Mage Veja

Chapter 605 Confrontation Again

Chapter 605 Confrontation Again
The name of the city is Andiachi.

It used to be called the City of Oasis because it was full of vitality, quiet and peaceful, but now it has another name, the City of War.

The army of the city of war must like war, the civilians of the city of war must believe in war, the main theme of the city of war must also be war, and war is for victory, so as a member of the city of war, even if you die in battle, you cannot take a step back.

The words "City of War" have penetrated into everyone's bone marrow.

When 150 million soldiers left the city of war and took the initiative to attack the flying dragon army of the holy dragon country, they already held the belief that there would be no return, because behind them was the city of war, and they could not tarnish this glorious name.

Da da da--

The ground is trembling, the wind is howling.

The vanguard army was 20, the two wings totaled 60, and the main force was 70. The imperial army formed more than a dozen phalanxes and advanced rapidly under Escal's command, while Vega was not with Escal.

He took the army one step ahead, and secretly went around to the rear of the dragon army.

In this war, the Imperial Army is still the protagonist, while Veigar's army is responsible for supporting and containing.

To put it simply, when the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was exhausted and wanted to slow down, Vega was responsible for blocking their retreat and preventing them from leaving the battlefield.

"Excuse me, Your Highness, why did you accept this thankless task?"

Ocasos, the star mage, did not understand Vega's intentions: "It is clear that the imperial army allowed us to garrison in the city of Andyaki. If you take the initiative to lead the army to take charge of this task, doesn't it mean that our army will suffer losses in vain?"

indeed so.

The empire has 150 million troops. As long as the soldiers don't flee without authorization, it is easy to contain the 50 troops of the Holy Dragon Kingdom for six hours. There are even extra troops going around to the rear to contain and harvest the flying dragon army that wants to retreat.

But Vega took the initiative to be taken advantage of.

Many military officers can't understand this, and they are not charitable organizations.

Vega did not answer directly, but asked instead: "What do you think is the most important weapon against the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom?"

Okasos pondered for a while and said, "Probably... morale?"

"That's right, it's morale."

Vega nodded and said: "As long as the soldiers no longer fear the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom and do not take a step back in the unilateral massacre in the early stage, then we will surely win in the later stage. The decisive factor in this is morale."

"I still don't understand what this has to do with us taking the initiative to undertake this task." Okasos said with a frown.

"How can I increase morale?"

Vega said self-consciously: "Victory, only with continuous victories can we continuously cultivate self-confidence. Now our army has defeated the Holy Dragon Kingdom once, but this is not enough. It has not really made our army aware of the Holy Dragon Kingdom. Dragon Kingdom is actually not scary at all, so I took the initiative to take this task."

"I see."

Ocasus suddenly realized.

When the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was exhausted by the empire in the front, and when they lost their magic defense and wanted to escape, they could rush out from behind to stop them. At this time, the soldiers of the Holy Dragon Kingdom had become ordinary people and wanted to slaughter them There is no difficulty at all.

Just slaughter the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom one more time.

Then it is foreseeable that the fifty armies of Vega will no longer have any fear of the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom, and even think that they can defeat these armies 100%, so that in future battles, they will not have to worry about soldiers Be timid because of lack of morale, or because of fear.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

Self-confidence is always the focus of an army's need to be cultivated.

And with such a large-scale action by the Imperial Army, it is impossible for the Flying Dragon Legion of the Holy Dragon Kingdom to fail to receive news.

When Augustus, the head of the Flying Dragon Legion, received the information, he even thought that the soldiers were joking with him, because as a party that had lost consecutive battles, how could he have the courage to take the initiative to attack him.

"Is this true?"

"It's true."

A division commander stepped forward and said: "Although I don't know why the imperial army has the courage to attack us, this is good news for us. After all, the walls of the city of oasis are still difficult to break through. Now the enemy has given up its defense on its own initiative. City, I believe that after today, the entire Northwest will be under our control."

"Since the information is confirmed to be correct, please prepare yourself." Augustus gave the order to prepare for the war.

"Master Legion, don't worry, we can fight at any time."

Several officers did not have a sense of urgency for war: "From the United Kingdom to the Empire, human beings are still the same as before the war of the gods. As long as our offensive is strong enough, we can easily defeat them."

"Still don't take it lightly."

Augustus exhorted, and said no more.

Because he also thinks that the empire is jumping over the wall in a hurry, and is ready to fight to the death.

However, Augustus felt that the nature of the country could not be changed. Since so many wars, human beings are greedy for life and afraid of death.In order to be able to survive, for their own benefit, they can even do things like betray their own kind. How could this bloodless race be the opponent of their sub-dragon species?
Just like an army that has lost consecutive battles will become more and more cautious.

An army that has won consecutive battles will inevitably develop a sense of pride.

Although Shenglong Kingdom attached great importance to this war at the beginning, but today, the continuous victories have already made them feel proud, and it is inevitable that they will underestimate their opponents under such circumstances.

Therefore, the Holy Dragon Kingdom focused on the imperial army, but did not notice that Vega had already circled behind.

The tragedy of the city of ice and fire in the dynasty is repeating itself.

When the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom confronted the Imperial Army, the first thing that happened was a one-sided massacre.

The Imperial Army suffered heavy losses.

Since the terrain here is not suitable for tug-of-war, in less than an hour in the frontal battle, more than [-] soldiers were lost, while the army of the Holy Dragon Kingdom was almost intact.

If it is normal.

With the loss of so many troops, the imperial army is bound to flee on a large scale.

But not this time.

Because they came from the city of war, they have no way out!

One after another, the soldiers of the Empire are delaying time with their lives.

So three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The senior officers of the Flying Dragon Corps, who were looking down at the overall situation with contemptuous eyes, began to feel that something was wrong.

In this war, why didn't the imperial army flee as imagined?
(End of this chapter)

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