Mage Veja

Chapter 56

Chapter 56
Vega froze.

The ups and downs of this life made him almost unable to recover in one breath.

Veigar stood up excitedly and asked, "Please tell me the reason, it's very important to me."

Lieutenant Xia Nuo glanced at Vega regrettably and said, "It's a pity that your mental strength has not reached the level of a level 1 magician, only about 1/2 of that of a level 5 magician."

"What?" Veigar was taken aback again.

The middle Xia Nuo glanced at Vega sympathetically: "Generally speaking, the awakened spiritual power of a professional can at least reach the level of a level 1 magician, and it happens to be able to learn level 1 spells, but in your special case, here is 3 This is the first time we have met in a year."

Veigar frowned.

He vaguely understands why his mental strength cannot reach the level of a level 1 mage.

"But you don't have to worry."

Lieutenant Xia Nuo comforted: "Although you are not the kind of genius who is favored by the gods and can directly reach the strength of a low-rank, middle-rank or even a high-rank mage once you awaken your spiritual power, you may still become an official mage after hard work the day after tomorrow. "

Speaking of it.

Lieutenant Xia Nuo took out another thin booklet and comforted him: "This is a training manual for spiritual power. Although your training speed may not be as fast as geniuses, you are still under 12 years old. As long as you practice hard for three You must be expected to become an official level 1 mage in [-]. Before that, you can still use the mage shield to fight normally as a quasi-mage, which is more advantageous than any professional."

"I understand."

Vega accepted the brochure, he didn't talk too much nonsense, and saluted Xia Nuo: "I will definitely cultivate my mental power to the strength of a level 1 mage as soon as possible. I believe we will meet again in a short time."

"I believe that day will come soon." Lieutenant Xia Nuo replied with a smile.

He did not despise Veigar, and even offered comfort, which is the basic respect given to those who have made great contributions to the empire.


Veigar has left the Professionals Guild.

While he still had time, he went to the Kareni Library to get some basic knowledge about magicians.

This stay lasted until evening.

On the way back to the hospital, his brows were furrowed, and he already understood some basic situations in his heart.

Mental power is the basis for judging the level of a mage. Some people are born as low-rank, middle-rank, or even high-rank magicians. Such people are called geniuses. As long as they work hard to improve their professional level and learn spells, they will naturally be able to obtain terrifying magic skills. strength.

And some people are stupid.

It is necessary to practice spiritual power step by step from level 1. If the acquired training speed is not good, then I am afraid that I will not be able to be promoted to the next magician in my lifetime.

Even if the acquired cultivation speed is good, in addition to cultivating spiritual power, they also need to take into account the improvement of the professional level and the learning of spells at the same time.This kind of people lost at the starting line from the very beginning. Although their achievements are not low, they are also incomparable with the proud ones.

Of course, there is a third case.

The level of innate spiritual power is extremely high, but the speed of acquired cultivation is not good, but such cases are rare after all. Generally speaking, the higher the level of spiritual power awakened innately, the faster the speed of cultivation.

So in the realm of the magician.

The strong will only become stronger, and the weak will only become weaker. Some people become high-level mages as soon as they awaken their spiritual power, while some people can't pass level 5 to become low-level mages in their entire lives.


You need to know that no matter which world you are in, there is no so-called fairness.

Insufficient than above, more than below.

Even the weakest magician cannot be easily killed by a high-level professional. From this point alone, we can see the horror of the magician profession.


Veigar pushed open the door of the ward.

It was already night when we returned to the hospital, and after Vega greeted Kommer, he took out the mental power training manual given by Xia Nuo and looked at it. Although he lost at the starting line, maybe he belonged to that kind of What about acquired geniuses?
Practice begins.

The magician's spiritual training is mainly meditation.

According to the meditation method provided in the book, the main thing is to let the mental power cooperate with the magic power to circulate in the body. During the circulation process, it can not only increase the strength of the mental power, but also increase the upper limit of the magic power, and indirectly accelerate the improvement of the professional level.

This cycle lasted overnight.

He finished his first meditation as the next day's sun shone through the window on his closed eyes.

open one's eyes.

Veigar slightly blocked the sun with his right hand, and today's morning sun was unexpectedly beautiful.

He walked to the window, but he had no time to enjoy such a peaceful morning, because he found that after a night of meditation, his mental power and magical power had not increased a bit, and he even made his body quite tired.



It seems that he has nothing to do with these two words, no matter in his previous life or today.

With such a dull talent, he no longer knows what to say.

No matter how stupid a person is, as long as he awakens his spiritual power, he can meditate for one night to increase his spiritual strength by one ten-thousandth, but for Vega, not even one ten-thousandth, not even one ten-thousandth. .

Let out a long breath.

Veigar tore the meditation booklet into pieces and threw them out of the window.

The training manual shone like snowflakes in the morning sun, and disappeared without a trace when a gust of wind blew by.

Veigar looked at the disappearing booklet and didn't show any dejected expression, because he wasn't the kind of genius who relied on talent to make a living.

Based on past experience.

Vega probably already knew that the reason why he became a professional was because he could gain magic power by killing ordinary people, and the reason why he was able to awaken spiritual power was because of killing professionals.

Now his mental strength is 1/2 of that of a level 5 magician.

In other words.

If he kills three more professionals, his mental strength will reach that of a level 1 mage.

As long as his spiritual strength reaches the standard, he can be certified as a level 1 magician and formally learn level 1 dark spells and shadow techniques.

Where can I find so many professionals to kill?

If it was placed in Kareni, this would naturally be a problem, but he is currently performing border guard missions, and on the border, the chances of encountering kingdom professionals are quite high.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, the fact that he killed a Kingdom professional in less than three days after being stationed is a living proof.

of course.

It is not Veigar's character to passively sit on the sidelines. To achieve his goals, he should do whatever it takes. There is no rule that only people from the United Kingdom are allowed to make trouble, and Veigar is not allowed to take the initiative to provoke.

top priority.

All he needs to do is heal his injuries as soon as possible, and then immediately return to the front line to submit an application for guerrilla missions to the regiment headquarters.

In order to become a magician, he must hunt professionals.

 I have been diving for several days, how did you get more than 4000 recommendation tickets... This makes me how to be a salted fish that only changes once next week T_T...

  In short, thank you for your amazing recommendation tickets, and I will not thank you one by one, I will create a reward post before it goes on the shelves~~
  One last thing to say, it will be a bit more difficult to continue cultivating both immortals next week. This week I almost ascended, but I will continue to work hard next week. If there is only one update in a day or two, please forgive me~ ~
(End of this chapter)

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