Mage Veja

Chapter 571 Desire to Win

Chapter 571 Desire to Win
In the north of the empire, Rops City.

Less than five days before the arrival of the imperial reinforcements, the black-bottomed red eagle flag of the empire over the city of Rops was broken at the middle, and the flag of the northern regime with the pattern of a sword and a staff slowly rose.

The leader of the northern regime is of course Veigar.

As interim president, he enjoys the highest power and now controls more than 46 imperial soldiers.

As seen, as heard.

When Vega defeated Foster, the captured 16 soldiers were naturally unable to escape the clutches. They were reorganized by Vega into an army of 30. Therefore, Vega's overall power rose again and again, completely establishing the status of the king of the north. .

Kareni is the gateway to the north.

Ropes is the heart of the North.

One city is above and the other is below. They are like two towering giant gods guarding the entire northern hinterland.

Now Veigar can confidently say in front of the empire, even if your empire has millions of reinforcements, you can never take advantage of me.

That's why Rops City is so important.

If Kareni is outside, then Lops is inside.

In history, the empire was not nearly destroyed without being beaten, but the top leaders of the empire have repeatedly fled to the north, using the north as the foundation to recuperate, and will make a comeback when the time comes, because the north is like the terrain of a country within a country.

Therefore, losing the empire of Rops City, it is almost impossible to regain the north in a short time.

Getting the North means a lot to Veigar.

Not only because of the connection with the Holy Dynasty in the north.

It is also because the north is famous for its mining industry. These mining industries are the most important raw materials for the production of war airships. Now the Holy Dynasty has thoroughly understood the basic technology of war airships. With these resources, I believe Vega will explode a large number of air forces in the near future. .

Victory this time can be said to be a close call.

If there were another five days in the evening, the situation of the battle would be completely rewritten, and he might even kill Lops.

This war, until now, is actually no longer a fight for strategy, but a fight for whose heart is stronger and whose perseverance is stronger.

Because the turning point of the war was on the following tenth day.

At that time, both Vega and Foster were under great pressure.

Vega was afraid that Foster would notice his secret plan, so he couldn't sleep well in those ten days, and Foster was also afraid of Vega's tricks, so he would advance and retreat in Vega. Make decisions in a panic.

It turns out.

Under such high pressure, Veigar's ability to resist pressure was superior after all. Although Foster had experienced many battles, it was a pity that when he was only one step away from victory, he was directly crushed by the high pressure, and now he became Veigar's prisoner.

"In this battle, I am convinced that I lost."

Foster sat across from Vega, looking at Vega with great admiration.

When the war ended, Foster had deeply reflected on the past few days in custody. He had already realized that although he seemed calmer than Vega in the last ten days, he was actually completely out of order, but he couldn't help himself. Just know.

the reason is simple.

He has lost too many things.

Although he said that he would stick to Lops and wait for reinforcements, he would throw away what he lost, and he had to learn how a strong man cut his wrists.

But when he heard that the sub-dragons declared war on the dynasty, and saw that Vega was unable to attack the city of Lops, the unwilling anger surged up again in his heart, and he couldn't wait to get up there, trying to regain his position.

So in Foster's view now.

His next few battles were completely random, and all his decisions were manipulated by gains and losses.

But man is not God after all.

No one can get rid of the manipulation of emotions, no matter whether it is Foster or Vega, no one can be an exception.

Veigar will also panic, and also make mistakes.

Either fight or retreat. Vega hesitated for a long time on the two issues. He wanted to fight and retreat. Foster found a loophole and dragged him to the city of Ropes, so that he wasted 20 days , and finally forced himself into a desperate situation.

"Your Excellency is absurd."

Hearing Foster's praise, Vega let go of his thoughts and smiled ashamedly, and then asked casually: "Excuse me, are you interested in serving for my northern government? Now there are 46 imperial troops in the north, and 5 aviation corps. With 12 formations of civil aviation airships and the Holy Dynasty as a life-and-death alliance, I think this stage is enough for you to show off your talents."

"Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your kindness."

Foster shook his head, resolutely refusing to recognize the identity of Vega's northern regime, and said, "My name is——Foster Nolan."

The answer is already very clear.

This sentence means that Foster has the national name of the empire. As the owner of the national name, he will choose to die, but he will never surrender, and it is even more impossible to work for the puppet government.

Vega knew this very well.

When Foster was surrounded by Vega, he didn't kneel down and surrender like other officers who were greedy for life and fear of death. He stood firmly in place, even if the soldiers wanted to kill him, he didn't blink. In the end, Vega ordered him to be killed. Forcibly detained, so Vega has no hope for Foster's surrender.

even so.

Vega still wants to recruit Foster.

There is a saying that it is difficult to conquer the country, but it is even more difficult to defend the country.

Although the North has been taken, who will guard this huge family property after he returns to the Holy Dynasty?

After thinking about it, there is no one available under him.

Although there are so many officers under his command, there is no officer like Foster who can reverse the situation at a critical moment and fight a miraculous battle. There is no one in the dynasty, but the empire has more than a dozen such officers.

Whether they can fight a miracle battle is the watershed between ordinary generals and super generals.

Keeping some mediocre officers in the north, Veigar thought it would be tantamount to returning the north to the empire without any difference.

Therefore, he urgently needs senior officers like Foster to guard the north. Only with such officers guarding the north can Vega return to the Holy Dynasty with peace of mind and wholeheartedly deal with the army of the sub-dragons.

So why did Veigar recruit Foster?
Honor, money, status...

It's a pity that Foster probably doesn't like these things, because he has already stood on the top of the pyramid of the empire. Even in such a big defeat, the empire still cannot convict him, and will even do everything possible to redeem Foster Special, after the matter cools down, he may be re-entrusted with important tasks.

The existence at the top of the pyramid has never been beyond the law.

Therefore, if you want to use these methods to seduce Foster, I am afraid that Foster will think that you are insulting his dignity.

But it's man-made.

In Vega's view, the city of Kareni, which is known as the city that will never fall, was plowed twice by the Royal Army, and he plowed it again when he took over. He holds it in his hand.

This can be seen.

No matter how impenetrable a city is, there will be loopholes.

So can it also be considered that no matter how loyal people are, they will have weaknesses?
The answer is yes.

Veigar believes that as long as he finds Foster's weakness, he can control Foster to work for his great cause.

(End of this chapter)

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