Mage Veja

Chapter 576

Chapter 576
The next professional.

This is Shia's current professional level.

The low-level professional in itself is not enough to shock Qi Lisi, let alone the low-level professional in the empire, even the only more than 50 high-level mages in the empire have to humble themselves when they see her.

What really shocked Qi Lisi was——

In less than half a year and less than ten months, Shia has grown from a canary in a cage to a low-level professional.

In fact, Qi Lisi has also seen many talented people in the empire. Although some geniuses awakened in the first day of junior high school, their mental power has not reached the exaggerated level of a high-level mage, but they have also reached the strength of a mid-level mage.

But even for such a genius, the speed of raising the professional level is not necessarily that fast. There are many people who have not even reached the low-level fifth-level professional in ten or twenty years. Professionals who can reach the middle-level and lower-level There is no one in ten.

What about Julies?

In less than a year, the task that others could not complete in more than 20 years was completed.

Don't forget that Shia's magician level has reached the star level.

This made Qi Lisi even more shocked. This kind of cultivation speed can be said to be unique.

The only thing Shia lacks now is the learning of magic.

Although it is quite difficult to find magic above the lower ranks, Huoyun, which can be copied at will, is a rotten high-end commodity.

No matter how poor Shia's magic learning ability is, two or three years is enough to learn the standard magic fire fall. By then, she can directly join the ranks of the top masters in the mainland, and her help to Vega in the war is no less than her.

Qi Lisi felt the crisis.

She didn't expect that a simple joke at the beginning would make a simple little girl grow up to this point in half a year. Could it be that she was really blessed by the gods?

Why is the gap between people so large that it is desperate.

Forcibly suppressing the thoughts in her heart, Qi Lisi looked at Sia and said, "Your Majesty, you have become a star-level mage, and the magic power of a lower-level professional is enough to support you to release lower-level magic three times. Therefore, I suggest that you temporarily stop upgrading. At the level of professionals and magicians, the first thing to consider is to practice magic, and only after you have learned magic can you have combat power."

"I understand."

Shia said to Qi Lisi: "I will let people collect elemental magic above the lower ranks, and at the same time raise the professional level as soon as possible, so that the magic power can support higher-level magic."

"Your Majesty is wise."

Qi Lisi glanced at Shia enviously. Other mages started to practice from low-level 1st-level standard magic, but Shia directly considered practicing low-level magic. This may be the so-called proud son of heaven.

"Miss Qilis, what do you need from me today?"

After finishing her own affairs, Shia asked Qi Lisi why she came.

"Your Majesty, I have come to say goodbye to you."

While talking, Shia handed Vega's letter to Shia.

Shia took the letter with puzzled eyes, and after reading it, her eyes showed reluctance: "Miss Qi Lisi, please forgive Shia's capriciousness, you... can you not leave?"

In Shia's heart, Celis is the only friend.

If Qilis leaves the dynasty and Veigar goes out again, she will return to the feeling of being eroded by loneliness when she was alone. If she can, she doesn't want to experience it again.

It's a pity that Qi Lisi shook her head.

She stepped forward and gently hugged Shia: "Sorry, I have to leave here, please take care of yourself, Your Majesty."

"One, smooth sailing."

Shia stared blankly at Qi Lisi out of sight, and that familiar yet unfamiliar sense of loneliness struck again.


Time came to the fifth day.

Qi Lisi hurried to the city of Kareni.

The reason why we were able to reach Kaleni so quickly was because the civilian flight from the city of Ropes had already connected to the city of Saint-Laurent. Through this route, it only took a few days to get from Saint-Laurent to Caleille via Ropes. Nicheng.

Early in the morning.

Vega took people to the city gate to meet Qi Lisi in person.

Qi Lisi was greatly moved by this move. After all, Vega has a lot of opportunities every day, and being able to spare time to greet her made her feel the status in Vega's heart, so she said firmly: "Please believe me, I will definitely not let you down." your expectations."

"Don't stress too much."

Vega gave Qilis a reassuring smile: "The north is gone, I can take it back from the empire, but there is only one Qilis Rodney in this world, if you are in danger, I hope you Guarantee your own safety first, after all, Foster is not an idler, and there is a high probability that he will not be coerced obediently."

This is not because Vega is perfunctory to Qi Lisi, but what he thinks in his heart.

Youdao is easy to obtain for thousands of troops, but hard to find for generals. Qilisi's ability to survive the game among the upper echelon of the empire is enough to show her personal ability, and Qilisi is also very loyal to him. Such a person is worthy of being used by the entire North exchange with it.

"Thank you."

Hearing Vega's words, Qi Lisi smiled sweetly, then nodded obediently.

Veigar's words made her very useful, and at the same time, she made up her mind to ensure the safety of the northern part of the empire. This was the place Veigar worked so hard to win. Even if she sacrificed her life, she would never lose it from her hands.

As for Foster?
To be honest, Qi Lisi didn't take it seriously.

When it comes to arranging troops, marching and fighting, Qi Lisi thinks that ten of them are not Foster's opponents.

But it is not difficult for Qi Lisi to let her monitor Foster's every move and avoid Foster's secret tricks. today.

So in the next few days.

Vega assisted Qilis to improve the upper and lower mechanisms of the northern regime, and at the same time established a northern regime system with Vega as the main and Qilis as the supplement. When Vega was not in the north, Qilis made all decisions on all matters.

in short.

Qilisi is the spokesperson of Vega, and enjoys the highest command authority in the north. At the same time, no one can control Qilisi except Veigar. This order directly makes Qilisi even more desperate.

Because it represents absolute trust.

These few days are also the most fulfilling and happiest period for Qi Lisi.

Because everything is linked to her, Vega has to accompany her 24 hours a day, about 16 hours, to hand over government affairs and help her familiarize herself with the operation of the North.

But the good times are not long.

Ten days later, a sudden heavy snowfall and a piece of news that made the mainland silent, made everyone in the Jialan Continent feel the coldness of this winter from the body to the bottom of their hearts, and also forced Vega to embark on the journey back home— —

Jialan calendar 382 years.

The United Kingdom is defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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