Mage Veja

Chapter 60 Cannon Fodder

Chapter 60 Cannon Fodder

the next day.

After Vega took his subordinates to complete the handover of the task of guarding the sentry tower, they came to the 4th regiment's station.

The 4th Regiment belongs to the 2nd Brigade and is a brother unit of the 3rd Regiment where Vega is.

But the 4th regiment is different from the 3rd regiment. They are real cannon fodder troops. Compared with the 3rd regiment, their combat effectiveness is not at the same level. It is a large reinforcement regiment.

The 4th regiment was one of the small number of cannon fodder regiments that had not yet withdrawn to Kareni.

Their main tasks now are guerrilla warfare, reconnaissance, patrol, logistics... As for the original fixed garrison tasks, they have been handed over to other backbone forces.Therefore, the 4th Regiment has fixed guerrilla mission indicators every month. If the corresponding indicators are not completed, the top commander of the army needs to be punished accordingly.

Originally, this was a good job, because the guerrilla mission was not much different from the white-handed military exploits.

But today is different.

The first is because the security level of the United Kingdom continues to increase, and the probability of professionals in the enemy's outpost has also increased significantly. The second is because of the uproarious incident of the kingdom's mages hunting down the empire's professionals a few days ago.

Unfortunately, their 4th regiment was the hardest hit area.

Although the Kingdom Army also lost a large number of magicians, it was actually a big loss for the Kingdom Army. After all, magicians are much more valuable than professionals, but their 4 regiments lost 55% of the professionals.

In terms of the degree of misfortune, the 4th regiment can be said to be the most in the whole army.

The cannon fodder has always been born by stepmothers, so it's fine if the compensation from above is delayed, but now they are required to complete a fixed monthly target, which is why Keel borrows people everywhere.

Although it is wrong to gloat, Vega is sincerely grateful to the mages of the Kingdom Army. If the 4th Regiment hadn't lost half of its professionals, it might not be his turn to join the 4th Regiment to participate in guerrilla missions.

Especially at this stage.

There is a high probability that there are professionals in the enemy's sentry tower, which means that he has a great chance to take advantage of this guerrilla mission to directly increase his mental power to the level of a level 1 mage, or even higher.


In Vega's view, not becoming a magician is the real danger. He doesn't think it's an accident that the kingdom sends magicians to hunt and kill professionals. Just because he was lucky once doesn't mean he can be lucky a second time.

"Stop coming."

An abrupt voice interrupted Vega's thoughts.

Two soldiers wearing military uniforms but without military rank held long guns and stopped Vega at the gate of the 4th regiment's garrison.

One of the soldiers glanced at Veija's military rank and medal, but he didn't have much respect in his eyes, and he didn't salute Veigar. Instead, he said with a disdainful attitude: "This is the station of the 7nd Brigade and 2th Regiment of the 4th Division of the Third Army. Regimental troops cannot enter."

"We belong to the third regiment, and we are a unit seconded by the head of your regiment to assist in guerrilla missions. This is a secondment letter." Vega handed over a document stamped by the regiment headquarters.

The two did not take the documents.

Another soldier snorted and said, "Sir, we are not formal soldiers who have graduated from the boot camp, nor are we the backbone of the army who have undergone systematic training. Are you trying to deliberately make things difficult for us to be illiterate?"

Veigar frowned.

Although he had long heard that the cannon fodder troops had little organization and discipline at all, and they didn't know a word about the military laws and regulations of the empire, but he never thought that they would be so disorganized and undisciplined.If this is put in wartime, it will delay the military plane, even if ten heads are not enough to lose.

Probably this is the fearlessness of the ignorant.

Veija didn't care about it. After all, beating a dog depends on the owner: "Then please help me to report to the head of your group, saying that Vega from the 3rd regiment came at the appointment, or find someone who can read and write to confirm the documents."

"The head is the one we want to see?"

The first soldier held his toes high and proudly: "Besides, we are all 'cannon fodder' here. Where can we find literate people?"

Another soldier echoed: "I see that you have made it clear that you are occupying the status of the backbone of the army and deliberately embarrassing our cannon fodder troops. Let me tell you, don't think that the backbone of the army is great. You are just lucky."


The adjutant roared and pointed his spear at the two of them directly: "As a soldier, don't you have the most basic respect for the superior officer? If you don't report what you know, won't you be afraid of being sent to a military court if you delay the military plane?"


Following the action of the adjutant, Veigar's company all raised their weapons and aimed at the two of them.

The master humiliated the subject to death, and when the chief was insulted, the loyalty of the subordinates to Vega made them unable to help raising the weapons in their hands.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The expression of the first soldier changed, and even his voice trembled a little.

The second soldier was even more unbearable. He was frightened by the weapons of more than 100 people and retreated again and again. He staggered and sat on the ground, where he was still aggressive before.


Vega's subordinates burst into laughter, and the faces of the two soldiers of the 4th Regiment were blue and white, looking quite embarrassed, but they didn't dare to confront Vega and the others again, apparently quite frightened.

"All stop."

Although Veija looks down on the two soldiers who bully the weak and fear the strong, he still has to do the superficial work: "We are here to assist the guerrilla mission, not to find fault with the 4th regiment, let's see what you all look like, bully the two cannon fodder, ahem... ... feel honored?"


Everyone said yes, but they still stared fiercely at the two soldiers who were scared out of their wits by a slight fright.

Veiga saw that the heat was almost ready, so he handed over the secondment letter again: "Can you confirm the secondment letter for us now?"

"No, no problem."

The first soldier took the secondment letter tremblingly: "I suddenly remembered that I received basic education when I was a child, and I can still read the language of the motherland. This secondment letter has been confirmed to be correct. Sir, you can go straight and turn right to report to the personnel department. "

"Thanks for the answer, soldier."

Veigar took back the secondment book, then waved his hand: "Everyone, move on."

Da da da.

This time Veigar's troops were unimpeded, and the two soldiers said nothing more.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is the consistent style of the cannon fodder troops. Most of the soldiers here don't pay attention to the so-called military regulations.And the higher authorities are too lazy to pursue the responsibility of the cannon fodder troops. Anyway, they don't dare to find fault with the backbone troops.

That's why.

The cannon fodder troops have become a collection of inferiority complexes. They are crazily envious and jealous of the soldiers who come out of the backbone troops and boot camps, but they only dare to talk and use fake tricks. Once they realize that the other party is stronger than themselves Will be beaten back to its original shape in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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