Mage Veja

Chapter 560 Set up camp

Chapter 560 Set up camp
Rops City, Airspace.

The First Air Corps served as the vanguard, the Second Air Corps was responsible for carrying soldiers and supplies, and the Third Air Corps flanked the guards. A total of three aviation armies of the dynasty slowly drove towards the direction of Rops City.

"Your Highness, we will arrive at the Lops Grand Canyon in half an hour."

The commander of the air corps reported the current speed of travel to Veigar. Veigar didn't say anything, just nodded, and then waved him to leave the office.

There is no doubt about him.

The general left Veigar's private office, but he was a little puzzled as to why Veigar's face had turned slightly pale since he got on the war airship, and he was no longer as vigorous as before.

"There is still the last half hour."

When the general left, Veigar took a deep breath to calm himself.

As the general saw, Veigar's face did turn pale when he got on the war airship. In fact, not only did his face turn white, even his feet trembled slightly.

Of course, this does not mean that Veigar gets seasick.

After all, Veigar felt quite good when he took the civilian airship to the east, and was even excited for a long time because he could fly at an altitude of [-] meters.

But this time is different.

In a war, any officer can go by land and absolutely does not need to be transported by air.

Take just now, although the enemy only has 5 patrol airships, they have 5 war airships on their side, and the force on both sides is not at the same level at all.But if these five patrol airships are lucky, a magic hits his airship, then even if he is a star mage like Okasos, he can only fall on the spot.

Human beings have never been the overlords of the sky.

Therefore, during this war period, every time he flew in the sky for an extra minute, Veigar felt that his life was more in danger. The ground made of steel under his feet could not give him the slightest sense of security.

He was afraid of being ridiculed if he said it, because he was afraid of death.

In order to save himself from the danger, Veigar even chose not to take the flagship, but moved the command room to an inconspicuous escort airship.At that time, even if the enemy wants to fight to the death, they will probably choose to attack the flagship first, instead of his humble escort airship, so that his hope of surviving will be a little more.

This is also of course.

Veigar can fight to the death in order to reach the peak and live a comfortable life. After all, he has no determination to die, so what qualifications do he have to enjoy a comfortable life? Will rest in peace.

Simply he won the bet.

The old scimitar is indeed a character who can deal with the trial system so far. From the fact that the enemy has no air reinforcements at all, it can be seen that the enemy's air force has been dragged down. As long as the last half hour passes, his troops can land safely .

Calm and calm.

Nothing happened in the last half hour.

The Imperial Air Force still failed to appear in the airspace of Lops to stop Vega, and Vega will finally follow the original plan to let the soldiers parachute to the Lops Grand Canyon, which is the closest to the city of Lops, to set up camp.

I must mention.

As one of the land defense lines of the city of Lops, there is a division stationed in the Lops Grand Canyon, but unfortunately, 30 Vega soldiers suddenly descended from the sky, and without any news, they fought in a hurry, and within an hour The whole army fled.

In Foster's plan.

Since the Grand Canyon can effectively prevent air force attacks, troops stationed here can withstand the enemy's army's offensive. When Vega's army arrives, they can stop the Vega army's footsteps as long as they increase troops from the city.

For this reason, a large camp that can store 20 troops was built here, but it is a pity that Vega is now cheaper.

Veigar was quite pleased with the location.

It is easy to defend and difficult to defend on the terrain, advancing can seek to capture Lops, and defending can resist the enemy's air force.

The only shortcoming is that there is no temporary airport for the air force to dock at, but this is not a big deal. Let the air force return today, and then recall the air force after a temporary air port is opened up in a few days. Haste makes waste in war.

There is nothing wrong with haste makes waste.

But there are some things that still require every second.

For example, now is the best time to air attack the enemy's military airport, because according to the agreed plan in advance, 2 o'clock in the morning is the time node for the old scimitar to retreat. At this time, Veigar can just take over the entire battlefield without worrying about accidental injury To the old machete and his men.

of course.

If the old scimitar fails to last until this point in time, there is nothing to do. Although it hurts to lose a crucial chess piece, if you use this chess piece for a chance to win the city of Rops, you will still make a lot of money Earn extra money.


Veigar issued an order to the commander-in-chief of the Air Force: "Your Excellency, please lead the army to attack the enemy's military airport immediately. If the enemy's air force has all lifted into the air, abandon this mission and return immediately."

"Your Majesty understands."

After Veigar's air force unloaded the soldiers and logistics supplies, it re-lifted and flew towards the city of Rops not far away.

They arrived at about two o'clock in the morning.

Ropes City does not have any crystal hubs, and their airspace security is completely maintained by the air force. Once the air force is unable to take off to form an effective combat force, it means that Ropes City has become a living target.

What can be seen now is.

The empire's air force still hadn't taken off, and the old machete and his men dragged the enemy to the ground desperately.

And because this is the only place in the city where the flames are burning, Veigar's air force can easily confirm that this is the enemy's military air port, so the air force commander issued an attack order without hesitation.

"Everyone, it seems that we should do it."

At the command of the commander, the war airships hanging over the military airport carried out a carpet bombing of the military airport.

This bombing lasted for a full hour, almost leveling the entire airport, and then took advantage of the fact that the war airship could continue to fight for a period of time, they conducted another indiscriminate bombing of the city of Rops, and focused on taking care of Army garrison.

It is regrettable.

Foster had been prepared for a long time, and sounded the air defense alarm as soon as he got the information, allowing the army and civilians to take refuge in the air-raid shelter, so the loss was only some property.

Although the air strikes are huge.

But in fact, the Imperial Air Force did not suffer any substantial losses. At most, it lost a few war airships and some high-level armed forces under the sneak attack of the old scimitar, and missed the best time to let the airship take off.


The air strikes of the Dynasty Air Force failed to cost the Empire even a single war airship.

Because Lops City is a national economic and transportation city, and there is no crystal hub for air defense, the designers of the city have considered the factor of air raids a long time ago. After all, this is a world with frequent wars.


Both the civil airport and the military airport in Rops City have underground air defense buildings. All war airships and civilian airships can be moved underground at any time to prevent them from being destroyed by the enemy's air force when they encounter air raids and cannot lift off in time.

Although it is regrettable that the air strikes on Rops failed to destroy the enemy's air force, at least it showed momentum.

In a well-matched war.

Whoever has high morale has a big advantage.

Moreover, Veigar never thought that he could win in such a simple battle at the beginning. He still knew the architecture of Lops quite well, so his purpose from the beginning to the end was to use this gap to transport soldiers to the vicinity of Lops, Then further captured the city of Lops.

(End of this chapter)

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