitar must destroy the military air port of Rops City that night to attract the attention of the army of Rops City and prevent the enemy's war airship from taking off.

at the same time.

Vega will order an aviation formation full of more than 30 Imperial Army to fly to the vicinity of Rops City and set up camp. Since the opportunity is fleeting, they can only be carried out at the same time. The enemy may have slowed down before sending a message after the old scimitar completes the task. Come on.

So this strategy is very risky.

The key to success or failure can be said to be pinned on the old machete alone. The old machete can destroy the enemy's airport and attract the attention of the enemy's air force. No.

Don't use the suspect, but don't use it.

Veigar believed in the strength of the old machete.

How could the person who was able to fight wits and bravery with the imperial judicial system without dying so easily fall to a place like Rops?
(End of this chapter)

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