Mage Veja

Chapter 573 Northern Planning

Chapter 573 Northern Planning
Under the coercion of Vega.

Foster recognized the regime of the northern government of the empire and pledged allegiance to the northern government headed by Vega. At the same time, he also served as the commander-in-chief of the city of Rops, responsible for defending the northern territories except the city of Kareni.

There is no alternative.

If another person threatened Foster, he would definitely not be able to show his loyalty, because no one really dares to joke about the lives of tens of millions of people, and it is even more impossible to carry out a massacre of tens of millions of people.

Once done, it means that he has become a public enemy.

But Veigar is different.

First of all, he is about to be attacked by mysterious forces. Under the premise that the dynasty may be destroyed, there is nothing Vega can't do.Some people do have the mentality of dying and putting their backs on their shoulders, not to mention that Vega once killed 70 soldiers without blinking an eye. If he dared to kill 70 soldiers, it meant he dared to kill millions or tens of millions!
Therefore, Foster dared not believe what Vega said.

If he could save tens of millions of lives by betraying the imperial government, Foster would not hesitate to do it.

of course.

It is also impossible for Foster to do his best for Veigar, he will only defend the north as required, and it is impossible to expect him to die for Veigar's great cause, and in the process, once he finds an opportunity, he will Turn back immediately.

Generally speaking.

No one dares to use intimidating officers.

After all, twisted melons are not sweet, and entrusting such an officer with a heavy responsibility, isn't it playing with fire and setting himself on fire?
Not to mention anything else.

Once Foster found a chance, he was the first to kill Vega.

Taking history as a mirror, Wei Jia still remembers that in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, because his mother was controlled by Cao Cao, Xu Shu had to go to Xudu, but he never offered a strategy for Cao Cao in his life.Why did Vega dare to do this when he knew this?

Veigar has certainly experienced deliberation.

He really doesn't trust Foster, and he absolutely can't hand over the military power of the entire north to him. This is no different from returning the north to the empire, so when Vega threatened Foster, he had already thought of it. Backhand——

Cherise Rodney and Holt Cutlass.

Qilisi used to be the head of the OECD, and played countless games with the high-level empire, and caught countless handles of the senior generals. Qilisi is familiar with monitoring senior officials and playing tricks. .

Make the best use of things, and people make the best use of their talents.

Qi Lisi was originally a native of the empire, and she used to be a powerful figure in the empire. Letting her stay in the dynasty to do intelligence work is nothing short of a secret, and a sledgehammer.

Therefore, it is very suitable for Vega to put Qilis in the north to lead the overall situation, and let her play the role of a real "queen" of the north. With Qilis sitting in the city of Kareni, I believe that Foster has some secret actions It was hard not to be discovered by Qi Lisi.

The other was Holt Cutlass.

He is a member of the judicial system and is a core member of the judicial system. He is mainly responsible for cleaning up wanted criminals, so he is very clear about tracking, assassination, espionage, anti-interference... and a series of work.

The old machete's organization has always been named under Qi Lisi's banner.

Now let the two of them have one in the light and the other in the dark, are they afraid that they will not be able to control Foster?
After all, Foster was just a general.

He is unsurpassed in marching and fighting, but he is estimated to be more than [-]% weaker than Qi Lisi and the old scimitar in heresy.

This is why Veigar dared to threaten Foster.

He doesn't trust Foster, but he believes in Qi Lisi's loyalty. It is feasible for Qi Lisi to become Foster's tight head. After all, Qi Lisi was once known as the "underground queen" of the empire.

Got it Foster.

The main decision-maker of the northern regime is determined to be Qi Lisi.

The last thing Veigar did before withdrawing his dynasty was to make the city of Kareni the capital of the Empire's northern government.

If you want to refer to the history of the empire, then setting the capital in Rops is the most correct choice, but his current situation is different from the situation when the empire's life was hanging by a thread.

The difference is that the Holy Dynasty is under the control of Vega.

The city of Kaleni is the closest to the dynasty, and it can be connected with the city of ice and fire in the north of the dynasty in a straight line, so from the map, the city of Kaleni is stuck in the middle, and it is very convenient for reinforcements or retreats.

The capital of Kalieni is also to check and balance Foster.

In Vega's plan, Foster supported 25 troops to guard the city of Lops and the northern hinterland to defend against the attack from the empire, but only the city of Kaleni was under the control of Qilis, and Vega would have the rest The command of the 21 Imperial Army under her command was handed over to Qi Lisi, and the 15 defenders of the City of Ice and Fire can also support Kareni at any time.

This was also done as a warning to Foster.

If you can't kill 21 soldiers in ten hours and take the city of Kaleni, then if you dare to jump back, your hometown of Kaleni city will be reduced to hell overnight, and the dynasty Bauhinia will be staged The tragedy of the city.

Made a plan.

Vega issued an order to Foster, and then sent a letter to inform Old Machete and Qi Lisi.

Now, as long as Vega waits for Qilis to arrive here, he can return to the Holy Dynasty with the dynasty army, and start working with Okasos to fight against the attack of the sub-dragon species.

So for the next few days, Veigar was free.

According to the original plan, he actually didn't have the time to arrange everything in the north by himself.

Fortunately, the United Kingdom is still strong, so Veigar now has plenty of time to arrange everything in the north, and he can even return to the dynasty after Qi Lisi is familiar with the operation of the northern regime.

According to the latest information.

There is only the last city of eternal hope left in the kingdom. They have no way to retreat, so they can only fight to the death with the army of the sub-dragon species. Now the death of soldiers has exceeded 30, and the number of soldiers of the sub-dragon species has fallen below 20 Mark, and continue to decline.

Follow this trend.

The most likely possibility is that the kingdom will be wiped out, and the remaining 20 troops of the Yalong species will be completely lost.

Of course, no one thinks that the sub-dragon species will have no reinforcements, so no country wants to fish in troubled waters.

At this stage, including the empire, they are all on the sidelines. Anyway, the kingdom can't escape there. If the sub-dragon species' background is really only this little, I am afraid that every country will not mind crushing this group of inhumane guys.


The millions of troops that the empire originally planned to reinforce the city of Rops changed their direction.

They think that Vega has captured the city of Lops, and the situation in the north has already been achieved. It is unrealistic to take back the north in a short time. Therefore, in this early winter, they plan to attack the Principality of Baya in the northwest, and wait until the end of spring and early summer. At this time, we will use force against the north again.

After all, half a year is not bad anyway.

Why not just let Veigar's so-called northern regime enjoy itself for a while.

Veigar briefly read these battle reports and ignored them. Taking advantage of the next free time, he couldn't wait to take out a piece of median shadow magic he found from the bustling city of Lops.

(End of this chapter)

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