Mage Veja

Chapter 595 Chapter Defeat

Chapter 595
The empire is defeated.

Hearing this battle report, 90.00% of the countries on the mainland would not believe it.

Because no one dared to believe that the empire, which had assembled 700 million troops and built 27 new aviation corps, was just about to announce the return of the king to the mainland, but was given a lesson by the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and the fight was useless force.

Why exactly?
No nation's think tank would consider the Empire defeated, not even Veigar.

But the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

Could it be that the empire is too weak?
The answer is absolutely no.

With the current combat power of the empire, there is absolutely no problem in fighting ten countries. Even if you don't need to verify this, the countries are well aware that the current empire is an empire that has made a big move.

In view of this.

At this moment, the mainland countries began to reflect on a very important issue.


The empire is actually very strong, but the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom is even stronger, to the point of despair.

If the Shenglong Kingdom is included, the pyramid structure is used to divide the sequence.

Then based on the current battle situation, the strength of the Holy Dragon Kingdom can be divided into a single rank, and the empire and the Freedom Alliance can be divided into the next rank, because the disastrous defeat of the empire is an indisputable fact.

Now that we have considered the strength of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, the Empire, and the Freedom Alliance.

Then the other name is unavoidable no matter what——

Holy Dynasty.

Does this sacred dynasty, which can destroy the Black Dragon Army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom within 27 hours and completely crush the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, mean that it can also be listed in a separate sequence, ranking above the Holy Dragon Kingdom?

After calculation, it is already obvious.

The empire and the alliance are smaller than the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and the Holy Dragon Kingdom is smaller than the Holy Dynasty.

In other words, the Holy Dynasty has actually become so powerful that it is completely unimaginable with their wisdom. Only in this way can it explain why the Holy Dragon Kingdom was defeated by the Dynasty, but they can easily defeat the Return of the King Empire.


Whether it is the Freedom Alliance or other Western countries, they all hold a negative attitude towards this crazy statement.

Most people think that one defeat does not prove anything, and the empire will surely save the situation and defeat the 50 flying dragon army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom. If the dynasty wants to prove its strength, it will inevitably be impossible to win a war against the Holy Dragon Kingdom. The victory of the country ranks above the empire and the alliance.

This is a view that has been affirmed by all countries.

If someone jumps out to deny this point of view at this time, it will inevitably be condemned by all countries, because the ranking of the Holy Dynasty to the highest rank means that they can only look up at the Holy Dynasty.

It's like we agreed to be salted fish together at the beginning, but in the end, you accidentally stood out and stood on the top of the continent?

This kind of thing, probably no one wants to admit.

However, some people in the Liberty Alliance have already agreed with this point of view. Among them, General of the Night Species, Swinburne Rafael, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front who is over 1000 years old, believes that the dynasty has become so powerful that they are daunting.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty believes that it is time to terminate the covenant."

Swinburne Rafi returned to the capital temporarily because of the sub-dragon matter, and made a suggestion to the king: "Throughout the ages, the weak have joined forces to attack the strong, and the strong have continued to destroy the weak. Now I think that although the Holy Dynasty is in line with the economic and industrial aspects The empire and even the big countries on the mainland are far apart, but their force is already much higher than ours, and it will be disadvantageous for us to continue to make the dynasty bigger than us."

"A bunch of nonsense."

A lieutenant general of the silver fox species stood up and denied: "Although the dynasty has a history of ten thousand years, it is only a small border country in terms of its current comprehensive national strength. It would be a big deal to put them in a higher position than the empire and us."

"You are as short-sighted as your ancestors."

Swinburne Lafite cast a disdainful glance at the silver fox species known as 'Smart General': "The dynasty doesn't need to look at the comprehensive national strength, you still don't understand the reason why they are truly qualified to surpass all the countries on the continent ? The combination of the No.1 general in the mainland and the number one master in the mainland is the reason why the Dynasty is overtaking us."

"The power of one person?"

"It's the power of one person!"

Swinburne Raffi's eyes flickered with fear: "The shield in the left hand and the spear in the right, even if the Holy Dragon Kingdom of the United Kingdom was wiped out within three months, they would still be defeated in 27 hours. The strength of these two people is beyond your power at all. imagination."


Angry lion, the king of the Freedom Alliance made a voice: "It is still too early to draw conclusions. I think we should look at the direction of the empire's war situation first. If the empire turns the tide, we will continue to maintain the covenant. If the empire loses, we will temporarily withdraw our troops. Withdraw from the chaotic eastern battlefield and wait for the situation to become a little clearer before making another decision."

"Your Majesty is wise."

The Liberty League issued an order to stand still.

They have completely lost their comprehension of the war situation in the East. Whether it is the Holy Dynasty, the Empire, or the new Holy Dragon Kingdom, one counts as the other, and every battle shown is at the level of monsters.This made them feel that the east of the Jialan Continent is simply a dead end. If they accidentally make a wrong step, they may be dragged into the water.

The Liberty Alliance stopped all wars and entered the spectator period.

Like the Liberty Alliance, the countries in the mainland are also unable to see the current situation clearly. The Holy Dragon Kingdom is like a crap stick stirring up the originally clear situation in the mainland into chaos, so they can only learn from the Liberty Alliance and stop. All external actions.

The world focuses on Empire.

Including Vega, the mainland has fallen into a strange period of peace, and they are looking forward to the next war between the empire and the Holy Dragon Kingdom.

The next battle will also directly prove whether the Holy Dynasty defeated the Holy Dragon Kingdom by virtue of a moment of luck, or whether its strength has really become so strong that they can't understand it with their eyes.

Now, the pressure came to Empire.

The empire made every effort to turn the tide, and it was expected that the 50 dragon army would be wiped out later.

It's a pity that this is not a myth after all. How can there be so many miracles in the world? It is more of a cold reality. In the end, the empire failed to stand up like a hero to replace humans and the mainland countries to tell the Holy Dragon Kingdom that they have committed crimes against me. Those who pay in blood.

The result of this war is.

Shenglong Kingdom regained the self-confidence lost on the dynasty front, and made great strides forward, becoming more and more courageous with each battle.

In contrast, the empire lost the morale of the return of the king, was defeated and defeated, and lost most of the northwest. It is simply that the Baya Principality did not stab the knife in the back at this time, otherwise the empire would continue to lose the northeastern region dominated by Kareni. After that, it will lose the northwest direction headed by Halsh City.

even so.

The situation in the northwest of the empire was also precarious.

According to the development of this battle situation, within a month, the entire northwest will fall.

(End of this chapter)

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