Mage Veja

Chapter 563 Shocked the Continent

Chapter 563 Shocked the Continent
Aiden Gary.

The nephew of Admiral Ferrell Garry, who used to be the great prince of the West Bank, was deceived by a dwarf businessman disguised as Vega during the Battle of the City of Boulders, and eventually lost the City of Boulders. Under the siege and suppression, he was forced to sail to the depths of the vast and endless sea of ​​dragons with the remnants of the defeated soldiers.

It is unknown where he has been for the past two years.

Why he suddenly appeared in the kingdom and served as the commander of the vanguard of an unknown force is also unknown.

Once Aiden Gary was a douchebag.

Veigar had already seen this point with his own eyes and tested it himself.

However, the behavior of fleeing to the east bank in a hurry made Vega's impression of this person greatly changed. If it is ruled out that there is an expert behind him to help him, then he himself has grown up.

Didn't dare to underestimate Aiden Gary.

Just relying on that one time of going the other way and fleeing to the east bank was enough to make Vega attach great importance to this person.

What's more, he is still serving as the commander of the vanguard army of an unknown force. This force took down the city of the dragon overnight, and within [-] days all the way to the city of Zijinhua, the capital of the kingdom.

This kind of ability, he Vega thinks he can't do it.

Therefore, Veigar raised the once defeated opponent, the simple 'giant baby' Aiden Gary, to the same position and paid attention to it.

But there is still too little information at hand.

Veigar looked at the head of the reconnaissance team: "I need you to find out where this force came from as soon as possible, and why it suddenly attacked the United Kingdom, and at the same time pay close attention to the war situation within the Kingdom."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"and many more!"

Vega stopped the head of the investigative team and said, "Inform Ms. Qi Lisi that she will lead the intelligence and espionage work this time, and you will assist from the side. I want her to produce results in the shortest possible time."

"Your Majesty understands."

When the leader of the investigation team went out with the order, Veigar began to frown again.

"Can this war still be fought?"

Veigar questioned himself, but found that he did not dare to attack the city of Lops for the time being.

If the force that suddenly appeared was more than 30 and there were still backup players left, then if he attacked the land of the Holy Dynasty while he was attacking the city of Rops, he might not be able to care about each other from head to toe.

Because once you are deeply involved in the Lops War, it is not so easy to leave as you want.

At that time, once the empire finds out that he wants to leave, it is very likely that he will delay his steps and prevent him from returning to the country.

It would be different if the Rops War hadn't been started.

If he wants to leave, based on complete war preparations, the empire may feel that it is a trap deliberately set by Veigar and dare not pursue it. Forcing the empire to withdraw its troops.

This is the importance of intelligence in warfare.

If he knew the information about this new force, Veigar would not hesitate for a long time whether to retreat or attack.

Because of this, the original attack plan could only be canceled temporarily, and Vega could only wait in the Lops Grand Canyon to wait for Qi Lisi to find out the intelligence of this new force before redoing the plan.

Another ten days passed.

Vega did not wait for information from Qilisi, but got another battle report that shocked the mainland——

The city of Bauhinia, the capital of the United Kingdom... has fallen.

The Kingdom's main force of more than 70 troops and seven aviation armies failed to defeat the enemy's 30 troops. King Nord Ryan was forced to abandon the city of Bauhinia, and retreated to the southwest overnight with less than 50 defeated troops. A place of bitter cold—the City of Eternal Hope.

What happened?
Veigar didn't come back to his senses after hearing the battle report for a long time.

In less than a month, this force started from Dragon City, went all the way to the capital of the United Kingdom with lightning speed, and occupied it within ten days?

"What a joke."

Veiga's face was livid: "Even if the United Kingdom is unbearable, it is absolutely impossible to be so incompetent."

The strength of the United Kingdom, of course, Vega knows very well. If he wants to take over half of the kingdom within a month, even if he joins forces with the Empire, he may not be able to do it. However, the enemy has only 30 troops, and he will definitely do it. Impossible.

Could it be that the enemy commander is a god?

This information not only made Veigar unbelievable, but also shocked the whole world.


The world focuses on the kingdom.

Countries all over the world stopped their wars at the same time, and looked at the army with the black dragon emblem. War spies from various countries were sent out as if they didn't want money, trying to find out the identity of this army. source.

Can't check.

It is a pity that the origin of this army has never been known on the whole continent, but in the war with the United Kingdom, this army still revealed some eye-catching intelligence.

First of all.

This army was able to occupy more than half of the kingdom within a month not by means of conspiracy and tricks, all the combat methods they carried out were open and aboveboard frontal battles.


The individual combat capability of this army is desperately strong.

In the decisive battle of the 70 army in the Kingdom of Bauhinia City, this 30 army forcefully fought against the kingdom's 80 army. The kingdom lost 20 soldiers in this battle, while the enemy only lost [-]. arrive.

And these [-] were basically killed by magicians and professionals.

At last.

Although this new force has grown into a human form, it obviously does not belong to the human race, and it is not like a sub-human race country like the Freedom Alliance that has no prejudice against humans. They treat civilians as pigs without human rights in the land they occupy, and The bloody act of massacring the city was done.During this month, more than 300 million civilians died at the hands of this army.


What scares the whole continent the most is that there are five holy professionals in the vanguard of this army, and it is the joint operations of these five holy professionals that make the war one-sided.

They broke through the city gate openly.

They beheaded officers with impunity.

Once caught by them to the coordinates of the headquarters, no one can stop the five holy professionals working together, because even a high-ranking mage cannot cause even the slightest damage to the holy professionals with full BUFF.

A single high-level force is not terrible.

Even the star magician Okasos can only be obediently bound in Elchea, unable to enter and retreat, and reluctant to retreat, but when high-level force is added to an invincible and invincible army, then things are different up.

It's like the kingdoms are afraid of the holy dynasty united by Vega and Okasos.

When there are 5 holy professionals plus 30 invincible troops, it is enough to make any force on any continent look sideways.

As soon as this force appeared, it looked down on the mainland with an invincible posture.

Now Veigar has already given birth to the idea of ​​retreating, because according to the current situation, the United Kingdom can't even survive the arrival of winter.

(End of this chapter)

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