Mage Veja

Chapter 569

Chapter 569
Hurry up.

Foster received reports from the front.

First of all, the air force has been entangled with the enemy's air force and has been stubbornly blocked. According to the current situation, there is a 30% chance to break through the encirclement and blow up the enemy's retreat route before Vega retreats.


The vanguard has vaguely seen the enemy's tail, and believes that it will be able to bite the enemy's tail in less than 3 hours and pull the enemy back into the quagmire of war.

of course.

If Veigar sacrificed his tail troops to stop his vanguard, there is still a chance to retreat with the main force. Therefore, the key to preventing Veigar from withdrawing to the central hinterland lies in the air force. This is Foster's order for the air force, regardless of the cost, even if the battle ends The reason why the last war airship also destroyed the retreat line.

Because there are only ten days left.

As long as the enemy is held back for another ten days, once the reinforcements arrive, the victory of this war will belong to Foster. Vega will also be buried on this land, and he will once again prove his ability.

The cooked duck flew away.

It would be reconciled to anyone who put this on.

Now Foster could no longer keep calm, he kept urging his subordinates to speed up the march.

"Commander, the Lops Grand Canyon is ahead."

A division commander reported to Foster: "According to the urgent report from the Vanguard Army, they have now entered the Grand Canyon, followed the footsteps of the Dynasty Army all the way, and confronted the enemy's tail at the tail of the Lops Grand Canyon. "

"How's the battle going?"

"Is it entangled with the enemy's main force?"

With an anxious tone, Foster asked three questions in one breath: "Or is it that the enemy's main force has already escaped their field of vision, and what they are holding back is only the tail wing blocking troops abandoned by the enemy?"

"Report to the Commander."

The division commander did not dare to neglect: "Although there is no direct evidence to prove it, according to the report of the head of the army, the blocking force of the enemy army that is fighting is not strong, and even the high-level force has not been seen much, so the officer boldly speculates—— "

The teacher had a rather heavy expression on his face.

He said slowly: "The Dynasty army abandoned the tail troops and ordered the tail wings to block our advance. If our air force can't destroy the enemy's retreat route within 48 hours, the enemy's main force may be able to withdraw safely to the northern hinterland. , then we may not be able to continue the pursuit.”


Foster became more and more irritable, and things began to develop in the direction he least wanted to see.

In other words, now Foster must pin all his hopes on the air force, and after losing two air armies, his air force is weaker than Vega, which makes him more and more uneasy.

"A 30 percent chance is still too small."

"Accelerate, continue to speed up the march."

Foster couldn't care less about anything else, he ordered the main force to speed up their pace.

He realized that now he must pass through the hinterland of the Lops Grand Canyon at the fastest speed, join the vanguard army, help the vanguard army wipe out the enemy's blocking army, and then let the vanguard army advance at full speed again, and continue to pursue the footsteps of Vega's main force.

Although Foster also knew that he might not be able to catch up with the enemy, but a dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Foster glanced at the dark sky in the distance, and raised his right hand slightly to salute: "The glory of the empire, my future rests on you, as the eagles of the empire, please return triumphantly, May the glory of the Empire be with you."

Da da da--

The imperial army began to march quickly, and soon reached the entrance of the Lops Grand Canyon.

The Lopes Grand Canyon stretches for 20 kilometers, and there are about seven or eight peaks from the entrance to the tail. Even a quick march will take more than [-] hours, but the terrain is not too steep, which is good for large troops.

It has been more than ten hours for Foster to chase all the way from Rops City. Although he rested for about two hours in the middle, the whole army is still a little tired.

I don't care about so much.

Foster didn't even hesitate, and directly ordered the entire army to enter the Grand Canyon.

Because the current time does not allow Foster to think too much, he must pass through the belly of the canyon within more than ten hours to help the vanguard clear the obstacles, otherwise Vega can safely withdraw to the north of the empire in a day or two hinterland.


Rops Grand Canyon, Koro Mountain.

Looking down from here, it is easy to see a marching road leading to the end of the canyon.

Veigar's main force is hidden in this mountain, quietly waiting for the arrival of the imperial army.

There are no errors.

Veigar's main force has never walked out of the Lops Grand Canyon. As for the rear wing troops fighting the enemy at the end of the canyon, they are genuine, but they are just a means to deceive the imperial vanguard.

The Imperial Vanguard had preconceived ideas.

Since the tail wing troops responsible for blocking the attack were at the end of the canyon, even if the main force hadn't been able to get out of the Grand Canyon, it must be in front of the tail wing. How could it be possible to hide in the hinterland of the middle of the canyon.

If they were really in the hinterland of the canyon, they would have ambushed their chasing vanguard long ago. How could it be possible to let them walk out of the hinterland swaggeringly? No matter from which point of view, it is not logical.

But Veigar just did it.

His goal has never been to kill tens of thousands of vanguard troops, and then return to the hinterland of the north in despair. From the very beginning, he wanted to let Foster know what it means to ask God to send God. What he has to do is to make Foster Deceived the city of Lops, and then ambushed the pursuing imperial army in the Grand Canyon of Lops, and wiped them all out here.

How to cheat?

It's all too easy.

Such things as repairing traffic lines are usually carried out by the dynasty army in the northern hinterland and Vega's 30 army at the same time. This time, Vega ordered the northern hinterland to unilaterally build a retreat route, and at the same time pay attention to cleaning up the empire's reconnaissance troops , which effectively prevents the detection of imperial scouts.

In addition, Vega turned his guns to attack Lops, but he was defeated repeatedly.

Under this premise, of course, Foster preconceived that Veigar had given up the retreat, so the war and victory in front of him would attract Foster's full attention, so that he ignored that Veigar was secretly repairing the retreat route behind him. .

The moment when the repairs are completed.

Veigar then ordered the whole army to retreat suddenly. Due to the early preparations, the speed of retreat was of course very fast, without even giving Foster any time to think and plan.

The more anxious you are about anything, the more mistakes you will make.

What would Foster do without any time to think?
Just like a conditioned reflex, in Vega's view, it was nothing more than ordering the air force to blow up the retreat line urgently, and then sending the army to chase him, trying to take the last remedial measure to keep him here.

These are useless.

Under the premise that the air force is superior to the Imperial Air Force, as long as some price is paid, the retreat route can definitely be protected.If the tail troops were abandoned and let them stop the imperial army, then Veigar could easily get out of the quagmire of the Lops War and return to the northern hinterland safely.

It's a pity that Veigar's appetite is too great.

This time, it's fine if Foster lets him retreat comfortably. Since you dare to chase him out, do you really think that Vega dare not swallow your main force of more than 20 and take down the city of Rops?
(End of this chapter)

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